War God Supreme

Chapter 2426: easy

This has already been regarded as important to him. Two fifth-order primitive soldiers are used together, and the power is not as simple as one plus one and two.

One left and one right, two source magic soldiers, destroying the source erupted from two long swords.

Two majestic powers of destruction, like two tornadoes, soar into the sky.

Yu Zicang's original source soldiers suddenly waved, and the dragon opened his mouth wide, and a water column spewed out.

Chu Yu's two original sinks in his hand quickly cut a cross and bombarded the water column.

Although this water column is said to be huge, it lacks offensiveness and only has a certain impact, which is impossible.

When Chu Yu's cross-cut broke out, he quickly made a fierce collision with the water column, after one face to face.

The water column immediately spread to the surroundings, like rain, the cross cut continued to hit the dragon.

Yu Zicang was taken aback, the power that Chu Yu exploded at random, even smashed his water column directly.

He thought that dealing with the stellar sixth-order powerhouse was just a matter of hand, and it was not the case.

"Very good, only this is interesting!"

Yu Zicang shouted, and the original source of the soldiers in his hand, throwing into the sky, rushed into the dragon, and immediately became one with the dragon.

The momentum emanating from the dragon changes rapidly and is much stronger.

The huge dragon head rushed directly to Chu Yu's cross.


The shattered voice was remembered from midair, and the cross cut immediately disappeared.

The dragon is safe and sound, like a real beast, very brave.

Chu Yu finally used his strongest attack and thundered in nine days.

After the sword mands emerged and destroyed, hundreds of sword mansions formed a sword formation, and the two swords were thrown away, quickly covering the dragon.

From the offensive, Hundred Dao destroyed Jianmang and rushed to Yu Zicang.

When Li Lingtian saw that Chu Yu had used nine days of thunder and thunder, he had no interest in looking down.

Although this dragon is extremely powerful, but these nine days of thunder and thunder have become powerful, even if he dare not directly collide with it directly.

The power to destroy the source is incomparably powerful, and with this powerful sword array, Yu Zicang has already lost.

And when Chu Yu used nine days of thunder and thunder, Yu Zicang was also a little panicked.

He is not stupid and can feel the power contained in it, which is not like an attack that a stellar sixth-order powerhouse can launch.

He clearly felt that he might not be the opponent of this sword array. At this time, there was no way to do it, and he had to push his head with his scalp.

The original power in the body is instilled into the dragon.

The dragon's body swayed, and the strength it showed could not be underestimated.

But these hundred swordsman's swordsmanship fell to the sky, and the power erupted in the dragon was like a child's play.



The sword-mans bombarded the dragon, and a continuous loud noise erupted, and the originally complete dragon collapsed in an instant.

The dragon immediately turned into a drop of water and landed from the sky.

Chu Yushuangjian returned to his hand and landed slowly on the ground.

Looking at Yu Zicang who was still in panic, he sneered and said, "Is there any more powerful means? If that is all, then your head today might be handed over here."

Yu Zicang's full strength has exploded, and this dragon has broken, and for him, the victory has been divided.

Looking at Chu Yu as if effortless, his heart was frightened and his face pale.

In this spirit world, two people are fighting, the winner is the king, the loser is the soul of death, and there is only one way to die.

Obviously, he is not Chu Yu's opponent, so he trembles, fears, and all negative emotions come out of his heart.

Yu Zicang looked at Chu Yu and forced himself to calm down. He looked at Chu Yu and said, "Very good, very strong, just like today."

Turning around and leaving, Chu Yu snorted and shouted, "Stop!"

Yu Zicang's face shook, and he couldn't leave completely after all.

Li Lingtian also came over, then looked at Yu Zicang and said, "What are you doing in a hurry? Haven't you just spoken out loud?"

Yu Zicang calmed his emotions, turned around, looked at Chu Yu and Li Lingtian and said: "Don't think I'm afraid of you, but I feel that it is not easy to cultivate to such a level, and I don't want you to die."

Chu Yu and Li Lingtian glanced at each other, and they both showed helpless smiles.

This is an obvious victory and defeat, and it will be so distorted to speak.

Chu Yu approached step by step, walked over, and said: "Don't say that, you still let me die, how can you beat our arrogant heart when you click it?"

Yu Zicang's body shook, and he really didn't plan to let him go, facing the pressure of the two.

Finally made a plan, turned around and immediately fled behind, the fire was fully on.

Li Lingtian and Chu Yu directly caught up, Li Lingtian directly used the God of Extinction. Hurricane, and Chu Yu's boots blessed his feet.

The speed of the two doubled, like a meteor, chasing away.

Yu Zicang originally thought that this strength was not as good as it might be because the original source soldier was not as good as the opponent. This speed should be better.

But when he felt the speed of Li Lingtian and Chu Yu, he found himself too naive.

"Ah!" Yu Zicang said bitterly and continued to flee.

Between breathing, Chu Yu and Li Lingtian both caught up with Yu Zicang.

The two moved with one body, directly blocking Yu Zicang's side, the original power surged on the fist, his arms were back, and the fists suddenly bombarded.

Like two artillery shells, the fist wind roared and the bombardment lay on Zicang's chest.

Chu Yu's fifth-order primitive warrior suddenly attacked and attacked with Li Lingtian's fist.

The bombardment rested on Zicang and flew away with a muffled sound.

The killing intention broke out in Chu Yu's eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ said coldly: "I still want to run, it's naive!"

The two chased away, and Yu Zicang hurriedly stabilized himself in the air.

But this is that the two have chased again, extermination. Purple electricity has appeared in the palm, the power of thunder and lightning surge.

He directly picked it up, and blood shed from the corner of Yu Zicang's mouth.

Li Lingtian extinguishes the flame. The flame erupts directly.

The moment the flaming swordmand appeared, the surrounding temperature rose immediately, and the fire creatures were all in the swordmand.

It cuts through the void, burns everything, and has a sharp speed.

Yu Zicang finally found that while he underestimated Chu Yu, he also underestimated Li Lingtian. The two of them walked with each other. Sure enough, their strength would not be too different. This Li Lingtian's strength was indeed very powerful.

There are too many second-order strongs beyond the star, and the difference between the sky and the sky, this flaming sword, has caused him great terror. (To be continued.)

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