War God Supreme

Chapter 2504: Treasure Map Fragment

The remaining seven giant beasts are relatively powerful ones, the most powerful of which is an ice wolf, the power of the black ice that this ice wolf erupts.

Able to pass Tianzhu, although it can only be frozen for a short time, it will be broken by Tongtianzhu.

However, the strength of Tongtianzhu can be frozen at will.

Therefore, it is very powerful to be able to freeze the Tongtianzhu. This ice wolf is headed and attacks the Tongtianzhu. Each time the Tongtianzhu is frozen.

The Devouring Beasts by this side will break through the sky pillar. The cooperation of these two giant beasts is really good.

For Li Lingtian, the strong broken Tongtianzhu is also very expensive.

So this must first deal with this ice wolf, this ice wolf's freezing ability is very powerful.

Even if the extinct sword can be frozen, of course it can't be broken, but taking advantage of the frozen space, the ice wolf can escape.

The power of this ice wolf's Xuan Bing is the same as that of Chu Yu's Xuan Bing Sheng Fan.

The Phoenix Shadow appeared, Chu Yu fanned the Xuanbing Holy Fan crazy, and the power of Xuanbing hit the Phoenix Shadow.

The fastest speed is to complete the condensation of the ice phoenix, and the powerful power of the black ice explodes from the body of the ice phoenix.

Chu Yu’s mysterious fan of Xuanbing suddenly fluttered, and the ice phoenix flew towards the ice wolf, and the wings of the ice phoenix fluttered, bursting out of the ice blade, bombarding the ice wolf,

This ice phoenix is ​​naturally not as powerful as the ice wolf. The ice phoenix is ​​just the shadow of the phoenix. It was formed by the power of the black ice.

The ice wolf is an entity, and it is a giant monster of the ninth order of the star. This ice phoenix is ​​naturally not an opponent of the ice wolf.

But the unexpected appeared suddenly, this ice wolf would retreat unconsciously when he saw Bingfeng,

This is obviously afraid, Li Lingtian finally knows why, this ice phoenix is ​​formed by the Phoenix shadow.

Among the Phoenix Shadows, there are Bingfeng's souls, all of which are giants of the ice system. This Bingfeng's soul is still there, which is an oppression for this ice wolf.

So one thing goes one thing, that's the case. Although the ice phoenix at this time is not as powerful as this ice wolf, but this soul suppresses it, so that the ice wolf dare not take action on the ice phoenix.

The thin dead camel is also bigger than the horse. This is the reason, after Li Lingtian knows this.

Immediately attack the ice wolf, and at the same time said to Chu Yu: "You control the ice phoenix, build momentum, do not really attack, do not let the ice phoenix break."

Chu Yu is naturally not stupid. He already feels that this ice phoenix has caused the ice wolf to cause some fear.

Controlling this ice phoenix caused a certain level of shock to the ice wolf. The ice wolf bypassed the ice phoenix, bursting into shocking ice thorns, and began to bombard Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian runs the Seven Nine Destroyer Sword Array to break the huge ice thorn!



A loud noise erupted from it, and Jianmang and Icicle caused a huge noise. Jianmang completely shattered all the ice spikes from this ice wolf.

Immediately after the direct ice wolf directly encircled the suppression, Bingfeng caused some threat to it.

Throughout the sky, the ice wolves were encircled and suppressed, and the seventy-nine out of the sky formations directly caused a strong attack on the ice wolves.

Millions of swordsmanship bombarded the ice wolf, and the ice wolf exploded with the power of the black ice, which was shrouded by the sword territory and broken!

This ice wolf was shot and killed by millions of swordsmans directly, and turned to cooperate with Chu Yu's ice phoenix to kill the nearest giant of the ice wolf.

The cooperation between the Seven Nine Destroyer Sword Array and the Great Sky Array is incomparable tacit understanding. In addition to the freezing power of the ice wind, it is still easy to deal with an ordinary star ninth-order beast.

There are still five giant beasts left, which is already out of climate, but Li Lingtian's source power is almost exhausted. This huge array of heavens really consumes the source power.

So there is no way, only to withdraw the Xuanjin Sky Armor, and the 108 Pillars will disappear.

These are indeed five giant beasts. It is really not necessary to use this huge array.

At the moment when the large array disappeared, the remaining five beasts attacked Li Lingtian.

Thunder Venerable and Yin Jun are also recovering, all attacking the remaining five giant beasts.

Li Lingtian's Seven Nine Destroyer Sword Array has also been withdrawn. Thirty-three refining the **** tower, running madly, expanding rapidly, suppressing all five monsters together.

Zhen Tianyin appeared in his hand, flipped his palm, shouted: "Town!"

Zhen Tianyin became bigger and bombarded it. Wan Tianyu's Jiutian Town Pagoda bombarded the past, directly bombarding a purple electric spray cloud beast.

Li Lingtian held the flame of extinction, and the original power was running. A blaze of flames was directly bombarded away. All the flames were all in the blaze of flames.

Very restrained, but immensely powerful, the flaming sword blasted directly towards the purple electric spray cloud beast.

The Jiutian Town Pagoda directly bombarded the body of the Purple EFI Cloud Beast, causing a huge shock.

Immediately afterwards was the blaze of flaming flames, which directly bombarded the body of the purple electric spray cloud beast, and the flame erupted, covering the huge body of the purple electric spray cloud beast.

The flaming sword blasted into the body of the purple EFI cloud beast. After a scream, the purple EFI cloud beast died directly.

Thunder Sovereign's chopper broke out, and the power of thunder and lightning flashed, quickly condensing a shadow of thunder and lightning, and a sudden wave, thunder and thunder lion directly bombarded.

The four evils of the Yinjun are in full swing, the four evils converge, and the wind monsters appear. Only the remaining four monsters bombard the past.

Chu Yu still had that ice phoenix, exuding the power of Xuan Bing, bombarding it, and Liu Banxian's blade of fate.

Everyone did the final attack, and spared no effort to break out a strong attack.

This is even more true of Li Lingtian. The remaining giant beasts are also not difficult. After ten minutes, only the golden python remains wwwwwwwuxiaspot.com With a huge snake tail, several people bombarded Li Lingtian.

All of Li Lingtian's attacks broke out, Qianyan Shengyi was only behind him, and Fengyan had been attacking the golden python.

Six people bombarded a giant beast, of course, not to mention it, and soon the golden python was already bruised.

After the bombardment of Li Lingtian's flaming sword, the body also burst out, with some fragrant smell.

Immediately afterwards, another flaming sword blasted away, directly cutting off the body of the golden python, and the breath of life dissipated.

At the moment of the golden python's life news, a huge flip happened between this heaven and earth, and the things that had just sunk to the ground were all born from above the ground.

All the stone dragon columns and the like appeared, as well as the Golden Dragon Chair, and the main hall suddenly fell down, and a piece of parchment slowly landed.

With a move in Li Lingtian's heart, there was indeed a harvest, and fragments of treasure maps. (To be continued.)

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