War God Supreme

Chapter 2621: Place of fall

?Walking in the passage, everyone was cautious, because they encountered stone behemoths before and almost made them destroyed.

  Although Li Lingtian recovered the big puppet and doubled his strength, he still had to be cautious.

   This journey is full of various crises. Li Lingtian took out the treasure map and looked at any other institutions around him?

   soon saw a point on the map with a different mark. Li Lingtian looked at it and recorded it as a fallen place.

   Then there was no other, Li Lingtian and several people, continue to move forward.

  Liu Banxian reminded everyone: "This depraved land must be extraordinary, and you must be careful when fighting everything."

  Li Lingtian rode the big puppet and walked to the front, then Wan Tianyu, Chu Yu, and finally Liu Banxian and Chu Weiyang.

  Five people walked forward one by one, and suddenly felt a burst of mist, blowing at the five people.

  Li Lingtian frowned, and immediately said: "Be careful, there are weird here!"

   Several people were very close to cover their noses together, so that they can not breathe the misty breath.

  Although knowing that there must be a problem, but there is no reason to give up, you must insist.

  Li Lingtian is very rigorous, ready to fight at any time, several people move forward one hundred meters again.

   There was a blue light ahead, and it looked very mysterious, and several people stood at the same time.

   Chu Yu looked at Li Lingtian and asked, "What is this?"

  Li Lingtian turned on the intelligence and could only scan immediately, Galaxy responded, unknown energy.

   is another kind of thing whose intelligence is not clear. This dragon temple is really full of unknown. I thought this would not be an ancient thing again.

Liu Banxian shook his head and said, "I don't know, but this Heavenly Dragon Temple may really be an ancient thing. To know that the big puppet is an ancient thing, and this big puppet said that all ancient giant beasts are used, It should be an ancient thing."

  Everything is unknown, but there is no way, you can't shrink back because of this.

  Li Lingtian rode the big puppet and said: "Don't hesitate, this is the only way, go!"

   experienced so many, no fear of things, just walked in. At this moment, the blue light, like the power of the earth, to suppress the past with the five people. "

  Li Lingtian felt that great gravity exerted pressure from the air, and Li Lingtian almost did not fall from the big puppet.

   This is not ordinary horrible gravity. He feels that the sky is collapsing. With his strength, he will feel a sense of lack of oxygen.

   This terrifying reality, the other four people, apparently some could not accept this terrible gravity, and all knelt to the ground.

   However, Li Lingtian felt a little wrong. If it were all his terrible gravity, Wan Tianyu's injury had not fully recovered. It was definitely more than just falling down.

  Li Lingtian went up from the big puppet and took back the big puppet. Li Lingtian asked, "How do you feel?"

  Liu Banxian said: "It may be that everyone's gravity is exerted by everyone's own strength. Although I feel horrible gravity, it is still in a space where I can mature."

   Chu Yu also said: "Me too!"

   Wan Tianyu and Chu Weiyang are also in the same situation. Li Lingtian didn't know what exactly this fallen land meant, and continued to move forward.

   The footsteps just landed, and the gravity on the top of the head increased again, which is a tenth of the gravity.

  Li Lingtian gritted his teeth and continued to walk forward. With each step, gravity increased, and the sweat on his body gradually flowed out.

  Li Lingtian said to the people behind: "It seems that this is testing our patience. As long as we walk over, we should be able to leave."

   Chu Yu was also walking hard and said, "I hope so!"

   did not take a step, the gravity superimposed, and each step seemed to enter a new field.

  Finally after ten steps, he actually increased his mental impact and carried out with the gravity suppression, the power was even more terrifying.

  Wan Tianyu was the one who had not been injured well. He couldn't hold it first, a spit of blood spewed out and fell to the ground.

  Li Lingtian turned to Wan Tianyu and said, "This is a test of your willpower. Don't give up easily. If you persist, it will be a breakthrough for yourself."

   Wan Tianyu took a deep breath, looked at the front, and listened to Chu Yu's words, he was not as powerful as Li Lingtian.

   But after he entered the Tianlong Temple, he had a goal to defeat Li Lingtian, but he watched Li Lingtian grow stronger and stronger.

   But he didn’t want to give up. He wasn’t so easy to be defeated. He was not as good as his strength. Isn’t his endurance even worse than Li Lingtian?

  Wan Tianyu didn't believe it, he didn't believe he was so weak and couldn't help but the wind, the sword appeared, helping to stand on the ground, supporting the body to stand up again.

  Li Lingtian saw Wan Tianyu stand up and smiled, his teammates fighting side by side in the Tianlong Temple did not disappoint him.

  Li Lingtian continued to walk forward, every step was very difficult, double pressure, so that Li Lingtian was also a bit miserable.

   But there is no way ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Can only insist, soon time, the mountain calls tsunami, flying sand and rocks, in this space.

   All kinds of terrifying forces are suppressed, but fortunately Li Lingtian has terrifying willpower, otherwise he can't really persevere.

  Li Lingtian insisted forcefully that he also wanted to break through himself, and the Destroyer suit had appeared on his body.

  Destroy the God's life, destroy the God's master, and work together, the heart of the stars continues to absorb the power of the source.

   This is so, and the role it plays is not very large, and only the master of the world can have such unfathomable means.

  Chu Yuchu Weiyang also insisted that Wan Tianyu and Liu Banxian were relatively backward, but no one gave up.

   It's just a long time. After being so oppressed for a long time, I feel exhausted physically and mentally, and the whole person is in a state of dizziness.

  Including Li Lingtian, it is not far from thirty steps, but did not take one step, as if walking for ten thousand years, it is very difficult.

  Li Lingtian has been relying on his own unwilling willpower to persevere. The whole person seems to have a soul, and he has no idea what he is doing.

  I don't know when there are more ghosts around, the ghost fire is lit, the space is full of Y darkness, and the ghost's crying comes from it.

   Cries, mixed with curses, is like a terrifying attack, causing a fierce attack on Li Lingtian.

  The world is dim, and the sun and the moon are dark. In this space, five people move forward.

  I don't know how long or when, everyone seems to have lost the ability to think, just like walking dead R and continue to move forward.

   All rely on the amazing willpower to continue to move forward.


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