War God Supreme

Chapter 2551: Gambling again

Li Lingtian did not fear and took a step forward. Zuo Junyi had a lot of people, if not because of the large number of people. Fire? Random text?? W? W? W?. ?


   How could Li Lingtian fight alone with him at that time.


   But now people don’t see as much as before, it is estimated that they are lost in the passage or in the partial hall.


   But there are still three hundred people, which is quite a lot for the five of them.


  Li Lingtian is stuck. Zuo Junyi said: "Zuo Shao is really serious, but we may not be able to afford it."


  Zuo Junyi shook his head and said: "How come, you have a treasure map fragment in your hand, how can't afford it?"


  Li Lingtian thought, as expected, it was mainly because of the treasure map fragments.


   After the delay in the last partial hall, the heart of the stars has been running, so it has almost recovered now.


   has returned 90% of its original power. Although they are still weak, they still have the power to fight under such conditions.


  Li Lingtian raised his eyebrows and said, "Zuo Shao is kidding? Is it impossible to lose? Shouldn't it be, is it the treasure map I lost to me before?"


   Speaking of losing, he immediately thought of gambling and lost to a stellar fourth order, which really made his face hurt.


   But Li Lingtian is indeed strong, so he can barely accept it.


   But what about acceptance, he lost the treasure map he valued most and lost.


   So for this face, he had to make up for it, so naturally he was looking for Li Lingtian.


  After entering this side hall, he was waiting for the rabbits. This time was not completely wasted.


   looked at Li Lingtian and said, "Do you have any other treasure map fragments? If there are any, then I will accept them."


  Li Lingtian knew that Zuo Junyi was going to do something with him, but this is a lot of stellar ninth-ranked strongmen among the three hundred.


   He is really a bit difficult to deal with, so he still has to test it to see if Zuo Junyi's IQ is wrong.


  Can I fight with him once and say to Zun Junyi: "If Zuo Shao lost to me before, and now he would do it to me directly, would it be a joke?"


  Zuo Junyi looked ugly. This is one of his scars. Li Lingtian kept spreading salt on him.


  Zuo Junyi looked at Li Lingtian and said: "I naturally would like to gamble to lose. The last time I naturally lost. If I don't say morals, I will directly deal with you. How can I stay until now."


  Li Lingtian responded directly: "Then Zuo Shao means that more people bully less people?"


  Zuo Junyi is a little different from other family members. He doesn't like to be weak with a gun. Otherwise, the last time, Zuo Junyi had a certain number of advantages.


   clearly can win more and less, but Zuo Junyi still chose to fight against Li Lingtian, so in essence, he still hopes to defeat Li Lingtian.


  But this time, he wanted to attack directly, Li Lingtian once again gave him a knife on the wound.


  It is unfair for him to win more and less. Zuo Junyi looked at Li Lingtian and said, "When did I say that more wins and less?"


  Li Lingtian shrugged, pointed to the people around them and said, "So what does Zuo Shao mean? I really don't understand."


  The people of Zuo's family still know Zuo Junyi's heart. Knowing what Li Lingtian said is really possible.


  Because they have already negotiated, they are directly swarming, there is nothing to say.


   One of the stellar ninth-rank powerhouses feels that his young master seems to be a little shaken. This is not a good state.


   hurried forward, side by side with Zun Junyi, looking at Zuo Junyi and said: "Master, we will only subdue them if we go together, otherwise..."


   This stellar ninth-order strongman hasn't finished speaking yet, Li Lingtian looks bad,


   This is to interrupt his plan, it is simply to his old life.


   directly interrupted: "Is Zuo Shao afraid of me, afraid of beating me? In this case, I am not difficult for you, let's go together!"


  Li Lingtian's face didn't change, and he was very casual, but he was also very upset.


  Among these three hundred people, there are more than twenty stars of the ninth-order martial arts, more than two hundred stars of the eighth-order, and stars of the seventh-order strong. This is not a giant beast.


   This is a person who knows how to cooperate. This is the gap between humans and giant beasts. In terms of individuals, normal human stellar ninth orders and star ninth order beasts.


   The comparison between the two must be a giant beast, but if it is a ten-star nineth-order beast, compared with ten stellar nine-order humans.


   Then the result is different, because the giant does not know how to cooperate, and humans know how to cooperate, the gap between the two is very big, it can be said to be terrible.


  Because cooperation and tacit understanding are crucial, Li Lingtian saw the left-handed man when they attacked the beast before. The cooperation between them is perfect.


   So don't say these three hundred people, even if there are two hundred people, Li Lingtian's vast array can be broken directly.


   So it is better not to fight or not, but no matter how many people are fighting, his current strength is among the strong stars.


   There are really too few people who can kill him. Even if he can't beat him, he can still run away.


   So relatively speaking, Li Lingtian's pressure is still smaller.


  Zuo Junyi was furious, looking at Li Lingtian, hatred anger in his eyes, even underestimated him, even let him take the initiative.


  Zuo Junyi's stellar ninth-ranked strongman immediately felt not much. If his young master got angry, let alone the inferior strength, he would be the master of the world.


   He can also do it directly~www.wuxiaspot.com~I don't care about his life at all.


   hurriedly said: "Master, don't be fooled, this is a radical..."


   This stellar ninth-rank strongman still did not finish his speech and was interrupted this time, but this time it was not Li Lingtian who was interrupted, but Zuo Junyi.


  Looking at the people in his family, angrily erupted: "Leave me back!"


   The anger on Zuo Junyi's body is about to erupt, which is very terrifying.


  Li Lingtian thought that it was almost done. Zuo Junyi was furious, obviously angry with him, and wanted to do it himself.


  Zuo Junyi looked at Li Lingtian, his eyes were like the eyes of a poisonous snake, but with a red light that broke out.


   pointed at Li Lingtian and said, "I will make you regret, regret irritating me."


   "This kind of big talk is really too much to hear, really impatient." Li Lingtian said casually, not caring about Zun Junyi's anger. (To be continued...)

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