War God Supreme

Chapter 3024: Solve Frost Earth Dragon

"Beep Beep Beep!"

The hot temperature suddenly rose, and the field of Wanxuan Holy Fire broke out. In an instant, within 20 feet of Li Lingtian's body, all turned into a sea of ​​fire. All the frost earth dragons enveloped in the sea of ​​fire were all slowed down. Not only that, even the ice on them began to melt.


However, those frost earth dragons have no sanity after all, and they can't feel pain at all. Even in the field of Wanxuan Holy Fire, they only have one goal, that is, attack Li Lingtian!

In an instant, countless heads of frost earth dragons rushed to Li Lingtian.

"Humph, do it!"

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian was not surprised. He had thought of this for a long time, and sipped it, that is, when the flame of God of Extinction was summoned first, the long whip completely formed by the flame was continuously whipped out.

At the same time, Wan Tianyu and Chen Mouliang also made full efforts.


Chen Mouliang suddenly sacrificed a huge stone seal. When Shi Yinfu appeared, it was quickly enlarged, and then fell towards those frost earth dragons.


Every time Shi Yin fell, he could match dozens of frost earth dragons into a pool of crushed ice with the scorching heat, but that Shi Yin also consumed quite a lot for Chen Mouliang, but after more than ten attacks, Chen Mouliang His face paled slightly.

In comparison, although Wan Tianyu does not have the high efficiency of Chen Mouliang, each attack of Chaos Arcana in his hand can only kill a few frost earth dragons, but the spiritual power and laws required by Chaos Arcana are very few. Let Wan Tianyu attack for a long time.

Of course, the real efficient killer is Li Lingtian!

Under Li Lingtian's flame of extinction, almost every attack has dozens of frost earth dragons completely melted.

Moreover, with the passage of time, the field of Wanxuan Shenghuo has gradually exerted its effects. Many frost earth dragons have not rushed in front of them, but they are melted into a pool of water by the Wanxuan Shenghuo field. liquid!

After a short time, Li Lingtian looked at him, and found that the frost earth dragon was almost cleaned up, frowning slightly, and then his thoughts moved. The range of Wanxuan Shenghuo field suddenly doubled again!

"Expand the scope and strive to wipe out all these frost earth dragons at once!"

The side of Li Lingtian's words fell, and the flames in the field of Wanxuan Shenghuo burned violently, and the temperature was even hotter than before.

Feeling this, Chen Mouliang was immediately shocked. He thought that after he used his full strength, he was enough to fight against the third-order domain master. However, Li Lingtian, the third-order domain master, had no intention of resisting him. !

"His...what kind of monster is Li Lingtian? It's so powerful?"

However, Chen Mouliang also understood that this time was not when he considered this matter, and he and Wan Tianyu immediately responded, and rushed forward.

"Drink, cut the arc!"

At this time, Wan Tianyu suddenly turned his right hand, and a long knife with a fiery red light appeared in his hand.

"Hey, I suddenly remembered that I also have a chaotic treasure of fire attributes, miscellaneous pieces, let you taste the flame!"

The corner of the mouth slightly lifted, Wan Tianyu urged the flame knife in his hand. In an instant, the light on the flame knife flashed, and a fiery red awn, suddenly shot out from above the blade, and rushed violently towards the frost ground dragon in front. go with.


It was almost the moment when the fiery red awn and the frost earth dragon collided together. The high temperature of the explosion erupted, instantly melting dozens of frost earth dragons!


Seeing this scene, Wan Tianyu couldn't help but laugh.


Chen Mouliang had a slight twitch in the corner of his mouth. If he could also have a treasure of fire, his power would not be much worse than Wan Tianyu.

But it is a pity that Chen Mouliang is better at the power of the laws of the gold and earth systems. Therefore, the chaotic treasures he collected are all of these two attributes. At this time, when encountering the frost earth dragon, he can only rely on his own realm. Go and force it!

"Ping Shanyin, let me fall!"

Chen Mouliang suffocated, but at this time, he did not dare to relax. Every time Ping Shanyin fell, he could smash dozens of frost earth dragons, and the speed of destroying the frost earth dragon was not much worse than Wan Tianyu.

Li Lingtian also saw that Chen Mouliang and Wan Tianyu were competing. He couldn't help but feel a little surprised. He didn't understand. What kind of thing is this comparable to?


The field of Wanxuan Holy Fire broke out, with the sweep of the flames of God of Extinction. Within a short time, within a distance of fifty feet around the ninth icicle, it was completely emptied, without a frost earth dragon, and it was able to stand calmly in the original Ground!

At this time, all three of Li Lingtian also felt a sense of emptiness. They only felt that the spiritual power in the body was exhausted, and even the power of the law was somewhat inadequate.

The three of them looked at each other, and each of them withdrew their means, and then they all returned to the icicle.

"Hi... Your speed is so fast!"

Liu Banxian looked at Li Lingtian's eyes and changed suddenly.

Although it was said that Li Lingtian was blocked by Wanxuan Holy Fire Field, they did not see it clearly, but at this time, Wanxuan Holy Fire Field dispersed and there was no glance within fifty feet of the surrounding area. No frost earth dragon still exists, which is enough to prove , The power of the three of them!

Fang Cai has thousands of frost earth dragons, but under the massacre of three people, he didn't insist on it for half an hour!

This shows how arrogant their strength is!

"Huh, it took so long to solve them..."

Song Haiming felt uncomfortable~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yin and Yang said strangely: "Oh, by the way, don't you say that after the frost earth dragon is solved here, will the frost earth dragon of the third order of the domain master come out?"

"How come till now, the frost earth dragon of the third order of that domain has not come out yet?"


With the fall of Song Haiming's words, Li Lingtian and others all turned their eyes to Song Haiming, and all their eyes flashed with a weird look.

Shaking his head slightly, Li Lingtian was too lazy to bother about Song Haiming, but just turned around and stared into the distance.

Li Lingtian is also waiting for the frost earth dragon of the third order of that domain to appear!

He wants to confirm whether the frost earth dragon is only the third-order strength of the domain master!

After all, Chen Mouliang among them, the highest level is the second order of the domain master, it is easy to judge the wrong strength!

Moreover, Li Lingtian deeply understands that his ears are empty and his eyes are true. He didn't see the frost earth dragon with his own eyes, so he would not easily assume that it is the third-order strength of the domain master!

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