War God Supreme

Chapter 2558: Full battle

Seven and nine extinct sky arrays, flaming blades and wind blades all bombarded Zuo Junyi's body. ?????w?w?w?. ?


  Zuo Junyi held Ruyi Xuanjin rod for a difficult resistance, and all the attacks bombarded Ruyi Xuanjin rod.




  Zuo Junyi immediately flew out and hit the ground fiercely. The people in the left family couldn't stand.


   headed by the ninth star of the star, immediately rushed over and convinced Zuo Junyi.


  Li Lingtian looked at Zuo Junyi and asked coldly, "Zuo Shao, you lost!"


  Zuo Junyi wiped the blood at the corner of his mouth and insisted: "No, I didn't lose, I still have the power to fight again."


  Li Lingtian said helplessly: "You can't understand the reality, you are not my opponent, even if your wishful black rod is strong, so let's lose with the wish!"


   Zuo Junyi will never admit that if he defeated himself, he can die, but he cannot defeat. This is his persistence.


   angrily shouted: "No, I can fight again."


  The stellar ninth-rank strong man beside Zuo Junyi looked at Zuo Junyi and said, "Master, you didn't lose, but we can shoot together, there is no need to fight alone."


   This stellar ninth-rank strongman is named Huang Yun. He is loyal to the Zuo family, and the three generations of the Huang family are all in the Zuo family.


   This kind of scene is definitely not what he wants to see. Looking at Zuo Junyi, he said: "Master, today you are so bad."


  Huang Yun knows the temper of his young master. If he continues to fight, it is really necessary to die, so how can he explain to the left master?


  Huang Yun knew that he could not let his young master take his mind, looking at Zuo Junyi and said, "Sorry young master, I am sorry today!"


   Huang Yun shouted, "Zuo's home!"


   Everyone in the left family shouted, "Here!"


   Zuo Junyi's character, Zuojia, the owner knows, so let Huang Yun come to assist Zuo Junyi. Huangyun still has a certain identity in Zuo's home.


   Therefore, before entering the spirit world, the head of the left family had already informed the left family that if necessary, they could listen to Huang Yun’s order and disobey Zuo Junyi’s order.


   At this time, everyone sees the situation. If Zuo Junyi is allowed to act arbitrarily, the possibility of Zuo Junyi dying is particularly great.


  If Zuo Junyi had an accident, even if they left the Tianlong Temple alive, it would not be too difficult to return to Zuo's house.


   So all wise choices follow Huang Yun's orders, thousands of steps, the queue is neat.


  Li Lingtian frowned, this was already on the verge of being destroyed by Huang Yun.


  Zuo Junyi looked ugly, still angry, and said coldly, "What are you going to do?"


  Huang Yun said blankly: "Sorry, young master, your life is above everything else, I can't let you take risks."


   Zuo Junyi shouted, "Retreat!"


   This sound was full of anger, and Zuo Junyi was obviously already furious, not as good as Li Lingtian, who had lost face.


  'S own people didn't listen to his orders. Although it was for his own good, he didn't feel that way. Instead, he knew him and beat him in the face.


   Huang Yun did not take care of Zuo Junyi, shouted: "kill!"


   Chu Yu immediately stepped forward to stop, holding a space ring in his hand, threatening: "Don't you want to hide the treasure map fragments? Say good gambling, if you don't say morals, then there is no way."


  Chu Yu knew that if Huang Yun shot together, they would definitely die, so the space ring in their hands was their last hope.


   Huang Yun saw the space ring and knew the treasure of the treasure map, but compared with his young master's life, it was worse.


   looked at Chu Yu and said: "If you want to destroy the space ring, then you also don't have any hope of getting the treasure, so you are free."


   As soon as the words fell, Huang Yun immediately hit the past as soon as he took the lead, and everyone in the left family also rushed past.


   Li Lingtian shouted, "Fight!"


  After these days of fighting, they already have a certain tacit understanding, the battle is about to start, immediately uniform, several people immediately stood behind Li Lingtian.


   Faced with so many people, Li Lingtian could not let them directly come over, otherwise it would be really troublesome.


Looking at the people who have been shocked, Li Lingtian threw it like a black gold sky armor without hesitation. The black gold sky armor grew rapidly, covering most of the partial halls, radiating a golden light, the power of the source was madly exported, and the large array broke out, one hundred Eighty celestial pillars appeared.


   All three hundred people were enveloped, and the whole sky was running wildly, and the stability on the Xuanjin sky armor flashed steadily.


   Huang Yun's face moved, but he didn't expect Li Lingtian to be able to erupt into such a horrible situation.


   did not use this attack when fighting Zuo Junyi.


  Zuo Junyi's complexion was gloomy, but in his eyes, he was somewhat depressed. .


   This is a kind of mental depression. He thought that Ruyi's golden rods merged with Dragon Ball and could defeat Li Lingtian, but he didn't expect that there was still no victory.


   defeated him completely, although he would not admit it on his mouth, but he already knew it clearly.


   But when Li Lingtian throws out the Xuanjin Tiankai, and when a large array bursts out, he is desperate.


  Because it can be seen that Li Lingtian did not explode his real strength, the power of Tongtian Dazheng is very obvious, and it can surpass the power of Seven Nine Destroyer Sword Array.


   But Li Lingtian didn't even use it. This means that when he was dealing with him, he still had some spare power.


   This made him a proud person, something unimaginable. Huang Yun shot against his will, and he had accepted it.


  If you continue to fight, you will die. There is no doubt that your own life and death are small. The most important thing is that you have promised your father that you must get the treasure of the Lord of the World.


   Otherwise, the left family will not allow so many people to come in~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now the damage is very serious.


   So if there is no result, even if he left the Tianlong Temple alive, he would not see anyone.


   This is a very real problem, so now Zuo Junyi has begun to restore his injuries and his original strength.


   The outbreak of Tongtian Dazheng really surprised everyone, but Huang Yun was also a qualified leader, and immediately shouted: "Everyone gathers together and breaks together."


  Tongtian Great Array is powerful, but there are too many people in the left family. It is not difficult to crack the Tongtian Great Array.


   Therefore, it can only kill a few more people before it is cracked.


   said to the four people behind Chu Yu: "Hurry up and try to kill!"


   Thunder Venerable's sword has exploded, the power of Thunder circulates, and Liu Banxian's power of fate explodes.


  Wan Tianyu's long sword erupted into a terrifying power, and the Jiutian Town Pagoda also erupted. (To be continued...)

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