War God Supreme

Chapter 3050: 0 Mile

"This time, I won't kill you, I'm sorry for myself!"

Shen Zhui soul was very angry. Before, when others saw him, which one was not careful, he was extremely respectful.

This time, he brought so many people and surrounded Li Lingtian and others. As a result, Li Lingtian was so arrogant that he turned his eyes on and let him hand over all the treasures, and then he walked away. This is too great. Arrogant!

"Oh? Do you still want to kill me?"

Wen Yan, Li Lingtian's complexion suddenly became somber.

Li Lingtian is not a killer, but his rich experience has made Li Lingtian understand that it is necessary to strangle all threats in the cradle, otherwise, someday, some people will make you regret that they did not kill him!

"Huh, originally I just wanted you to hand over the treasures, but since you are so rampant, then I don't need to save you face!"

Shen Zhuishun raised his right hand and said in a cold voice: "Brothers, give it to me, give me eight of them!"

Hearing the words of Shen Zhuihun, not only Li Lingtian and Wan Tianyu, but also all looked downcast.

I think they are all the eldest sons of the ranks. Where do people dare to treat them like this?

Although it is said that there are many people chasing souls at this time, they are also not afraid.

With the order of Shen Zuihun, nearly a hundred masters, all madly flocked to Li Lingtian and eight others.

Suddenly, Shen Zuishen and Song Haiming both had shortness of breath, eyes fixed on Li Lingtian and others, their eyes full of fiery expression.

It seemed that the scene of Li Lingtian's tragic death of eight people had already appeared in their eyes.


"Since you want to kill me, be ready to die!"

The cold light flashed in Li Lingtian's eyes. When he was just about to use the Holy Fire of Wanxuan, he felt a sudden movement in his heart. On his back wings, there was an invisible wave.

"Huh? It's impossible, can that thing be urged?"

Suddenly, Li Lingtian couldn't help but was a little surprised. He had always wanted to urge the wing, but he couldn't urge it. Now that he has come out, he can urge it. What is the situation?

However, Li Lingtian also knew that it was not time for him to think about it. When he thought about it, he gave up the thought of controlling Wanxuan Shenghuo. The cold light in his eyes bloomed, the spiritual power was like sea water, and he poured into the wings behind him.



At the next moment, the strange invisible waves burst out of the wings behind Li Lingtian, and the strong coldness was overwhelmingly oppressed!

It was only an instant that those chills were quickly attacked on the face of the crowd.

"Click! Click!"

Almost at the moment when the cold hits, those people's bodies are quickly covered with a layer of frost.

The frost was only a little bit thick at first, but soon, with the sound of a clear sound, the ice quickly spread, but it was only a few breathing times, which covered all the people's bodies!

"Click! Click!"

The cold continued to permeate, and those who rushed up had no time for any reaction, but they were frozen into an ice sculpture.

Some slow-moving people saw this, all with a horrified look on their faces, and then turned around and tried to escape.

However, will Li Lingtian give them a chance to escape?


With a cold hum, I saw Li Lingtian's right hand move, and the spread of the coldness was suddenly accelerated, just like a beast, suddenly opened the blood basin and swallowed the group of people!

"Click! Click!"

The cold was pervasive, and those people hardly had any ability to resist, that is, they were completely frozen into popsicles by that cold!

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian couldn't help but slightly raised the corner of his mouth.

Very good, the power of this ice principle of origin is really worthy of the fifth principle of origin he obtained. It is powerful. In Li Lingtian's opinion, even if he is fighting wildly, he will not be much worse now.

What's more, this time, what he will deal with is still a frantic battle with serious injuries!

Originally, Li Lingtian was still a little worried, but with the power of the original principle of ice, he was no longer worried.

"His... so strong!"

"God, Li Lingtian, isn't he mainly based on flame power? When was the power of his ice law so powerful?"

"Hiss...it is impossible, this Li Lingtian, has been hiding awkward? My God, how strong is his strength?"

Chen Mouliang stared at each other, all from their eyes, saw the look of fear.

There is no way, who let Li Lingtian show now, is really too tough!

Only Wan Tianyu took a deep look at the wings behind Li Lingtian. He could feel that it was not Li Lingtian who was hiding. It was only the coldness of Li Lingtian that clearly showed Li Lingtian's latest strength.

That is, the power of the pair of wings!

"His...what exactly is that wing? It has such a powerful power! It seems that the real benefits of Qinglong's remains should be behind those wings!"

Wan Tianyu slightly squinted, already guessed some.

It wasn’t just Wan Tianyu and Chen Mouliang who were horrified. Shen Cuihun and Song Haiming were frightened, their eyes wide, their mouths wide, and their faces were full of unbelievable looks.

"How... how is it possible! How could so many powerful masters of other domains be instantly frozen by you!"

Shen Chaishun's face was full of horror, and he kept muttering: "No... this shouldn't be! How could you be so powerful!"


Song Haiming couldn't help swallowing a slobber, and he was horrified: "No~www.wuxiaspot.com~ How could this happen? He was only the third-order strength of the domain master! Why now, he has the fifth-level contest with the domain master. the power of?"

After the domain master, the gap at each level is like a world apart.

But the difference between the world can also be compensated by quantity.

Therefore, after seeing so many first- and second-order masters of the domain master, Song Haiming would reveal the news and bring in Shen Chaishun and others.

However, Song Haiming didn't expect that Li Lingtian was once again breaking through at this time. Originally, this group of them could naturally cause damage to the third-level master of the domain master. But if you want to deal with the master of the fourth-order domain master, that can There is no chance of winning!

Unless, they can have more than twenty times more people, or more than ten more powerful masters around the third order.

"Now, do you still want to **** my treasure?"

Li Lingtian's mouth twitched slightly, and slowly walked towards Song Haiming and Shen Zhuihun!

(End of this chapter)

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