War God Supreme

Chapter 2399: Strengthening

Qianyan Shengyi first weight-no trace.

When in use, one of the blades above the Qianyan Saint Wing turned into an invisible and instantly killed the opponent.

The wind blade has no whereabouts, no trajectory, and there is no slight fluctuation in space, just like it will not leave a trace in space and time, so it is called space and time.

It is invisible and invisible for the controller to use this trick.

Invincible, is a terrifying killer.

Even if the opponent knows that you have Qianyan Holy Wing, you can't find how to resist it.

With the improvement of the consciousness, the more wind blades are used. When reaching the fourth level, the thousands of wind blades on the Qianyan Holy Wing attack at the same time, and the power is terrifying.

There is Qianyan Saint Wing, one of the ten saints in charge of this master, sweeping invincibility of the same rank.

Moreover, Qianyan Shengyi also has a major function, that is, defense. When encountering an opponent's attack, it can be resisted by Qianyan Shengyi, which can offset most of the enemy's attacks.

It can make the body speed tear the space, surpass the speed of the teleport, although it cannot reach the speed of light, it is not far behind.


With a light drink, Qianyan Shengyi disappeared and entered Li Lingtian's body, becoming a small bone of Li Lingtian and a part of his body.

Putting Qianyan Shengyi away, Li Lingtian's mouth had a faint smile.

For half a year, Qianyan Shengyi was finally mastered.

Now, there are a total of five moves to control the fifth floor of the attack, and the first weight of Qianyan Shengyi, he is finally a real master, and his power is terrifying.

Next, Li Lingtian's refining rules Shengjing.

The chance of the five refining rules of the Holy Crystal, if successful, will be able to achieve the ten major fulfillment of the rule and impact the star rating.

Now, all he has to do is to achieve a star rating.

As for the law of space-time and the law of five elements, he doesn't care anymore. He only waits until the star rating to find a way to upgrade the law of space-time and the law of five elements to the great consummation and become the source of power.

Shengjing, the law of refining, made Li Lingtian unexpectedly smooth.

Originally, the law had eightfolds, the two law sacred crystals made the law tenth, and the third law sacred crystal failed. This is an expected thing, because the law sacred crystal cannot change the law into its original power.

Although the third rule of the Holy Crystal failed, he reached his tenth peak and fulfilled his rule, and it was only one step away from the power of impacting the source.

Li Lingtian is 100% sure of the power of impacting the source.

Because, when he was the king, he already had the original idea, and when he was a god, he refined a lot of the original idea and the power of the original source and practiced in the black and white world for thousands of years.

The source power in the body is already very pure, as long as it is impacted, it can be successful, as long as it reaches a star, the source power can reach an unimaginable level of stellar first-order terror.

However, Li Lingtian has no plans to hit the star rating.

Rather, he intends to settle for a period of time in the star. He wants to master the starry sky, so that it will be easier for him to practice in the future.


Taihe Palace

Li Lingtian looked relaxed, with a faint smile on his lips.

Walking leisurely, admiring the scenery inside the palace.

The scent of birds and flowers, the lush greenery of the trees, the rich source power and the power of the stars form a faint mist, which makes the palace as beautiful as a fairyland and makes people feel happy.

The ten major principles of the rule are consummated, and there is even greater tension in the starry sky.

The power of the stars and the power of the source are deposited in the body, just waiting for the moment of eruption.


At this time, a cold voice that refused to be heard for thousands of miles sounded, but when Li Lingtian heard it, it was sweet and gentle, because he was used to it.

Master Sister Hanshuang Palace, cold and clear, rejected thousands of miles away, absolutely beautiful.

But he was very gentle to him. After becoming Li Lingtian's wife, Li Lingtian could not feel a little cold, but only gentle.

"Sister Master."

Li Lingtian turned around and watched Lord Frost Palace step by step.

The sky blue robe, with a whisk in his hand, is completely a goddess who can not climb the sacred and cannot be offended.

When the Lord Frost Palace arrived, Li Lingtian reached out and took the slender jade hand of the Lord Frost Palace. He gently took the Lord Frost Palace over. The Lord Frost Palace did not refuse in the slightest, and his face was full of gentle happiness. Color.

After 20 million years, even if he became a husband and wife, he is still used to calling her a master sister.

"What happened to your starry sky?"

"Looking at your current strength, it is possible to impact the star rating at any time."

Lord Hanshuang Palace looked up at Li Lingtian and asked softly.

The star rating is very important for a strong man.

Only when you become a constant star, can you be considered a strong man, be able to use the power of the source, control the powerful source soldier, and achieve the star rating, no matter where you are, you can survive.

"The starry sky is incomparable, and it has become formal."

"Wait for a while, I will break through the stars."

"In the past few days, I am practicing and practicing the second weight of Qianyan Saint Wing. When I reach the star rating, plus the second weight of Qianyan Saint Wing, even if I meet the super star power, there will be a battle. force."

"You are not far from the star rating. After a while, after I reach the star rating, I will go to the heavenly world. I just want to discuss this with you."

Li Lingtian looked at Han Frost Palace Master tenderly, and gently stroked the three thousand green silk in the palm of his hand.

Speaking slowly, he repeated his situation and plans.

He had already thought about it. After a while, he broke through the realm and became a strong star, and then went to the heaven and earth world to prepare for the battle of the Yulong Holy Alliance.

The Yulong Shengmeng is the pinnacle of human existence in the Yulong Empire and should be related to the Yulong Empire.

When you come to the universe, you want strength but no strength, you have to rely on the mountain and not the mountain.

If you can enter the Jade Dragon Holy Alliance and become a member of the Jade Dragon Holy Alliance, you will not be alone if you walk in the universe in the future.

In the universe, loose repair is the most difficult to survive.

Three gangs for one friend, one more way for one more friend.

The enemy knows that you are a casual practitioner, can bully you casually, and kills you without any worries. If you know that you are a super power, there are some worries when dealing with you.

Things gather in groups~www.wuxiaspot.com~ People are divided into groups. If you want to have higher achievements, you need a variety of information, exchange between each other, and whether there is communication.

One can never be the strongest.

"Although I and Mingyue both have to enter the star rating, it is not a matter of time."

"There are not many dangers in the Celestial World. I and Mingyue and I will not go. You went to the Celestial World to take care of yourself and be careful."

The Frost Palace Master said.

He didn't want to go to Tianling World with Li Lingtian.

She knows that although she and Nangong Mingyue's cultivation practices are good, compared with Li Lingtian, the difference is not a little bit. If they are in danger in the heavenly world, they can only drag Li Lingtian.

Rather than this, it is better to wait for Li Lingtian to return safely in the Holy City.

Moreover, she did not think about going to join the battle of the Yulong Shengmeng, these things, Li Lingtian alone will do. (To be continued.)

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