War God Supreme

Chapter 2547: Man in black

The black man's body floated, and in the midair, a huge attraction exploded in the body, and the blood on the ground instantly rose into the sky. ?????w?w?w?. ?


   is all surrounded by people in black, and through the clothes, all are absorbed by people in black.


  The blood in the bodies of two thousand people was all absorbed into his body, and the breath of the whole person was improved, more powerful than before.


   The body under the black robe seems to have swelled a bit. The body of the black man moved again and disappeared into the side hall again silently, as if it were really not human.


  Li Lingtian went out, but Liu Banxian couldn't settle down.


   was really a bit of a blow to him. After a while, Liu Banxian slowed down.


  Li Lingtian also felt strange. First of all, the person who disappeared was a big strange point.


  Li Lingtian felt that it would not work if he didn't understand. He looked at Chu Yu and said, "You take it here first, let me take a look!"


When    was talking, two people came out of the other side hall, and the two were considered individual.


   can live now, even if there was no organization when he came in, but now there is absolutely.


  It is really difficult to survive in the Dragon Temple.


   The two actually approached. Li Lingtian's five people, the side hall that just came out, Li Lingtian thought this was the right time.


  Liu Banxian also said: "Wait and see what they love!"


  Li Lingtian also intends to do the same. Both are stellar ninth-order strongmen, and their strength is not weak. The organs in the passage are naturally nothing for the two.


   Soon after, a scream broke out from the side hall.


  Li Lingtian frowned, thinking that there was a ghost, and said to Chu Yu several people: "You hold on, let me go and see first."


   Chu Yu directly said: "Forget it, it's really dangerous."


  Liu Banxian also said: "It's not safe. If they didn't have an accident just now, they are now dead."


  Li Lingtian had his own insistence and said, "As long as we are in the Tianlong Temple, we will definitely have to touch that day. We don't understand it, just avoiding is useless."


   Chu Yu knew Li Lingtian's temperament, he decided things, basically it is difficult to change.


   But it's really weird. Although Chu Yu knew Li Lingtian's power, he was still not at ease, so he said, "I will go with you, our brothers, we will die together!"


  Li Lingtian immediately stopped and said to Chu Yu: "I'm not going to die, I'm faster than you, I really encounter something, and I have the opportunity to run out, mainly to explore the situation, go back and go.",


  Chu Yu was not insisting. Li Lingtian was right, his speed and strength were stronger than him. If he did not encounter danger, then they were all happy.


  If he is really in danger, it is dangerous for Li Lingtian, he can just let Li Lingtian take care of him.


   This was to hinder Li Lingtian. Chu Yu wanted to open it, so he stopped sticking and said to Li Lingtian: "Be careful!"


   Li Lingtian entered the channel again. The lightning flashed in the channel. This is the organ of this channel, and it has no effect on the normal stellar ninth-order strongmen.


   Not to mention Li Lingtian, Li Lingtian walks very slowly in the passage, restoring his original strength as much as possible.


  Because he did not know, what crisis was waiting for him, the heart of the stars worked, absorbing the power of the source.


   The passageway was not very far away, so even though it was slowing down, it arrived quickly.


  Li Lingtian walked into the side hall, and immediately felt the wrong place. The place before this can be said to be bleeding into a river.


   But on this ground, there is no blood stain, disappeared without a trace.


   also did not find the two of them. The corpses on the ground, without any blood, have been absorbed.


   That's it, every corpse can't tell who it is.


   So those two are the two who have just come in, they can't see it at all.


   But with his amazing memory, Li Lingtian found the place where no corpse was placed before, but there was more at this time.


   happened to be two corpses. Li Lingtian turned over the corpses of the two, and the blood in the body was exhausted, but no blood could be seen on his body.


   This is a bit scary. You need to know that these two are stellar ninth-ranked strongmen and still have certain strength.


   Stellar ninth-order strongman, it is incredible to want to kill two star ninth-order strongmen directly.


  Li Lingtian's strength is also relatively strong. For ordinary star ninth-order strongmen, using the seven-nine extinction sword array can quickly kill, but if you want to kill in seconds, this is impossible.


  Not to mention two, one can't do it, and there are no wounds on his body, so he died.


  Li Lingtian had a strong curiosity about the person who started, and also had fear. Only a person with terrible strength can do this.


  Li Lingtian is full of precautions here. Obviously, his previous feelings are correct. There is indeed a person's breath.


   But just couldn't find this person, the five people had already searched for the partial temple, and they couldn't find it. This is another possession and terrifying hiding ability.


  Li Lingtian stood up, swept the entire side hall, and finally said: "I don't know, who is your Excellency?"


  Li Lingtian can feel that this person must absorb blood and be able to make his strength stronger.


   came in two people, directly killed, and completely absorbed the blood.


   But it turned out that they did not start against Li Lingtian. Li Lingtian believed that this hidden person, with terrifying strength, was definitely above the five of them.


  But don't do it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He came by himself, and didn't do it, which felt a bit strange.


  After Li Lingtian said, after waiting for a while, no one responded.


  Li Lingtian is helpless. If you don't want to find you, you don't want to find him.


   This is the reality. Li Lingtian finally gave up and did not shoot him. At the same time, the other side of his heart did not want to let that person shoot.


  Because he is not an opponent, or all of his cards appear, it may not be an opponent, and the chances of life are very small.


   So in this stage of waiting, Li Lingtian was also full of tangle, but in the end, no one appeared.


  Li Lingtian left the side hall. At the moment Li Lingtian left, the man in black appeared again, staring at the position where Li Lingtian left, and a cold hum came from the black robe.


   Immediately after the arm moved, the black robe swayed, and the whole person disappeared again. (To be continued...)

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