War God Supreme

Chapter 2691: Strength exposure

Tens of thousands of ants, if Li Lingtian is much stronger, you will feel some trouble.


   Everyone else panicked, and bombarded away with the strength of the source.


   kills hundreds of ants, but this is a slap in the air. Tens of millions of ants, killing hundreds of ants, has no effect at all.


   And the most terrifying thing is that this ant of the Devil Abyss was able to devour the power of the origin.


  Several sources of power can eliminate some ants, but before the instant, the power of the source will be swallowed up completely.


   Tens of thousands of ants, like the tsunami frenzy, rushed to everyone.


  Wu Linghui looked ugly and shouted: "Going backwards, the ant's horror is beyond imagination. I didn't expect that we would even encounter the ant colony."


  Ren Yingying was so shocked that she immediately backed away.


   Such a huge colony of ants has exceeded his imagination and made him lose his mind.


  Zhou Li and others were not so good there. The swarms of ants swarmed, very terrifying.


   speed is extremely fast, and will soon rush over.


  Wu Linghui is at the forefront, holding the sky snake whip, waving wildly, and a terrifying whirlwind bombards the sky ant colony.


  The ants in the abyss of the devil, the appetite is really good to a certain extent, the original power can be swallowed, this whirlwind naturally can not stay, the same swallowed.


   is such a horror, continue to come from the impact, the ants cover the sky, the sky is dim.


   The breath of terror is getting closer and closer to everyone. Seeing that it will catch up, Li Lingtian will die, they will all die.


  Li Lingtian leapt forward, stood at the forefront, and said to Wu Linghui and others: "You first let me stop!"


  Wu Linghui looked at Li Lingtian seriously and didn't know what to say. Li Lingtian always gave him a different feeling.


  Zhou Li looked at Li Lingtian and said, "What are you talking about, you are going to die together, and quickly withdraw."


   "A stellar sixth order, the cannon fodder is not enough, just keep waiting to die."


   Ren Yingying, while retreating, did not forget to mock Li Lingtian.


  Li Lingtian didn't say a word, the Halloween Saint Fire was running, and the horrible fire appeared around Li Lingtian.


   The temperature of terror seems to melt the world, this is the horror power of the mysterious fire.


  Tant is also a kind of ant in terror, so it is still afraid of fire, ordinary flames are naturally immune, but the holy flame of Halloween fire.


   is the nemesis of the ant. If it is other creatures, Li Lingtian has not had much confidence.


   But for the ants, the Halloween fire is enough.


  Wu Linghui several people, when they felt this horrible temperature, the whole person was shocked. What kind of flame was this temperature?


   And it still came from Li Lingtian's body, which is too scary.


   Is this still a force exploding from the sixth order of a star?


   But this surprise has just begun.


   Li Lingtian's body moved and rose up, all the Halloween fires formed a horrible barrier.


  Finally, when Ten Thousands of Ants came to attack, Li Lingtian folded his hands, and Ten Thousand Mysterious Fire immediately wrapped it to Ten Thousands of Ants and began to burn.


  Halloween Profound Fire, after absorbing the sky-burning flame, threatened the world with destruction, and was the nemesis of the ant.


  Hundreds of thousands of ants were burned by the horrible flame when the holy fire was gathered.


  The remaining ants directly swallowed the Halloween Fire, which is really naive, and treats the Halloween Fire as an ordinary flame.


   Isn't this a joke? Li Lingtian ran the Holy Fire of All Saints, and the fire burst into the sky.


Under the fierce bombardment of Li Lingtian’s Ten Thousand Xuan Fire, Heavenly Ants suffered heavy casualties.


  Millions of ants, and soon died a million giants, Li Lingtian's face was not red, gasping for breath.


  Wu Linghui shocked...


  Ren Yingying was shocked...


   The lonely person was shocked...


   Zhou Li was shocked...


  Everyone was shocked. Behind Li Lingtian, he watched Li Lingtian's breathless mountain-like momentum.


  Ten Thousand Mysterious Fire Li Lingtian has been very skilled in movement, to a terrible point.


   Especially for the ants, this is a nemesis.


  The ants want to break through Li Lingtian's Ten Thousand Sacred Fire, they simply can't do it.


   The range of the hallowed by the Halloween Fire is getting smaller and smaller, which means that the death and injury of ants are getting bigger and bigger.


  Three hours later, Li Lingtian incinerated the last ant, and then he recovered all the sacred fire in his body.


   And millions of ants were all incinerated by Li Lingtian. During these few hours, everyone was in the heart of the storm.


   They didn't believe that Li Lingtian would be so powerful, but the facts were already in front of them, and they could not be refuted.


   The most embarrassing thing is the people who mocked Li Lingtian before. Now looking at Li Lingtian's back, they all feel a little scary.


  After three hours of continuous output, Li Lingtian could not see much loss.


After closing, Li Lingtian turned around, Wu Linghui looked at Li Lingtian and asked blankly: "Why do you want to hide your own strength?"


  Li Lingtian said helplessly: "I did not hide, I am indeed the sixth order of the star, can't it be faked?"


   Wu Linghui was speechless and asked after a while: "Why are you so powerful?"


   "I have been saying that I am very strong. If I had a monster that I faced before, I would have no chance at all."


  Li Lingtian once again told the truth, this time no one refuted, nor ridiculed.


   But this was definitely not the case before. They saw Li Lingtian's strength with their own eyes and knew that Li Lingtian was true.


   If he shot, they may really have no chance of shooting.


   Ren Yingying and the arrogant people feel the pain in the face of the chicken, recalling the previous despise of Li Lingtian.


   The pain on this face was caused by their own slaps on their faces.


  Li Lingtian looked at the unresponsive crowd~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said: "Let's go, finish the task quickly, this is the key."


  Pedestrians continue to walk, but compared with before, it is really a big difference.


  Zhou Li walked side by side with Li Lingtian and looked at Li Lingtian and said, "Brother, I'm sorry, you told me to be careful before. I didn't believe it."


   "Human emotions, you are fine without sneering at me."


  Li Lingtian said nothing wrong, but Zhou Li still felt a little sorry for Li Lingtian.


  The group continued to move forward according to their approximate positions. During this period, the monsters they encountered were all alone, and naturally there was no problem.


  Li Lingtian is even more hands-on, and no one is mocking him.


  Li Lingtian Youzai walked, just dealt with a wild leopard, and did not use it to shoot.


  Wu Linghui looked at Li Lingtian, and finally asked, "Did you secretly help you when you met the wolf pack?"

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