War God Supreme

Chapter 3041: Strong enemy

Seemingly aware of Li Lingtian's weakness, those flying dragons speeded up again, madly fighting towards Li Lingtian.

"Roar roar!"

This time, due to the attenuation of Thundernet's attack power, there were really a few flying dragons that broke through the power grid and rushed to Li Lingtian.

"court death!"

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian couldn't help but cold eyes.

Although his spiritual power is about to dry up, the power of the original law is still there, and his physical body is far stronger than these flying dragons!


With a loud bang, Li Lingtian jumped up, his hands were like a sword, and he swiped sharply, and a sharp breath broke through the air, quickly cutting off the body of a flying dragon!


However, at the moment when the dragon's body split, there were two flashes of light.

"Huh? What's going on?"

Suddenly seeing that the dragon's cracked body exuded two rays of light, Li Lingtian was suddenly surprised. Upon careful observation, Li Lingtian's eyes lit up suddenly, and his heart couldn't help but ecstasy.

He suddenly found that after the two rays of light radiated out, the flying dragon with its split body did not turn into a block again!

"It's impossible to prevent them from being born again only by tearing their bodies completely?"

"But what are those two rays of light?"

Just when Li Lingtian was puzzled, the two rays of light flew abruptly towards the east gate beside them, and the other light flew towards the largest block in the sky!


With the injection of that light, the light emitted from the largest block suddenly became brighter than before.

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian couldn't help but think about it thoughtfully.

"Huh... Let's solve all these little flying dragons first!"

Li Lingtian frowned slightly, and he made up his mind abruptly. He took a deep breath, and his figure was like a sharp sword. Every time the figure flashed, he was able to tear a flying dragon!

Sure enough, after being torn apart, those flying dragons did not turn into blocks again. They all turned into two rays of light, one rushing toward the door and the other rushing toward the largest block.

Without exception!

After a quarter of an hour.

"Drink, kill me!"

The index finger and **** of both hands merged, and a sharp stroke, sharp sword gas, accompanied by a crisp drink, instantly torn the body of the last flying dragon.


Feilong wailed, his body burst, suddenly turned into two lights, and began to spread out.

Seeing this scene, Chen Mouliang's seven people couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. They just discovered this just now. They also hope that Li Lingtian can quickly crack this game. Otherwise, once Li Lingtian loses, They will also die!

So, at this time, all of them prayed for Li Lingtian.


As the last ray of light was injected into the largest block, that block suddenly burst into a bright light.

Looking at the bright light, Li Lingtian was nervous.

He was very worried. In the event that a territorial creature of the sixth order or a territorial creature of the seventh order suddenly popped out, he would have no choice but to sit still and die!

"God protection, the strength must not exceed the sixth order of the domain master, otherwise, I can only use the world treasure!"

Li Lingtian was quite worried. What he feared most was to expose the existence of the world's treasures too early!


When Li Lingtian was worried, the bright, dazzling, and dazzling square suddenly gave a loud roar.

At the next moment, a green dragon several times larger than before appeared in front of everyone!


At the moment of seeing the Qinglong, not only Li Lingtian took a breath, but even seven people, including Wan Tianyu and Liu Banxian, were shocked and took a breath.

"Is this Qinglong? But why is there a pair of wings on its back?"

"No! If it is a green dragon, it should be wrapped with an iron chain behind it. How could it be a pair of wings?"

"What the **** is this?"

"Its momentum is very strong, it seems that... has reached the peak strength of the fifth order of the domain master!"

As Chen Mouliang's sentence fell, the faces of Peng Zhi and others suddenly became somber.

Domain master fifth-order, then it is a strong master of domain master fifth-order strength!

In their thoughts, Li Lingtian is only the third order of the domain master. Even how powerful it is, he can only compete with the strong fourth-order master of the domain master! But domain master fifth order is different, not to mention, it is a flying dragon who does not know the pain and can only attack domain master fifth order peak strength!

Not to mention Peng Zhi, even Wan Tianyu and Liu Banxian were a little worried about Li Lingtian.

If Li Lingtian is still in a perfect state now, maybe they will not be too worried, but now, Li Lingtian's spiritual power is about to dry up, how could it be the opponent of the domain's fifth-order peak strength flying dragon?

"Brother Ling Tian! Be careful!"

Suddenly gritted his teeth, Wan Tianyu stood up first, Shen Sheng said: "This guy is the strength of the fifth order of the domain master! We must be careful!"

"Brother Chen, Brother Peng, let's take a shot together! Otherwise, it will definitely die!"

It is said that Li Lingtian could not help but frown.

Chen Mouliang also hesitated a few people, but when they thought that as long as Li Lingtian died, they were also a mortal ending, and they immediately stood up.

"Yes, let's take a shot together, maybe there is still a chance to win it!"

All of Chen Mouliang's eyes were glaring~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Looking into the flying dragon's eyes, full of angry fire and sky-high war intentions!

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian couldn't help but lifted up the corner of his mouth slightly. However, if it was only the fifth-order flying dragon in the district, he didn't need to worry too much.

Li Lingtian will not let them shoot. After all, they are too weak. If they don’t pay attention, they may be directly killed by the flying dragon. He doesn’t want to let anyone die. These guys are all his. Network resources!

"Brother, I have your kind intentions! However, only a fifth-order flying dragon of the domain master is not my opponent!"

"Hahaha! You are waiting here!"

In the laughter, Li Lingtian looked like a flashlight, and quickly flew towards the huge dragon.

"Wanxuan Holy Fire Field!"

Amidst the screams, the field of Wanxuan Holy Fire quickly urged, and countless flames rushed out, and the flying dragon was completely wrapped up in an instant!

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