War God Supreme

Chapter 2630: Strength suppression

The black robe man controlled the God of War phantom, immediately turned the direction, swept away with a blow, and a terrifying light, directed at Li Lingtian.


  The big puppet jumped one jump, evading one blow, and another blow struck again.


   One after another attack, let the forward Li Lingtian follow thin ice.


  All attacks were bombarded on the God of War Phantom, and Li Lingtian immediately rushed away.


   But this attack has no effect on the God of War phantom, to no avail.


   This is the black robe's hole card, a **** of war summon symbol, even in ancient times it was a very precious existence.


   Therefore, the power of this is naturally very powerful, and the attack of the big puppet will not allow the God of War phantom to do any harm.


The black robe said with a sneer: "Don't be naive, you are just the fifth-order star, and you can't play the real strength of the big puppet. If it is a domain master, I may not be your opponent, but now, you still go Die!"


   The terrifying power erupted in the God of War phantom. In midair, the giant axe swung straight down, the light was winning, and the speed was like a meteor.


   This time even the speed of the big puppet could not be avoided, and the vast light of the giant axe bombarded the big puppet.


   The big puppet flew out immediately. Fortunately, there was an invincible golden body, and there was no damage.


  Li Lingtian looked at the Ares phantom, which really made him a little embarrassed, even the big puppet didn't have much effect.


  The black robe man controlled the God of War phantom to impact the past. The speed was very fast. Every step caused the world to be turbulent. He held a giant axe and bombarded him.


   Brahma Palace, crushed toward the God of War phantom, the God of War phantom is an axe, bombarded above the Brahma Palace.


   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"


Under the bombardment of Li Lingtian, the Brahma Palace is madly shaken, and the giant axe is blessed by the God of War phantom. The power is already very crazy, and the power is comparable to the world's treasure.


   has a huge impact and has been able to completely crush the Brahma Palace.


  Li Lingtian showed a sneer in the corner of his mouth, a big puppet rose up, and shocked the past again.


  Li Lingtian has already fought with the idea of ​​being successful without success.


  Black robe sneered: "ridiculous!"


   The God of War phantom leaps toward Li Lingtian, extremely fast, and the giant axe in his hand explodes the power of destroying the world.


   The eyes of the big puppet burst into horror, and bombarded the **** of war.


  The fire of the Ten Thousand Saints exploded, and the Flame of Extinction appeared in the hands, although the current power of the Flame of Extinction is not worth mentioning compared to the Phantom of the God of War.


   The flame of God of Destruction erupted, and the flaming sword burst out of it, bombarding the phantom of God of War.


   The Brahma Palace continued to bombard the black robe, several flaming knives bombarded together, the wind blade of Qianyan Holy Wing.


   Other chaotic treasures, Li Lingtian did not use it, because he knew that it was really too weak for this God of War phantom.


   After use, there is only one result, which is broken.


   The God of War phantom is already very strong, facing all attacks is not afraid of danger.


   The black robe also has absolute confidence in this God of War phantom, and his body radiates light like a deity.






   The violent vibrations erupted from it. The giant axe directly bombarded the Brahma Palace, and the Brahma Palace was immediately bombarded and flew.


   Although the wind blade could not be broken, it was easily controlled by the black robe.


  Li Lingtian took advantage of this gap and immediately took back Xuanjin Tiankai.


   Without any hesitation, he threw it directly in the air and shouted: "Tongtian kills array!"


   Yes, without any hesitation, Li Lingtian directly exploded into a celestial killing array. The celestial killing array that can deal with the black robe needs a certain amount of source power.


   But Li Lingtian had no choice but to take one step at a time. As the saying goes, there must be a road before the car.


  Li Lingtian can only do this. The outbreak of the sky-killing array, the terror in the space, floats out of it.


   One hundred and eight heavenly poles began to run wildly, and enveloped the phantom of the God of War in the black robe.


  Li Lingtian's original power was exported madly, and the dark lines on the Xuanjin Sky Armor circulated, killing intention broke out.


   killed the formation, and the power was immediately exposed.


   One hundred and eight heavenly pillars, crazy to attack the God of War phantom of the black robe.


   Black robe people naturally know the existence of Xuanjin Sky Armor Turtle, and they also know the flaws of Tongtian Killing Formation.


   So there is no fear, sneer, said: "Naive, feel this killing formation, has any effect on me?"


   Phantom of the God of War, holding a giant axe, turning crazy, the whole person instantly formed a huge roulette.


  In the celestial killing formation, spin quickly, the intention is to destroy the celestial pillar.


   The God of War phantom is extremely powerful, turning wildly in the sky.


  Li Lingtian's original power, crazy output, consumption is very large.


  Under Li Lingtian's best efforts, he finally exerted the absolute power of Tongtian.


  Although the strength of the God of War phantom is so powerful, it can't be cracked in a short time.


  Li Lingtian's face was pale, without any trace of blood, the original power was consumed madly, and temporary blocking was not a solution at all.


  The big puppet, once again impacted away, the sky thunder appeared, the purple sky thunder, condensed together, attacked toward the **** of war phantom.


   The God of War phantom turns wildly, a hurricane appears, the giant axe carries out a mad hack, and the sharp edges of the giant axe are absorbed in the hurricane.


   The hurricane is getting stronger and stronger, with terrifying power, and the phantom of the **** of war suddenly moves. The power of the hurricane immediately rushed across.


  Tongtianzhu collided with the horrible hurricane. Soon after the stalemate between the two, Tongtianzhu finally lost the force of the hurricane and was immediately shattered.


  Li Lingtian instantly condensed the Tongtian Pillar, and the Brahma Palace also collided with the hurricane.






   The sound of terror erupted from it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The force of terror erupted from the hurricane, which directly overwhelmed the world treasure.


  Li Lingtian's brain quickly moved to find a way to deal with this God of War phantom.


   But the God of War phantom is really terrifying. After so long consumption, there is no loss.


   This was shocking Li Lingtian, and felt a little helpless, too powerful.


   As expected, Brahma Palace is still not the opponent being blown away at once, Li Lingtian suddenly spurted blood.


   The black robe made a gloating laugh, listening to a very harsh voice.


   But Li Lingtian will not be given any counterattack time, the hurricane continues to figure out Tianzhu to attack, the speed is very terrible.


  In a blink of an eye, the force of the hurricane destroyed the two sky pillars, and the black robe was following behind, waiting for the equipment.

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