War God Supreme

Chapter 3038: Kill dragon

"Li Ling is so strong, no wonder my father will choose him!"

After seeing Li Lingtian showing his strength this time, Wan Tianyu was also more firm in his confidence to follow Li Lingtian.

As long as Li Lingtian can not die, he will certainly be able to grow into a peak powerhouse in the future. Then he will always be by Li Lingtian's side, and he will definitely get the benefits of Tianda!

Of course, this is just Wan Tianyu's idea, Chen Mouliang a few of them, just praise Li Lingtian's strength!

"Cut me!"

Li Lingtian burst into a scream, and the God of Destruction God urged it all, and the wind blade was like a hurricane. It only took a few breathing time to kill all the remaining feather arrows in the air into fragments.


For a moment, only the sound of wind blade trembling remained in the entire hall.


Looking up, there were no longer silver feather arrows falling around, and Li Lingtian was also relieved.

The power of those gates is extremely strong, and even he is also breaking out the God Book of Destruction, so that he can crush the feather arrow with the help of Qianyan Holy Wing.

If the number of feather arrows is increased a little, I am afraid that he cannot resolve the feather arrow offensive as easily!

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​is this your real strength?"

"too strong!"

"I am afraid that this kind of strength has the fourth order of the domain master!"

Chen Mouliang and Peng Zhi were speechless and their faces were full of respect.

"Ha ha……"

Li Lingtian did not answer a few people, but frowned, continuing to look around.

He always felt that the customs of this place would not be too simple!

After all, the ruins of Qinglong can be a barrier. As long as you go in, you can get endless benefits. How can it be so simple to let them pass?

"Dada! Click!"

Sure enough, when Li Lingtian carefully looked around, a slight voice sounded again.

This time, Li Lingtian and eight of them all raised their heads violently. At the next moment, countless ice blue squares suddenly appeared in their sight.

The cubes are ice blue, with blue light flashing, and they look crystal clear, but I don't know why, after seeing these cubes, Li Lingtian was cold in their hearts at the same time!

"What are these squares?"

Frowning frowning, Li Lingtian was also surprised. When he just heard the sound, he thought it was a feather arrow again, but now it seems that it is not.

But in his subconscious, he can see that these strange blocks are much more dangerous than the previous feather arrows!


The crisp voice sounded again. This time, the ice blue ice cubes stretched out quietly under the watch of Li Lingtian.

Those squares, like the most sophisticated instruments, stretch and expand quickly.

Soon, one ice blue flying dragon after another appeared in everyone's sight.


Those ice-blue flying dragons do not look much different from the blue dragons, but they are not entangled with iron chains!

As soon as he appeared, the ice-blue flying dragons all roared together, and a strong sound wave suddenly reverberated in the hall. The sound waves soared and trembling!


Suddenly, Li Lingtian and eight people covered their ears at the same time, but even then, the strong sound waves still caused the eight people to suffer.

But in their hearts, they are more puzzled. What exactly are these ice-blue flying dragons?

Why, they could be turned into a block, hidden in the air?

These doubts are all unknown to everyone!


However, those ice-blue flying dragons did not give Li Lingtian and others the time to hesitate. After the long roar, they swooped down and sharp claws suddenly slammed towards Li Lingtian and others.

Their tails are constantly flicking and flying in the air, bringing up the sounds of breaking the sky.

"Not good, prepare to meet the enemy! These flying dragons are all the second-level strength of the domain master, you must be careful!"

Li Lingtian's face changed, he shouted quickly, and then his body flashed, then he rushed towards the flying dragons first.

At this time, there were twenty flying dragons in the hall, and they all existed in the second order of the domain master. Except that Wan Tianyu, Liu Banxian, Yali killing and Chen Mouliang were able to deal with each one, Peng Zhi and the three of them , Does not necessarily have the strength to deal with them.

Of course, if you can resist a while, you can still do it.

But even so, Wan Tianyu and seven of them are dealing with ten flying dragons at most. This is still the case where Wan Tianyu, Liu Banxian and Chen Mouliang deal with two each!

After all, Yali killing is proficient in assassination, and is not suitable for singles, so even if she has excellent attack power, she cannot fight with two flying dragons at the same time.

In my mind, after quickly filtering out this information, Li Lingtian understood how to do it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the eyes of war, double waving, the explosion of the field of Wanxuan Shenghuo, and instantly ten flying dragons The figure pulled into his realm!

Seeing this scene, Wan Tianyu and Liu Banxian also reacted and selected the flying dragons they had to deal with, and they all rushed out.

"Boom! Boom!"

Suddenly, a strong sound rang continuously.

The seven people of Wan Tianyu suddenly collided with the ten flying dragons. The Chaos Treasure collided with the flesh of the dragon respectively. However, apart from the fact that Wan Tianyu could suppress the flying dragon, the others could only barely parry.

But when thinking of Li Lingtian fighting against ten flying dragons alone, they all clenched their teeth and persevered!

Even Li Lingtian didn't complain, why can't they persevere?

At this point, they all broke out their strongest fighting power, clenching their teeth, fighting desperately with those flying dragons!

Seeing this, Wan Tianyu and some of their talents were relieved. The most feared thing for them was that the three Peng Zhi could not hold on, causing the rest of the flying dragons to besiege them, as long as the three Peng Zhi could hold on, then wait until they solved it. After the flying dragon, you can go to support them.

Wanxuan Holy Fire Field.

The intense flame rises directly to suppress those flying dragons!

However, Li Lingtian did not move directly, he just stared closely at the flying dragons, his eyes full of weird looks!

Li Lingtian was very surprised. Since these flying dragons used to be in the shape of squares, they could be stretched out. So logically, they should be mechanical and metal. But now they look just like normal flying dragons. It seems It is also a flesh and blood, which makes Li Lingtian very surprised.

What are these flying dragons?

(End of this chapter)

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