War God Supreme

Chapter 3022: Negotiating decision

For a long time, Li Lingtian also woke up, and two electric awns exploded from his eyes, shaking the hearts of Song Haiming and others.

Especially Chen Mouliang, he knows clearly that Li Lingtian still has the mysterious means to restore his injuries instantly. This horrible means is enough to make them feel shocked.

Moreover, the most terrifying thing is the realm of Li Lingtian. In Chen Mouliang’s induction, the realm of Li Lingtian is no longer lower than the fourth-order realm of the ordinary domain master. In that case, unless they take action together, otherwise, it will not be Li Lingtian’s opponent. .

Therefore, at this time, Chen Mouliang also secretly made up his mind. This time, no matter who he is with, he will not be able to do evil with Li Lingtian.

"Oh, Brother Ling Tian, ​​how are you recovering?"

After making up his mind, Chen Mouliang immediately looked at Li Lingtian with a smile, full of concern in his words.

Wen Yan, several people in Song Haiming's faces, all looked surprised, looking at Chen Mouliang's eyes, full of suspicious looks.

They also began to speculate whether something special happened between Chen Mouliang and Li Lingtian during their coma.

"I'm fine."

Li Lingtian also looked at Chen Mouliang with surprise. However, since Chen Mouliang wanted to befriend him, he would not refuse it. After all, behind Chen Mouliang, there is a super power. If he is not sure in the future, it will be useful. .

"Okay, next, we should also discuss how to rush out."

Wan Tianyu said suddenly: "Chen Mouliang, Song Haiming, do you know this place?"

"I don't understand."

Chen Mouliang shook his head directly and said helplessly: "As soon as we fell down, we encountered the frost earth dragon of the third order of the head of the domain, and we were directly trapped here. If it were not for you to pass by, I am afraid this time, a few of us , It will be damaged here."

"Huh, how can we die so easily!"

However, Song Haiming snorted suddenly.

After hearing this, Chen Mouliang couldn't help but smiled bitterly. He was too lazy to say anything about Song Haiming's pride.

Not only Chen Mouliang, but the other three people, looking at Song Haiming's eyes, became weird.

Originally, their group should have been all the way, so in this case, they would not fall to such a point!

But they all blame Song Haiming, and they love to say a few words when they are okay, and they still admit that they are wrong. If it was not because they were going to Song Haiming, I am afraid they would not choose to be with Song Haiming, but chose to be with Wan Tianyu. .

After all, Wan Tianyu is quite familiar with this ruin.

"Brother, you know more about this ruin, and the next thing will be yours!"

The other three looked at Wan Tianyu suddenly, with a solemn expression in their eyes.

When facing the danger of life, they still chose to put everything on Wan Tianyu.

"Well, rest assured, as long as you listen to me, led by Brother Ling Tian, ​​we can definitely rush out!"

Wan Tianyu smiled slightly, and he could also see that after this incident, Song Haiming and the other four people also had a gap, so that he could find a way to run Song Haiming away.

Originally, Wan Tianyu was still planning to be with Song Haiming. After all, it was his father's orders. However, after getting along with him during this period of time, Wan Tianyu was fed up with Song Haiming. In addition, Li Lingtian is still standing with him. Together, he believed that if the Song family was offended for Li Lingtian, even his father would not blame him.

After all, Li Lingtian has the talent to make his father change everything!


Wen Yan, the other three people, also heard Wan Tianyu's words, and understood that among the people in Wan Tianyu's group, the principal was actually Li Lingtian, and they were suddenly surprised.

In their minds, Wan Tianyu is strong and powerful, and has already broken through to the second order of the domain master, and he is still a master without a door. He has many chaotic treasures and should be Wan Tianyu’s principal. But now it seems that Wan Tianyu still has to listen to Li Lingtian’s words. !

With such a thought, their face suddenly changed, and then looked at Li Lingtian's eyes, also a look of uncertainty.

Only Chen Mouliang already knew Li Lingtian's strength, but just smiled.

Seeing that everyone was paying attention to Li Lingtian, Song Haiming was suddenly dissatisfied. After all, he looked down on Li Lingtian several times, but now Li Lingtian is letting others look at each other. His heart is extremely uncomfortable!

"Huh, stop talking so much nonsense, or think about it first, how should you go out!"

Song Haiming snorted coldly. ,

Suddenly, the rest of the people just glanced at him, and their hearts were all angry. Ah, if it weren’t for you, would we fall to this level?

However, they also understand that they are now in crisis and they must not quarrel. Otherwise, if they cannot unite their strength, they will still be unable to rush out.

Therefore, they did not break out, and strongly resisted the discomfort with Song Haiming, Shen Sheng said: "The frost dragons are all around here, there are thousands of heads, and they are all first-order domain masters. What should we do? Break out?"

"You are wrong."

Li Lingtian said coldly: "Not thousands of heads, but more than 10,000 frost earth dragons! Among them, there is one, and even more territorial third-tier frost earth dragons!"

"Hi... Also, the frost earth dragon of the third order of the domain master, although we have only seen one head, we are not sure, and there is no second head!"

Chen Mouliang frowned.

"Now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There is only one way to rush out!"

Li Lingtian said, his eyebrows could not help being picked, it looked extremely cold.

"what way?"

Wen Yan said that the rest of the people were all curiously looking at Li Lingtian, and even Liu Banxian and Yali were curious.

Especially Liu Banxian, although he has calculated, this time the crisis was only shocking, but now it seems that he feels desperate and cannot think of any way to rush out.

If Chen Mouliang can play the second-order strength of the domain master, they can naturally repeat the previous routine and rush out.

But now it seems that Song Haiming and they can't do it at all, that is to say, the previous method can no longer be used.

Then what method does Li Lingtian come up with?

For a moment, Liu Banxian looked into Li Lingtian's eyes, full of surprise and curiosity!

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