War God Supreme

Chapter 3016: Weird frost earth dragon

"Click! Click!"

A clear voice suddenly sounded.


Several people in Li Lingtian were suddenly surprised and quickly looked around, but found nothing.

Frowning slightly, Li Lingtian walked forward quietly, but they suddenly discovered that the sound came from the cracked ice.

This made them very surprised and looked at each other with a look of surprise in their eyes. ,

What will appear in the ice?

"Click! Click!"

The sound became louder and louder, and some ice blue things appeared in the eyes of Li Lingtian and others!

Those things are like crocodiles, but they have thick limbs, but their heads are similar to dragons.

"It's impossible..."

Suddenly seeing these weird monsters, Li Lingtian was surprised, and then his pupils shrank suddenly, all thinking of a monster!

"Is this an earth dragon?"

"Nothing wrong!"

Li Lingtian said in a deep voice: "This is a frost earth dragon, but I don't know how strong it is."

"As long as the domain master level is not reached, it will be fine."

However, Wan Tianyu was relieved and said: "In my opinion, this ice field is so large, there are so many frost earth dragons, there should be no domain master level, otherwise, this is not a relic, but Dead!"

"This too."

It is said that Li Lingtian couldn't help but nod his head.

After all, this is a ruin. When laying out the ruins, it will leave hope for future generations, and it is impossible to lay dead ends!

"Click! Click!"

Just as Li Lingtian talked to them, countless frost earth dragons crawled out of the cracks and hissed and screamed.

At this time, Li Lingtian also judged the strength of these frost earth dragons.

"Fortunately, these frost earth dragons are just about the strength of the sixth order of the star. Unless the number can reach tens of thousands, otherwise it will not be dangerous to us!"

The tight string in Wan Tianyu's heart suddenly loosened.

"Kill it all the way!"

Li Lingtian said in a deep voice: "The key to the ruins should still be on Qinglong's head!"

"Not bad!"

Having made up his mind, several people in Li Lingtian no longer grinded, and shot one after another, slaughtering all the frost earth dragons around.

Those frost earth dragons are only about the strength of the sixth order of the stars, and they will not be their opponents at all. Therefore, they are extremely fast, just like cutting vegetables and chopping vegetables, quickly cutting all frost earth dragons to the ground. !

However, they did not find that as they deepened, the surrounding frost earth dragons were no longer as densely distributed as before, and the strength of those frost earth dragons gradually increased.

From the sixth order of the star, it has been gradually raised to the eighth order of the star!

But Li Lingtian's strength was too strong, and they walked all the way as if they were ruined, so I didn't pay attention to it. Every time, everyone attracted hundreds of frost earth dragons, gathered together, and wiped them out again!

In this way, Li Lingtian cleared the speed of the frost earth dragon faster, but after half an hour, when they gathered more than 300 frost earth dragons together again, those earth dragons started to be crazy Get up!


In the deafening roar, frost earth dragons leaped one after another, rushing to Li Lingtian and others.

"Sample, still want to resist?"

Wan Tianyu didn't take them as one thing, and flicked them casually, with a sharp light, like a blade, and fell quickly.

Subsequently, Wan Tianyu turned to look at Li Lingtian and stopped paying attention to the frost earth dragon behind him. In his view, those frost earth dragons couldn't resist his attack this time.


However, at this time, many frost earth dragons suddenly jumped together, then the body curled up, exposing the hard back.


As the sharp light swept over them, the sound of gold and iron thundered suddenly.

A few people looked down at Li Lingtian, but they suddenly changed dramatically!

"Not good, dangerous!"

In the sight of Li Lingtian, the frost earth dragons were not crushed by the sharp light. On the contrary, after resisting the light, they stretched out their bodies, waved their claws, and slammed towards Wan Tianyu.

But at this time, Wan Tianyu was still facing away from them, and he didn't care at all, and he was even less prepared.

If those frost earth dragons caught Wan Tianyu, Wan Tianyu would be seriously injured even if he didn't die!

Suddenly, Li Lingtian rushed forward, crossed Wan Tianyu, raised his right hand, and Flame of Extinction appeared in his hand.

"Cut me!"

As Li Lingtian shouted and fell, the flames of extermination were like a whip of flame, like a gust of wind, violently slamming those frost earth dragons.

Wan Tianyu couldn’t help turning back when he saw that Li Lingtian’s face had changed dramatically. When he saw the many frost earth dragons, he immediately shocked and blurted out, “How is it possible! How can they be alive!”


Almost Wan Tianyu was shocked at the same time, Li Lingtian's flame of extinction was already hitting those frost earth dragons.


The sound of flames beating on the body of the frost earth dragon kept ringing. In an instant, those frost earth dragons were pumped out and fell heavily on the ice field.

However, there are still some frost earth dragons breaking through the long whip of the flame of extinction, opening the big mouth of the blood basin, and biting at Li Lingtian.

It seems that they are also seen. Among several people, Li Lingtian is the strongest, so I want to solve Li Lingtian first!

"Be careful! Brother Ling Tian, ​​the strength of these frost earth dragons turned out to be the top of the stellar ninth order!"

At this time, Wan Tianyu also saw ~www.wuxiaspot.com~The strength of these frost earth dragons turned out to be the top of the stellar ninth order!

He finally understood why Fang Cai would miss that blow.

Although it is said that his realm has reached the second order of the domain master, but with a single blow, he can not kill hundreds of stars of the ninth order!

Li Lingtian has already seen it, knowing that these frost earth dragons have weirdness, and they do not give them a chance to get close. They waved their right hand, and the Wanxuan Holy Fire suddenly appeared out of thin air. All the frost earth dragons that broke through the flames of God of Destruction were instantly given to them. Wrapped up!


The power of Wanxuan Shenghuo is so powerful, but it is only a dozen breathing time. Those frost earth dragons are turned into a pool of water, "Tick! Tick!" fell on the ice.


At the same time, the Flame of Extinction also killed all the remaining Frost Earth Dragons.

After confirming that there was no live talk, Li Lingtian turned to Wan Tianyu and said softly, "These frost earth dragons are weird!"

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