War God Supreme

Chapter 2781: Leng Fei

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Being able to help Li Lingtian do things, Han Frost Palace Lord is naturally happy, because after entering the universe, he feels that he has become a vase. Book Fan Building

It has no effect, so if you can help Li Lingtian, you are naturally happy.

"Such a big booth, can I manage it?" Han Frost Palace Master is somewhat unconfident.

Because here is not the Three Realms, there are too many people stronger than him.

Li Lingtian nodded and said, "It's not as big as you think, and I will let the ever-changing and residual spirits obey you. Rest assured that the two of them will take you unconditionally."

At this time, Nangong Mingyue was a little unhappy and said, "Can I do something?"

"You can help your sister. The most important thing is your cultivation. Your strength is the key."

While talking, Li Lingtian felt a familiar breath outside the door of Lingtian Palace.

Li Lingtian smiled bitterly in his heart, thinking that he would not be a changeable devil.

Li Lingtian went to the entrance of Lingtian Palace and saw it was the blue sky.

Li Lingtian thought it wouldn't be so clever, and then said: "Really?"

It was only because of the blue sky that he didn't understand what Li Lingtian was saying, frowning and asking: "Brother Ling Tian, ​​what are you talking about? What is really fake?"

Li Lingtian thought to himself that this was really a psychological shadow cast by the ever-changing demon king.

Think again, there are so many people who are capable of changing magic, and they look at the blue sky and say, "Nothing, Brother Lan, what are you doing here?"

Blue Sky smiled and said: "You just closed the Tianmen Gate, and destroyed the Fengjia, I am not happy with you!"

Li Lingtian said with a smile: "Which one is happy, I still don't know how to handle such a big stall."

Blue Sky looked at Li Lingtian mysteriously and said, "I am mainly looking for you this time, because I want to connect others, and someone wants to join your power."

When I was talking, I saw the three big characters of Ling Tiangong, who danced and danced above.

Blue Sky nodded and said, "This name is very good."

In Li Lingtian's heart, he was still looking forward to the man in the blue sky.

He asked: "Who can't think of it, and want to join me as an empty shell force?"

Lantian smiled and said, "This person is a talent. My Lan family tried everything he could to let him join, and promised Chaos Treasure, they wouldn't agree."

Only when I heard the blue sky did I say here, and finally I became more interested. For the average person, Chaos Treasure is very tempting.

Li Lingtian looked at the blue sky and said, "Don't sell it, just tell me who it is."

Blue Sky only once again revealed a mysterious smile and said, "This time it's not that I don't want to say, but that person wants to interview you."

"What is his strength?" Li Lingtian was still curious.

Blue Sky shook his head and said: "His strength, I don't know very well, but his most talented and most valuable is the business talent. At that time, the Zijia opened countless conditions, and the person did not agree, I dare say that your strength is strong. , But the means of collecting money is definitely not his opponent."

What Li Lingtian lacks is indeed someone who can accumulate wealth. This kind of talent is particularly important to him now.

But he said that he had a lot of resources in his own words, but because of the trouble, he could not make the most of it.

If you want to form your own forces, then naturally it cannot be so wasted.

Li Lingtian nodded and said, "When do you meet and where?"

Blue Sky just glanced at Smart and said to Li Lingtian: "Now, follow me."

The two took a spaceship to the main city of Yaoshi.

Blue Sky sighed and said, "I really don't know if that guy valued you so much, he would even put you under your command,"

Li Lingtian suddenly thought that there are still many people to deal with him.

The remnant spirits and the ever-changing demon king are a bad sign. Will anyone secretly know his secret,

I want to be cautious if I can't go on like this.

Only to the blue sky said: "He will not have any plot for me."

Blue Sky said firmly: "No, this guy knows no teenager, even with such a weird personality, I can't understand him."

Li Lingtian was so determined to see the blue sky that he was doubtless, but he still had some precautions in his heart.

The two entered the main city of Yao Shi, and Li Lingtian walked to a restaurant with the blue sky.

Because of the destruction of the Heavenly Gate and the Purple Family, the already sullen shining holy city has become crowded again and again.

There were also a lot of people watching the restaurant. The two had just entered the restaurant, and a waiter greeted them directly.

Lantian said directly to him: "Box 666."

The waiter looked surprised and hurriedly respectfully said: "You are Lan Shao."

Blue Sky did not answer directly, but asked: "People are already waiting in the private room."

The waiter hurriedly said, "Yes."

Blue Sky looked at Li Lingtian and said, "This man is already in place, let's go in and see."

Li Lingtian is curious~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What kind of role is this?


While talking, Li Lingtian and Blue Sky entered the second floor together.

Directly found the 666 private room, directly opened the door, sitting in the private room a handsome man.

The man saw Li Lingtian and the blue sky come in, immediately got up and looked straight at Li Lingtian.

Come here for a while and say: "This must be the legendary Li Lingtian."

Li Lingtian walked over and looked at the person in front of him, thinking that there was indeed no malice.

He asked: "I don't know how you call it."

"Leng Fei, don't know if you are willing to join your forces?"

Leng Fei looked at Li Lingtian and said his purpose directly.

Li Lingtian said with a smile: "Listening to Lan Shao's invitation to you many times will not allow him to get favored. I don't know how good I am?"

Leng Fei nodded and said, "I'm very optimistic about you. In such a short period of time as Yao Shi Sheng City, I have a strong strength. I have no choice but to be surprised."

"I don't know, what do you want to get from me?" Li Lingtian said very directly.

"Don't think about it, I don't have any purpose. Although you are strong, I can't steal your strength, and I don't see any advantages for the rest."

Li Lingtian shook his head and said with a smile: "You misunderstood what I meant. I said that if you join me, you will definitely have your purpose, otherwise you will not join for no reason."

Leng Fei looked at Li Lingtian meaningfully and said, "You are right, because you are a new force, so I want to help you grow bigger and let your strength shock every corner of Yaoshi. I feel like this It’s fun, it’s a development game."

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