War God Supreme

Chapter 2811: Calculation and calculation

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A salary at the bottom destroyed the foundation of Zuo's family. The foundation was destroyed, even if the Zuo family defeated the Xiahou family. Book fan building

The foundation is broken, and this Zuo family will not be the previous Zuo family. The names of the three major families are destined to cease to exist.

The only way to Fengyun City.

Two thousand people in the left family are waiting.

For a long time, the principal of the Zuo family, frowning, plans to contact the Zuo family.

At this time, the head of the left family contacted him first.

"Where are you now?" Zuojia head asked first.

The Zuo family immediately said truthfully: "The original version is to block the Xiahou family, but it has been waiting for a day, and it seems that the person has not come."

The head of the Zuo family knows that the people on their own side are eating out, and so many people naturally cannot hide the Xiahou family.

I thought that the people of the Xiahou family would also be dispatched, planning to ambush in the middle.

The head of the left family has already been a little panicked, and the strength of the left family has been greatly damaged.

Immediately said to the people in the left family: "Quickly evacuated and went directly to Fengyun City."

The family of Zuo didn't know what happened, but he still had to obey the instructions of the owner and began to withdraw the previous ambush.

Take all the people from the left home to Fengyun City.

The undercurrents are surging, and the battle between the two sides is about to start or is about to end.

No one knows what kind of situation this is.

The situation changes suddenly, everyone sits and waits last.

In Fengyun Mountain, psychic flowers have been thoroughly refined with the help of Li Lingtian.

Now the Xiahou head, the opportunity is preparing to break through the bottleneck, as long as you understand the true meaning of the law of origin, then you can become a real domain master.

And Li Lingtian still got some benefits because he refined the psychic flowers.

Therefore, Li Lingtian is also making breakthroughs. The original law itself has its roots, so the breakthrough is more effective.

Li Lingtian is running the law of origin in his body, which envelops the whole body.

Li Lingtian did not suppress his strength, and there was a roar in his body.

A powerful cyclone appeared around Li Lingtian, and the surrounding energy rushed into Li Lingtian's direction.


Li Lingtian finally broke through, and the stellar ninth order broke through to the domain master's first order.

All the people in the Xiahou family were shocked, but Li Lingtian unexpectedly broke through.

Originally, the ninth star of the star had such terrifying power. Now that it has broken through to the domain master, how abnormal will it be? I can't imagine it.

Li Lingtian stood up and felt his body style change. The gap between the star rating and the domain master is really very big.

The body is a container, the star rating is a small container, and the body of the domain master is a large container.

Therefore, whether it is in absorption or cultivation, it is much stronger than the star.

Stellar's eighth order breakthrough to stellar ninth order, Li Lingtian's strength has been enhanced, but little change.

But this stellar ninth order breaks through to the domain master's first order. Li Lingtian believes that as long as he adapts well, it will greatly increase his strength.

Li Lingtian's strength is the one he knows best. His own strength before was to be able to fight the second order of the domain master.

It may be a little bit reluctant, but it will be invincible and use all the cards to deal with the third-order strong domain master.

But at this time, Li Lingtian felt that his own strength, against the tertiary order of the domain master, could be invincible.

Because he not only broke through to the domain master level, but his original law turned into three ways.

The first order of the domain master, the three principles of origin, is so incredible.

Li Lingtian looked down at the mountain, and the people of Zuo's family camped and camped, obviously they did not dare to act rashly.

The psychic flower has been absorbed. Li Lingtian's task of escorting the psychic flower has now been absorbed.

As long as it helps the Xiahou family break through, it is done.

Looking at the people under the mountain, Li Lingtian mainly noticed the evil monarch and could feel that the evil monarch is the second-order strength of the domain master. Originally, there should be no problem for him.

But I don't know why, there is always a difference in the evil monarch, so I am still very careful.

Half a day later, the 3,000 people of Zuo's family finally arrived.

With these three thousand people, the head of the left family is still a little uneasy, mainly because of the dragon crystal cannon and laser cannon.

Under the Fengyun Mountain, the 3,000 people who came to support Zuo's family are already in place.

The people who led the Zuo family saw that the number of people in the Zuo family was seriously wrong, and there were some **** smells on the mountain.

And there are so many seriously injured people, naturally know what happened during this period.

The head of the Zuo family looked at three thousand people and said, "The whole rested for half an hour, ready to attack the mountain."

Li Lingtian was naturally on the mountain and saw the 3,000 people who were going to support. But he did not expect it to be faster than he thought.

Li Lingtian looked at the people of Zuo's family and said to Xia Houlin: "Prepare to fight. The reinforcements of Zuo's family are coming. It is estimated that the mountain will be attacked soon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xia Houfeng immediately passed the order to let all The people of the Xiahou family are all ready to fight.

Li Lingtian looked at Xia Houfeng and asked, "Ask, where is the person dispatched by Xia Hou's family?"

Xia Houfeng immediately found Xia Houlin's contact information in his intelligence.

Xia Houlin, who was riding in the spacecraft, immediately connected the video. Xia Houfeng asked directly: "Where are you now, and when will you arrive?"

Xia Houlin looked at the navigation system, checked the distance, and said, "It will be there in half a day."

Li Lingtian calculated it, and it took almost half a day.

Said Xia Houlin: "Your people arrive, ambush at the foot of the mountain, listen to orders, and don't go up the mountain."

Xia Houlin immediately said: "Received!"

This time there was no deployment, no star crystals, no dragon crystal guns, no laser guns.

So this time, he can only use the advantage of the terrain to fight against the left.

However, Li Lingtian still took the Xiahou family to make some preparations.

For example, some boulders have been prepared, although they cannot have much effect on the star rating.

But there is nothing wrong with asking for blockages, but only for blocking.

Li Lingtian made the worst plan, that is, to summon the big puppet and the Heavenly Sovereign.

Some of them are already invincible in Li Lingtian, but they can't use them as much as possible.

Because he didn't want to expose too much, at the same time he also had to rely on himself, and he couldn't rely too much on his own strength.

All preparations are ready, and Zuo's family at the foot of the mountain has finally made a move. The time for rest is enough. At the order of Zuo's family, more than 4,000 people in Zuo's family started to advance.

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