War God Supreme

Chapter 2684: track

Li Lingtian left the Universe Bank from the VIP channel. As soon as he left the Universe Bank, Li Lingtian felt that someone behind him followed him.


  Although it is very secret, Li Lingtian still found it after a hundred battles.


   Li Lingtian sneered in the corner of his mouth, not the domain master, he was so afraid.


  Since someone is staring at him, Li Lingtian will not easily leave, so he didn't make a spaceship and went straight back.


   If there are enemies, it is better to solve them. Retaining can only leave you a crisis.


  Li Lingtian is not a person who likes to trouble himself. After leaving the Universe Bank, Li Lingtian immediately flew out of the main city.


   And the people who followed behind also showed the figure, is the madman of the wind family, and there is a stellar ninth-order strongman beside him.


   Their purpose is to revenge and hate, but to go to the crystal beads, which is a knot of the madman, wasting his full 150 billion stars.


   soon left the main city of Yaoshi Holy City, and a sneer appeared in the corner of Li Lingtian's mouth.


   found a deserted place and stopped, said coldly: "It's time to come out, things still have to be solved."


  Crazy man and Fengjia stellar ninth-rank strongman appeared behind Li Lingtian, and the madman thought they had no problem with their hidden practice.


  At least this little stellar sixth order will not be known, but it is contrary to wish.


   The maniac asked in surprise: "How do you know?"


  Li Lingtian said helplessly: "Don't think that you are mentally retarded, it is wrong to treat everyone as an intellectual disability."


   "A stellar sixth order you are really rampant. In the shining holy city, no one dares to touch my mildew. It is really death."


  Li Lingtian shrugged and said, "Is it true? Zifeng is afraid? The blue sky is not? Dare you to fight Sirius?"


  Every time Li Lingtian said a name, the lunatic's complexion was ugly.


  The four representative figures of the four big families, he is the weakest. The remaining Zifeng, Lantian, and Zhan Sirius have all become stellar ninth-rank strongmen.


   is real, and he is purely taking drugs, piled up to the eighth star, and his real strength is even weaker.


   So just after speaking in Yaoshi Holy City, no one dared to touch his brow, Li Lingtian came over and slap his face.


   This is really on the road of hatred, going farther and farther.


  The maniac gritted his teeth and said, "You are provoking me again and again today. Today, I don't want to kill you. I am not a tyrant."


  Li Lingtian said directly: "I am also very interested in the nine-star moon-cutting sword you auctioned, and it seems that I will change the owner."


  The lunatic said to the stellar ninth-level strongman around him: "Wind Five, go and deal with this kid who doesn't know the sky and the earth, let him know what cruelty is."


   The man who is called Fengwu is very conceited. Li Lingtian's superficial strength, he really does not look down upon.


   asked the maniac: "Does the young master kill directly or kill the disabled?"


  Feng Wu thought for a while, as if to make this choice, it made him tangled,


   Finally said to him: "First of all, the power is abolished, causing me to lose 150 billion stars, and it is so awkward to let him die directly. It is really a pity."


  Li Lingtian was also amused by the madman's ignorance, shook his head and said: "The crazy boy described you, it is really not very appropriate, I feel that a fool is better."


  Li Ling's weather was so bad that he shouted, "Abandon him for me and feed the viper with his body."


  Feng Wu immediately rushed to Li Lingtian, the speed was very fast, and it broke out in an all-round way.


   But Li Lingtian, accustomed to the speed of the big puppet, looked at the speed of this ordinary star's ninth order burst, which is no different from a minor turtle.


   The consciousness moved, the flame of extinction appeared on his hand, watching the wind five impact coming, Li Lingtian was not surprised.


   When Feng Wu's long sword struck, the power of the source swept up like a tornado, and the front hit Li Lingtian.


  Li Lingtian is standing in the wind like a chime.


  Li Lingtian looked at Fengwu, and there was a sneer in the corner of his mouth.


  Fengwu finally felt a strange place. Logically speaking, how could a stellar sixth order be so calm.


   And his power has swept away, and it has no effect on Li Lingtian, which is really shocking.


   Long sword in hand, the fourth-order original source soldier, directly hacked away to Li Lingtian's facade.


   was in front of him, Li Lingtian finally moved, holding a flame of extinction, a flame appeared, and the long sword of the wind five bombarded it.


  The flames of the flames of extermination are full, the horrible temperature, and the lunatics on the side feel clearly.


   "The best chaotic treasure! Who are you?"


  Li Lingtian knew Li Lingtian's generosity, and also photographed the Wushuang sword. In his hand, he still has the best chaos treasure.




  The flame of God of Extinction finally struck on the sword of Wind Five.


   A fourth-order source **** soldier, at the moment when he touched the flame of extinction, it immediately disappeared.


  Li Ling lifted from the ground, kicked him towards the wind five, and the terror force that fell from the sky directly smashed the wind five into the ground.


   The pupil of the lunatic dilated, looked at this incredible scene in front of him, what was the situation.


   Is this still a stellar sixth order?


  A sixth star that hangs the ninth order of the star?


  Is this the world he knew? He felt ashamed of himself.


   and even more awkward is that the wind five that has been smashed to the ground is completely awkward, and now he has felt whether this body is his.


   Just now he was very confident, but in the blink of an eye, the situation changed.


   has become a fish meat under the human board and can be slaughtered.


  In a crisis situation, the madman's reaction speed is still very fast, and he will immediately flee.


  How could Li Lingtian give him this opportunity~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As soon as his figure moved, he caught up with the madman in a blink of an eye.


  The maniac felt the threat behind him, and when he returned his hand, he hit him and bombarded Li Lingtian.


  Li Lingtian smiled disdainfully, the origin law broke out, attached to the palm of the hand, grasping the fifth-order origin soldier of the madman with one hand.


   violently exerted force, and the fifth-order source magical soldier shattered.


  Li Lingtian took a leap, grabbed the madman, and slammed it, throwing the madman to the side of the wind.


  The madman spit out blood. He felt that he was desperate. Li Lingtian's strength made him feel deeply desperate.


   Is this a stellar sixth order? He absolutely did not believe it.


  Li Lingtian walked slowly towards the maniac, and looked at the maniac and said, "How is the wind less? How do you feel? Is the previous arrogance still there?"


  The lunatic watched Li Lingtian's face tremble, and he secretly manipulated his intelligence. He wanted to send a message to the Feng family and came to the rescue.

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