War God Supreme

Chapter 2460: Treasure News

The brawny man hurried to tell the truth. It turned out that the news was that Mu Shaoyun walked a half year ago.

It is said that there is a tremendous treasure at the burial cliff. There is a treasure map, which is missing. If you get it, you can find Mu Shaoyun for a chaotic treasure.

It has been clearly stated that there is a shocking treasure, Master Mu's master said that shocking heaven, how could it be a chaotic treasure.

If you get it, you will definitely not take it out. This is just a gimmick from Mu Shaoyun's walk, but it is still of interest to everyone.

Therefore, during the past six months, as long as the powerful people from all over the world of the spirit world get the news, they will find the burial cliff.

But for half a year, there has been no news, and those who went to explore have found nothing.

But that's it, there are still a lot of people waiting for it.

The strong man in front of him is one of them. Li Lingtian and Chu Yu have heard this and are caught in thought. The less people know this, the safer it is.

If Mu Shaoyun was really thorny, he could walk the news two years ago, but the news of the treasure came only half a year ago, and its purpose is not known.

Li Lingtian's feet let go of the strong man, and the original power in the body also retreated.

The strong man stood up, and the color of a dove broke out in his eyes, and he didn't know when he would have an extra fifth-order source soldier in his hand.

Shout: "Go step on your grandpa and die!"

In the hands of the fifth-order primitive soldier, he directly attacked Li Lingtian.

At such a close distance, the strong man thought that Li Lingtian could never avoid it. I saw Li Lingtian's body gliding backwards, and his speed was so fast that he avoided it.

The strong man failed in one blow, and immediately started a second blow. The original power in the body exploded, and the giant axe in his hand bombarded Li Lingtian's head.

The height of nearly three meters is indeed menacing, but Li Lingtian does not care.

The body rose into the sky, the Wuyue God broke out, and five dark mountains appeared above the strong man's head. The terror and coercion immediately crushed away.

The giant axe in the hands of the strong man directly bombarded Wuyue, and this powerful source of strength instilled in it.


Only listening to the violent vibration, Wu Yue stood still.

Li Lingtian continued to control Wuyue and pressured away, when Chu Yu's Xuan Bing Sheng Fan appeared in his hand.

A huge ice thorn appeared in the air, Chu Yu suddenly fanned the Xuanbing Holy Fan, and the ice thorn directly bombarded away.

The strong man was still dealing with Wuyue, and he didn't care about Chu Yu at all.

But when I felt the power of the black ice attached to the ice thorn, it was too late to avoid it, and this huge ice thorn penetrated directly into the body.

At this moment, the strength of the strong man's origin has collapsed, Li Lingtian did not hesitate, Wuyue banged, and hit the strong man's body fiercely.

In front of the hugeness of Wuyue, this strong man was like a child, struck fiercely three times in a row, and whistled.

Killing such a strong eighth-order star really does not bring any interest. This is different from the eighth-order star Lei Yunfei.

The difference between them is too great. After all, the four evils are not so cohesive, and Chaos Arcana is not good to own.

Dealing with the strong man, Li Lingtian and the two continued to march towards the cliff of Burying Heaven. During the journey, Li Lingtian asked: "Brother Chu, you said this news about Mu Shaoyun, walking the treasure, is it to lead us out."

Chu Yu nodded and said: "Accurately speaking, it should be to lead out the parchment."

Li Lingtian asked curiously: "How strong is Mu Shaoyun?"

"This Mu Shaoyun is not as old as me, but his strength is far better than mine. I met it once in the family communication many years ago. That year was also the fourth star of the star. In one move, he beat me!"

Chu Yu said that at this moment, it was bitter.

In Li Lingtian's mind, Chu Yu is also outstanding, and it is regarded as an innate talent. This sixth-order star can deal with the eighth-order strong star. As long as it is not Lei Yunfei's metamorphosis, there is no problem.

But I never thought that this is so much different from the strength of Mu Shaoyun, who is also a fourth-order star. Li Lingtian knew that Chu Yu was not too weak, but Mu Shaoyun was too strong.

Chu Yu continued: "When I met for the second time, I was still the fourth-order star. He was already a strong fifth-order star. When I saw him for the third time, I finally reached the fifth-order star. When raising his eyebrows, Mu Shaoyun was already a seventh-order strong star."

Sure enough, there is no harm without comparison. For others, Chu Yu's talent is different, but for Mu Shaoyun's evildoers, Chu Yu is even an ordinary person.

Li Lingtian looked at Chu Yu, now the sixth-order star, and asked, "Then Mu Shaoyun at this time should have the strength of the ninth-order star!"

"Yes, this year before I entered the heavenly world, I heard my father say that Mu Shaoyun has broken through to the ninth stellar star and is by far the most evil person of the Mu family." When Chu Yu said, Slightly helpless.

The only thing in this family is to compare with each other. This Chu Yu is obviously unsatisfactory in this respect.

Li Lingtian can hear from this that Mu Shaoyun is very abnormal and has reached a certain level. If he becomes a strong star of the ninth order of the star, he is definitely the best among the star of the ninth order.

This Mu Shaoyun was not a single force. At that time, there were two brothers, Mu Yongfei and Mu Yonglin, and there must be other Mu family forces.

Otherwise, in this celestial world of Nuo Da, wanting to spread a message, a person's ability, is simply a delusion.

In this case, it is even more difficult to deal with, but Li Lingtian knows that this is interesting. The world without the strong is lonely.

Li Lingtian patted Chu Yu on the shoulder and said: "Don't remember, let's go is Mu Shaoyun! Let's die him!"

Chu Yu looked at Li Lingtian~www.wuxiaspot.com~ remembered Li Lingtian's posture of war on that day. Under that state, he could kill Lei Yunfei.

Chaos is the treasure, the world's treasures are endless, and now the power is greatly increased, and it is also necessary to deal with Mu Shaoyun.

An unconscious smile appeared on his face, and his eyebrows were trembling, slightly frivolous.

Li Lingtian stepped back and looked at Chu Yu, full of precautions.

Chu Yuzhi said: "In order to get the treasure in the parchment, it is inevitable that the Mu family and the Xuanmen, this Mu family has walked the news, it shows the will to get, so this Mu Shaoyun we will sooner or later Will run into it."

Li Lingtian naturally knew that he was ready in his heart and said to Chu Yu: "Relax, the soldiers will cover up the water and the earth. Mu Shaoyun is just the ninth order of the star, but it is so."

Chu Yu thought, did Li Lingtian have a stronger card? It would be so confident.

As everyone knows, Li Lingtian is only comforting Chu Yu. In the face of such evildoers, he does not have much confidence (to be continued.)

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