War God Supreme

Chapter 3032: Bingxin's powerful

"Brother Ling Tian..."

Frowning slightly, Wan Tianyu hesitated for a moment, and finally sighed: "Brother Ling Tian, ​​if possible, you should not kill Song Haiming! His father and my father are friends, this time, you will spare him a little Life!"

Speaking of which, Wan Tianyu's face was also embarrassed.

The things they did just now, they all saw clearly, it was entirely Song Haiming who was greedy and self-seeking!

"Hey... Song Haiming's face is so big!"

Liu Banxian knew that Li Lingtian had something to say, and that his relationship with Wan Tianyu was all based on Li Lingtian, so he directly mocked him.

Hearing the words, Wan Tianyu couldn't help but flushed, and his heart was embarrassed.

At this time, Wan Tianyu also completely hated Song Haiming in his heart!

"Do not worry."

Li Lingtian said, "Although Bing Xin's counterattack is more serious, he will not let him die. Well, let's take a rest, but you are carrying him, let's go out!"

"It's not a way to stay in this cave all the time."

Speaking of this, Li Lingtian couldn't help but frown slightly, he always felt that the cold here seemed to be more cold than the ice coming!

Therefore, Li Lingtian didn't want to stay here.

"it is good!"

It is said that Chen Mouliang and others suddenly cross-legged to meditate and start adjusting interest rates.

Li Lingtian also slowly closed his eyes and continued to digest the information he got when he merged Bingxin.

In the information of Bingxin, this ruin is divided into three states. Only the third state is a real ruin. There are many immortals, herbs, martial arts, exercises and treasures!

However, in the third state, although there are many treasures, but the danger is more, a little carelessness, you may fall into a situation of nowhere!

As for what remains of Qinglong's ruins, Li Lingtian is unclear, and there are not many records in Bing Xin.

However, Li Lingtian knew the map distribution in the ruins.

"It turned out that this Bingxin turned out to be the key to the puppet hall!"

"Only after going through the puppet hall, can we break into other halls... Huh, I don't know, what can I gain from this relic tour!"

At this point, Li Lingtian couldn't help but sighed. He is now very eager for the improvement of his strength. Otherwise, if the king of war is directly out, he will be unable to escape!

Fortunately, the King of Death has not yet appeared, otherwise, he will be in great trouble, but the King of Death is not present now, does not mean that the King of Death will never come out, therefore, the King of Death is like a sharp knife hanging on his head. , Stimulating Li Lingtian all the time, forcing Li Lingtian to break through faster!

When Li Lingtian digested the information, Wan Tianyu, Chen Mouliang and others all recovered.

"Okay, we can go too!"

Realizing that several people had retreated from their cultivation state, Li Lingtian stood up decisively, giving a glance to several people, and suddenly walked out of the icicle range.

Wan Tianyu was carrying Song Haiming in a coma, but his face was full of disgust.

If it wasn't for his father's words before, let him ensure Song Haiming's safety, I'm afraid he would have left Song Haiming alone, and let him die by himself!

Soon, nine people including Li Lingtian came to the eighth icicle, and those frost earth dragons immediately became agitated after Li Lingtian approached everyone.

Seeing this scene, Wan Tianyu couldn't help but was shocked, extremely nervous, all staring at Li Lingtian tightly.

Li Lingtian looked indifferent. He quickly called out Bing Xin, and his thoughts moved, and in a short time, Li Lingtian felt that there was some unclear connection between him and these frost earth dragons.

He suddenly had an idea, it seems that he can put away these frost earth dragons, sealed in the ice heart!

This kind of thought came out of him suddenly, which directly shocked Li Lingtian, but after all, Li Lingtian has experienced weather and winds and experienced various winds and waves. It was just a moment of effort, and he reacted. Collect all these frost earth dragons!


Almost at the moment when Li Lingtian's thoughts had just risen, those frost earth dragons turned into a blue and white light, and then injected into Bingxin!

With the injection of those lights, I don't know whether it is the factor in my heart or what the reason is, Li Lingtian even felt that Bing Xin seemed to be a bit heavier!


Seeing this scene, Chen Mouliang couldn't help but took a sigh of relief and blurted out: "Brother Ling Tian, ​​can you save those frost earth dragons?"

"That frost earth dragon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can you still be summoned in the future?"

None of them are fools. After seeing this scene, they all thought of this.

"I do not know either."

After hearing this, Li Lingtian could not help shrugging his shoulders and said softly, "It should be okay... wait until later!"


After hearing that, they could not help but take a breath of air. At this time, they finally paid attention to Li Lingtian.

If it is said that Li Lingtian's personal strength has been enough to shock them, face up, now that Li Lingtian can conquer so many domain-level frost earth dragons, it is to make them pay attention!

Even their forces have no ability to bring together tens of thousands of domain masters!

Unless they combine several forces together, they can do this!

Moreover, they are a force, and Li Lingtian is just a person!

It can be said that everything shown by Li Lingtian is shaking their hearts!

After this episode, a group of nine people went on. Soon, the remaining seven waves of frost earth dragons were all received by Li Lingtian.

It can be said that within this short incense, Li Lingtian found more than 10,000 younger brothers of the first order of the domain master, and each younger brother was undaunted and loyal to him!

This makes Li Lingtian quite excited. For him, this is a big killer!

Perhaps, these frost earth dragons can't do anything when facing the super powers, but if he summons these frost earth dragons in the knockout game, who are the strong ones who come to participate in the game, who can be with He contends?

At this point in thought, Li Lingtian could not help but slightly raised the corner of his mouth, this relic is really a treasure land before participating in the knockout!

(End of this chapter)

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