War God Supreme

Chapter 3048: Breakthrough, Domain Master Level 4

"The power of the original law! This is actually the power of the original law!"

After Li Lingtian sensed that the power of the source law in his body appeared, the power of the fifth source rule that had been dormant in his body immediately surged up.


The ice cold breath erupted, and the two forces of the original law actually merged together!

This made Li Lingtian quite shocked, but soon, he just reacted. It seems that the reason why the power of the original law will appear is because of the pair of wings and wings he got.

"Strange, what the **** is that?"

However, after knowing this, Li Lingtian was even more curious. What exactly is the pair of wings, not only can he get a new power of original law, but also can make him like a fish in the remains of the Qinglong.

Li Lingtian also saw that the reason why he was able to get Bingxin was due to a pair of wings.


However, regardless of Li Lingtian's entanglement and doubts, at this time, the pair of wings had been completely recovered, as if they were connected with his flesh and bones, they merged together and grew out of his body, constantly flickering wings.

At the same time, the power of the fifth law of origin has gradually grown.

In Li Lingtian's body, the momentum is constantly rising, and the crazy improvement!

Domain master third order late, domain master third order peak...


As if it were a large balloon directly bursting, Li Lingtian's realm was finally elevated to the fourth-order realm of the domain master!

The power of the fifth law of origin has also become extremely powerful. Although it is not as good as the previous four, it is not weaker than the average person.

The icy breath was very cold.

"The power of this fifth law of origin is actually the power of ice! Hey... If I can fully understand the power of ice, it will be much easier to deal with that mad war..."

Li Lingtian breathed a sigh of light, slowly opened his eyes, and his heart suddenly became excited.

When he is in the third order of the domain master, he can contend with the general fourth-order domain master, using special means, even the strong master of the sixth-order domain master can fight!

Now, he has already broken through to the fourth order of the domain master. Isn't that why he doesn't have to worry about the strong seventh-order domain master?

Of course, that means using the World Treasure. If Li Lingtian does not use the World Treasure, it will be the same as the domain master's fifth-order strong.

Shaking hands, Li Lingtian suddenly felt that his body was full of power!


Take a breath and inhale all the cold into his mouth. Li Lingtian feels that his body is full of power, and his confidence is bursting. Even at this time, there is a strong master of the sixth order standing in front of him, Li Lingtian is confident with him. One battle!

Looking up at Chen Mouliang several people, Li Ling genius found that Wan Tianyu, Chen Mouliang and others looked at his face, full of shock.

With a frown, Li Lingtian couldn't help but became curious.

Looking sideways, Li Lingtian found out that the wings behind him had not retracted.

When the thoughts moved, the pair of wings were not under his control at all. There is no movement at all.

Suddenly, Li Lingtian couldn't help but frowned.

No, let him go out with such a pair of strange wings?

"Brother Ling Tian... did you break through again..."

A few people in Wan Tianyu rolled their throats and swallowed in amazement.

Especially Wan Tianyu, he knew that Li Lingtian's previous strength, but now, he has already broken through to the fourth level of the domain master, dumping him two realms, which makes him shocked.

At least among the many people he has seen, he has never seen it before. Someone can have such a fast breakthrough speed like Li Lingtian!


Li Lingtian nodded and said softly, "I didn't expect it to break through suddenly. It seems that this Qinglong remains are still good."

"Then the last treasure is the wings behind you?"

Chen Mouliang looked towards the back and waited until they found out that the wings on the high platform had disappeared. Instead, they were the wings behind Li Lingtian. They stared at Li Lingtian's eyes and suddenly changed their breath.

Of course, they did not dare to shoot directly.

Just kidding, now Li Lingtian's strength is far superior to them. If they really dare to do it, it is simply to find a way out!

"Not bad."

Li Lingtian said with a smile: "It's just that this pair of wings doesn't seem to have any effect. Until now, I still don't understand how to use it."

Li Lingtian couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Then wait for your cultivation to understand, let's go out again?"

Wan Tianyu frowned slightly.

What worries him the most is that after they go out, in case they meet the rest of the super powers, they see what is going on in Li Lingtian's wings.

Once a war breaks out, it is very likely to cause a fight between several superpowers.

After all, their identities are indeed somewhat sensitive.

"No, time is running out. Let's go out soon."

However, Li Lingtian directly rejected Wan Tianyu, and when he thought about it, he called Bing Xin out.

Wen Yan, several people in Wan Tianyu, could not help but hesitate.

Under the urge of Li Lingtian, Bingxin burst into a dazzling light. The next moment, that light was to devour all the bodies of eight people in a row.


The light flashed, and the figure of Bingxin disappeared into this space in the next moment.

It seems to be eternal, but it seems to be just an instant. When Li Lingtian and the eight of them wake up again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ when they open their eyes, beside them, there is a twinkling starlight.

Shaking his head violently, Li Lingtian looked down and realized that Bing Xin was already holding it in his hand, and, behind him, the pair of wings turned out to be faint blue light, faintly cold. , Also circulated.

"Strange, what's going on?"

Realizing this, Li Lingtian suddenly became suspicious. Is it because of the power of the starlight that this wing will be excited?

While Li Lingtian was contemplating, Wan Tianyu, Liu Banxian, and Chen Mouliang also woke up.

"Huh, so quickly, have we actually come out of the remains of Qinglong?"

"Hahaha, Shuang, this trip to the ruins, we have gained enough benefits! It's time to go back!"

However, when they were excited, a cold voice sounded abruptly!

"It's them, get started!"

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