War God Supreme

Chapter 3008: Mad news

"To be honest, I will leave you with a whole body!"

Li Lingtian's words were cold.

Suddenly, the six people's faces froze, looked at each other, burst into violence, and rushed to Li Lingtian.

"Brothers, he is nothing more than a person, the realm is similar to ours, fight with him!"

As the voice fell, five of them each exhibited a violent attack, several fierce offensives, and the overwhelming general fell to Li Lingtian.

However, one of them suddenly turned around and galloped away at a faster speed!

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, he didn't want to let anyone go, he moved his heart, no longer left his hand, the Tianlong Temple suddenly appeared, and then quickly threw the five people in a thunderous manner. The attacks are all suppressed in place!


The noise roared, and the five people felt the terror contained in the Tianlong Temple, and they were all shocked, their faces full of shock.

"My God, this is the treasure of the world!"

At this time, their faces could not help revealing a look of despair.

World treasures, it is simply not their realm and strength can resist!


The Heavenly Dragon Temple crashed down and directly crushed the bodies of the five people, even the soul of the gods, without exception.

After feeling the total death of the five people, Li Lingtian waved his right hand, that is, put away the Tianlong Temple, Qianyan Holy Wing urged with all his strength, the whole person's body seemed like a phantom, and rushed towards the direction of the escaped person in an instant.

The man was just the third-order realm of the domain master, and the speed was not comparable to Li Lingtian, but it was more than 20 breathing hours, and Li Lingtian caught up with the man.

"How is it possible? How could your speed be so fast?"

Seeing Li Lingtian catch up so quickly, the man was shocked immediately. You know, there are only five masters of the third order of the domain master who are blocking Li Lingtian, but Li Lingtian still catches up in more than thirty breaths. Being on him means that Li Lingtian killed the five people who were only in time, and it took a very short time!

This shocked him in the heart, and he was also the third-order master of the domain. Why is the strength gap so large?

However, no matter how shocked his heart was, at this time, in order to live his life, he fully exploded the potential of his body. Only blue light flashed behind him, and a pair of wings full of blue feathers appeared on his back. .

"Ah! Punch me!"

At this time, his face could not help showing a look of pain. This shows that the wings also have a very strong burden on him. But at this time, in order to survive, he did not care about anything.


Li Lingtian couldn't help but frown, but after the pair of blue wings appeared, the man's speed did rise by more than one grade, and he gradually pulled away from him.

"I want to see, when can you run!"

As soon as his thoughts moved, Li Lingtian summoned the big puppet, and then directly urged the illusion.

The puppet's illusion can cover a considerable distance, plus the person is not too far away from Li Lingtian itself, so the person is directly caught in the illusion.

In Li Lingtian's eyes, the man's figure suddenly stood still, and then twitched slightly.

Upon seeing this, Li Lingtian waved his right hand, and a light curtain suddenly appeared over the puppet.

In the light curtain, it can be clearly seen that the man gradually pulled away from Li Lingtian, and then madly rushed in the direction of the storm holy city.

After approaching the Holy City of Storms, the man put away his wings and lined up to hand over the stars, then he entered the Holy City of Storms.

Li Lingtian did not interfere with this illusion himself, but was initiated by the illusion himself. In this way, what appears in the illusion is all the thoughts of the person trapped in the environment, including people and things, all in the heart of that person True portrayal.

"Can it be a madman?"

Seeing the man enter the Storm City so quickly, Li Lingtian couldn't help but frown, and then said softly, "Just right, I also want to see how heavy the madness is."

Li Lingtian guessed right. After entering the Storm City, the man came to a **** shop. Start reporting this time.

And Li Lingtian also learned from their conversation that the mad war was still recuperating. Moreover, the trauma of this mad battle was extremely serious, and there was no time for two or three months to recover.

This made Li Lingtian could not help but whip up the corners of his mouth slightly. Very well. Since he still has to be wounded for so long, he is going to participate in the battle for the ruins. The safety of Chu Yu and others can also be guaranteed.

"Now that the news has been received, you are useless."

As soon as his thoughts moved, Li Lingtian rushed towards the man.

After rushing to the man, Li Lingtian patted him on the head with a light palm, which shocked him directly. Then Li Lingtian looked suspiciously at the blue wings behind him, his eyes rolled, and he straightened his hands, pulling out the pair of blue wings directly!

After doing all this, Li Lingtian put away the blue wings and waved his right hand gently.


Wan Xuan's holy fire ignited and instantly burned the man's body to ashes.

After doing all of this, Li Lingtian was taking back the puppet puppet, vigorously urged Qianyan Saint Wing to rush out of the planet.

After rushing out of the planet, Li Lingtian confirmed the direction and summoned the spaceship to quickly rush back to the Holy City of Storms.

I have to say that Li Lingtian has benefited greatly from the practice of retreat. Although he said that his realm has not improved, he has mastered the fusion skills of the power of the original law~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Promotion.

Originally, Li Lingtian could only retreat to the fifth-order master of the domain master, but now, Li Lingtian is sure to retreat without using the nine-color **** python and the world's treasure. If it is just an ordinary domain master The fifth-order master, Li Lingtian, is still sure to kill them!

In addition to this, the news that he was seriously wounded and still unwilling to get mad, and that pair of weird wings, Li Lingtian was enough.

"Huh, that person is not the power of the laws of the wind system, but after stimulating the pair of wings, the speed is greatly increased. What use is that wing?"

After setting the flying target of the spacecraft, Li Lingtian took out the pair of wings.

The pair of wings are all ice blue, which looks crystal clear and extremely beautiful.

Moreover, Li Lingtian can clearly feel that in that wing, there is a rather powerful force.

Even that person, just that one-tenth of the strength of this wing, was not exerted!

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