War God Supreme

Chapter 2659: Funeral

Now that Leng Shaofeng is gone, the other people can't stay. Li Lingtian and Da Puppet immediately attacked and quickly killed everyone. ?? Fire Ran Wow Www? ?r?a?n?w?e?n?`neet


  After all the people perished, the flower of flame was gone and all were taken away.


  Chu Yu and Li Lingtian had extracted enough, and immediately left the sea of ​​flames of hell.


  After Li Lingtian and Chu Yu left, everyone talked about what kind of mission this was, and it would be so powerful, and there was a super powerful mount.


   This is incredible, a star of the seventh order, a star of the sixth order, and thus took away nearly two hundred flames of flowers.


   But the two left, and never wanted to be the first time, conspiracy to the flower of flames, even if there were only two of them.


   They also dare not act rashly, because they have seen the previous battle scenes, they are really afraid of death.


  Li Lingtian and Chu Yu left like this. Li Lingtian said to Chu Yu: "Although this time it failed, there are still opportunities."


  Li Lingtian smiled bitterly: "I'm afraid that I'm too small to look at this cold and shaofeng. Otherwise, if you let him shoot him directly, there won't be so many things."


  Chu Yu really said it was true. Under normal circumstances, Li Lingtian absolutely did not hesitate to shoot directly.


   The so-called thief captures the king first, as long as he seizes Leng Shaofeng, all problems are definitely solved.


   But because of the hatred of Chu Yu and Leng Shaofeng, Li Lingtian did not directly shoot at him, but was dealing with other people.


  Li Lingtian also underestimated Leng Shaofeng, thinking that Chu Yu possessed several pieces of Chaos Treasure, as well as Ruyi Xuanjin rod that made him treat it with care.


   Leng Shaofeng turned out to be a puppet, Chu Yu was careless, and Li Lingtian was also careless.


   Li Lingtian and Chu Yu didn't say much. Now that they had obtained the flower of flame, they returned to the place where Chu Weiyang was placed before, on the way back.


  Meet some mixed beasts, Li Lingtian and Chu Yu naturally collected all the photos of the mixed beasts.


   In this way, the Chudan beast Nedan and the Flower of Flame are all enough.


   There is only one left now, Ying Leijin, and then he can complete the mission and leave the heavenly world.


When Li Lingtian and Chu Yu left, Chu Weiyang finally recovered and saw Chu Yu and Li Lingtian coming back.


   immediately stood up and walked over, said to him respectfully: "Thank you Master and Ling Tian brothers for their life-saving grace."


   Chu Yu looked at the restoration of such Chu Weiyang. Nothing happened during this period of time, and finally he was relieved, otherwise he was really a little scared.


   "It's all from my family, so don't say foreign words." Chu Yu smiled.


  The people of the Chu family are all there. Both Li Lingtian and Chu Yu know that it is not too late to delay in the heavenly world.


   But before looking for Ying Leijin, Chu Yu and Li Lingtian buried the body of the former Chu family and buried them.


   Then, according to the position Ye Lingran said at the beginning, find the location of another thousand people in the Chu family.


  When Chu Yu saw the body of Luo Chengshan, he looked ugly.


   This is the people of their Chu family, and now it is like this, all died, there is no living mouth.


   Chu Weiyang saw this scene, a big man, facing many enemies, who had never been but, at this moment finally shed tears of regret.


   punched the ground and said, "It's all my fault. At that time, I took them into the Tianlong Temple, and you won't die 1"


   Chu Yu looked at Chu Weiyang and said, "Cousin. This hatred will definitely be reported. Our Chu family and Ye family and Leng family are incompatible!"


   Chu Weiyang punched the ground with a punch, and the murderous outburst broke out: "Impotent!"


  Chu Yu calmed down a bit, and then dug a huge pit with everyone in the Chu family, and then put the body of the Chu family in it without putting a tombstone.


   After all, their Chu family offended a lot of people. If the Chu family’s enemies later see that the people who have passed away are not stable, then they will be sorry for them.


   The breeze hit, Li Lingtian also felt a little sad in this world, there are countless lives and deaths in this world.


   has experienced so much, despite being very numb in the face of life and death.


   But Chu Yu and Chu Weiyang are both sentimental and righteous people, so it's a pity that it is inevitable.


   Everything was arranged properly. Chu Yu, the Chu family and Li Lingtian stood at the place where the bodies of the Chu family were buried and bowed deeply.


   and his party left here silently, preparing to find Ying Leijin.


  Li Lingtian turned on the intelligence, Ying Leijin had never seen it until now.


   "Can you find the location of Ying Leijin?"


  Ancient said directly: "I am just a man, not a master of space. How can I know the location of Ying Leijin?"


   "What's the use for you?" Li Lingtian heard ancient times saying that he didn't know, and he couldn't help being dissatisfied.


   "But no accident, I know the location of Ying Leijin!" Hearing Li Lingtian's words, ancient times continued.


   Li Lingtian looked, looked at the ancient times and said: "Don't talk to me and gasp, hurry!"


  Ancient explained to Li Lingtian: "I can't find the location of Ying Leijin, but when we went here with the old master, we had encountered Ying Lei Mountain, and there should be Ying Leijin."


   Hearing Xing Leishan Li Lingtian immediately inquired about it, and ancient times immediately gave normal data.


   This Yinglei Mountain is indeed the only place to have Yingleijin.


   Even if there was a clue, Li Lingtian immediately asked the ancients to take them to find Ying Leishan.


  An ancient map shows that the location of Yinglei Mountain is three million miles away.


   A group of people immediately went forward to Yinglei Mountain. When approaching Yinglei Mountain, the ancients immediately laid out a few thousand people around ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ thousands of people. For Li Lingtian, it was okay.


   The number of people is not too large. Li Lingtian and others, there are nearly 200 people, and there is nothing to be afraid of.


   And these thousands of people are obviously not together, so they are more fearless.


   Xinglei Mountain is a place where Xinglei Mountain is produced. Xinglei Mountain is tens of thousands of square meters, which can be said to be very wide.


   But Li Lingtian already knows that this Ying Lei Jin is relatively rare. Among this Ying Lei Mountain, there are probably less than 1,000 Yuan Lei Jin.


  Li Lingtian has learned some things about Ying Leijin's rare things.


  Li Lingtian said to Chu Yu: "Be careful after a while, I found that among these people, there should be strong people."


  Let Li Lingtian be called the existence of a strong man, but Chu Yu didn't dare to carelessly, looked at Ying Leishan in front, and followed Li Lingtian. (To be continued...)

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