War God Supreme

Chapter 2661: distribution

The speed of the big puppet already has the strength of the main level of the ordinary domain. The ordinary people have not seen it at all, and Li Lingtian has rushed past the big puppet. Ranwen novels? www? www?. ?r?a?n?w?e?n`neet


   The flame of extinction in the hand is ready, the sacred fire explodes from the hallows, and the flaming sword awn burst out instantly.


   Tuoba Li didn't react at all, and the flaming sword blasted him.




   A mouthful of blood spewed out of it, Li Lingtian did not give him any chance, and the big puppet immediately hit the past.




  Tuo Ba Li was immediately hit by the big puppet, and Li Lingtian waved it again with a flaming sword.


   Tuoba Lie was so shocked that he immediately blocked with the sword in his hand.


   But how could Li Lingtian give him this opportunity, immediately shot, the innocent water erupted from the mouth of the puppet.


  The blaze of flames just hit it, and immediately bombarded Tuoba Lie to death.


   All the movements were done in one go, without any muddy water, Tuoba Lie was dead, and the talents of Tuoba Lie rushed over, there were about dozens of people.


  Li Lingtian said to the rest of the people: "Isn't he just afraid that there are too many people and it's not easy to allocate? Now I will replace his part, I hope you don't do it."


   While Tuoba Lie was still there, he might be a little bit scared because of previous discussions.


   But now Tuoba Lie is dead, and the rest are just some members of the Tuoba family.


   They naturally do not need help, this is human nature.


   Chu Yu waved his hand and shouted, "Kill!"


   The Chu family immediately rushed to the past. The Chu family is now the majority of the strong stars of the ninth order of the star, and there are few stars of the eighth order.


   And Tuobalie's clan is not like this. They are just the opposite. There are more strong stars of the eighth order, but few stars of the strongest ninth order.


   Therefore, this victorious balance can be said to be one-sided, and soon all the people of Tuobalie were killed by Li Lingtian.


  Li Lingtian looked at the rest of the crowd and asked coldly: "Now I say, I want to join you, don't you know if I can do it?"


  The people of Tuoba Lie are already dead, and the strength of Li Lingtian and others is also clear. Can they say that they have the courage?


   The answer is naturally no. Another peak strongman in the crowd, named Wang Tiejian, walked forward and looked at Li Lingtian and said, "Welcome to join!"


  Li Lingtian nodded with satisfaction, thinking that it was okay here, not too many people who did not know the lift.


  Li Lingtian looked at Wang Tiejian and asked, "Have you found the location of Ying Leijin?"


   Wang Tiebian said directly and truthfully: "I have found it, just in the deepest part of this cave, I don't know how much Ying Leijin there is."


   finally found Ying Leijin's position, Li Lingtian nodded and said, "Okay, let's go in together."


  Everyone immediately entered the Yinglei Mountain, and soon reached the place they had dug before.


  Everyone immediately began to act, and the original source of the soldiers immediately appeared in the hands of everyone, starting a crazy gold rush.


  Li Lingtian knows the characteristics of Ying Leijin, that is, it will not be burned out. Of course, this is an ordinary flame.


   There is no problem with the Halloween Fire, but Li Lingtian chose to use Halloween Fire, so as to have enough speed.


  The ten thousand sacred fire immediately ignited the mountain, burning wildly, but at one and a half times, Xing Leijin still couldn't find his location.


   But with Li Lingtian's Halloween Fire, I have to say that the speed is really much faster.


   This Yinglei Mountain is also big. Everyone has been in it for three days, and they have not found Yinglei Gold.


  Li Lingtian said helplessly: "Can you make sure that Ying Leijin is in this position?"


  Wang Tiejian said: "I am not really clear about this, because this disappearance was the first thing Tuobalie said when I came here. I heard that it is true, but it is now unknown."


   People are dead. There is really no way out. Since such a long time has been wasted, it cannot be given up directly.


   said to everyone: "We are insisting on looking at the situation for two days. If not, we will change positions."


  Ying Leijin is one of the tasks. Naturally, he will not give up easily, and everyone continues to walk forward.


  Li Lingtian's halloween sacred fire burned down the mountain, the time passed very quickly, and two days passed by.


   But Ying Leijin did not make any progress. Li Lingtian frowned, saying, "Will it be deceived by Tuoba Lie? There is no Ying Leijin here."


   Wang Tiejian thought about it and said, "This shouldn't be. To know that he also needs Ying Leijin to complete the mission."


  Li Lingtian was talking, while continuing to use the Halloween fire, just as Li Lingtian was about to speak, something golden appeared on the mountain immediately.


  Li Lingtian's complexion was immediately attracted. After seeing Ying Leijin's picture, he immediately recognized this gleaming thing. It was Ying Leijin without doubt.


Thousands of people in the cave were immediately excited, and Ying Leijin, who had been waiting for a long time, finally appeared.


  Li Lingtian thought that Tuobalie was not a lie, otherwise, after going out, he had already planned to whip the corpse.


   Everyone was excited, all the original source soldiers bombarded the past, the golden light was getting bigger and bigger.


   A fast piece of Ying Leijin fell from the wall. Looking at the pieces of Ying Leijin, everybody's eyes glowed with greed.


   This is really what everyone needs, most of them have received the mixed beast Nedan and the flower of flame.


   It is only in the absence of Ying Leijin that the mission can be completed, and finally, with the joint efforts of all people, more than a thousand years of Ying Leijin fell to the ground.


   And the glittering things on the mountain are gone. That is to say, this is only more than a hundred fast Ying Lei Jin, and their number is about 5,000.


   This ratio is also very small~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Everyone is very cautious.


   Wang Tiejian looked at Ying Leijin in the underground, slobbered, and then looked at Li Lingtian and asked, "How should these Ying Leijin be divided?"


  Li Lingtian carefully checked the people of the Chu family. Counting himself, there were a total of 100 people.


  Li Lingtian said unkindly: "I only need 189 Xing Lei Jin, the rest of you are casual."


   When Li Lingtian said this, it was really overbearing, and at the same time shocked everyone, which was too direct.


   How big is Ying Leijin in total, Li Lingtian's opening is actually 189 yuan, how do they divide the rest?


   Wang Tiebian really didn't want to mess with Li Lingtian and this strong man, but this Li Lingtian's opening was indeed too cruel, and he could not accept it.


   looked at Li Lingtian and said, "Friend, this is a bit wrong, how many people are you asking for?", what do you ask our remaining brothers to do?" (To be continued...)

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