War God Supreme

Chapter 3054: Hands on

"There was a war around someone!"

After hearing the intelligent prompt, Wan Tianyu directly judged them, Shen Sheng said: "Otherwise, let's go up and join in the fun?"

"It just happened that so many people didn't fight. It can be seen that they didn't want to fight. Now that the battle has broken out, it is clear that they must be fighting for the relics!"

As soon as Li Lingtian's eyes turned, he said, "Since there are relics competing, then we must go and see!"

"Even if it is not a ruins of Suzaku, among the remaining ruins, the treasures should not be underestimated!"

"Not bad!"

Wen Yan, Wan Tianyu, both of them shined.

Yes, they hadn't fought before, it was obvious that they still restrained themselves, but now they fought. Apart from the ruins, they can't think of anything else that could lure them so crazy.


All of them were excited and rushed towards the outbreak of fighting.



Before they approached, the fierce roar sounded constantly in the ears of Li Lingtian and others.

"This kind of fluctuation should be about the first and second order of the domain master!"

Sensing this, Wan Tianyu's mouth was slightly raised, with Li Lingtian in, they can be said to be stable!

Soon, in front of Li Lingtian and others, there were dozens of collision figures.

Those people are all desperately fighting, and their faces are full of grief.

In the middle of the crowd, there is a fragment of star field, which is shining brightly.

"Not the remains of Suzaku..."

After a brief induction, Li Lingtian realized that among the debris of the star field, there was no breath of fire attribute, but instead was full of breath of life, and I immediately understood that this is not the ruins of Suzaku.

However, even if it is not a ruins of Suzaku, they still have to fight for it. What if there is a treasure in it?

"Oh, uh!"

The speed was so fast that Li Lingtian and eight people appeared above the group of people.


The group of people also noticed the arrival of Li Lingtian and others, and quickly stopped the movements in their hands, no longer fighting, but looked at Li Lingtian and others together, eyes filled with surprise and caution.

"Who are you?"

"Huh! But here we discovered first, leave quickly, otherwise, blame me for waiting for you!"

The group of people was extremely clever, knowing that the principle of two benefits and two defeats, so instead of fighting, they chose to fight against Li Lingtian and others together.

They didn't want to, the ruins they had worked so hard to find were finally given to others.

"You can leave here."

Li Lingtian glanced at everyone and found that most of their strength was between the first and second order of the domain master. There is no need to worry at all, so he said directly, "I limit you to ten breaths and leave here, Otherwise, you will be at your own risk!"


"So rampant?"

It was said that the group of people was stunned for the first time. They were the first time they saw someone dare to talk to them like this!

"Boy, do you know who we are?"

The two leaders looked at each other, and then they all looked at Li Lingtian with a somber face, and said unkindly: "You are only eight people, and there are two stellar ninth-order spicy chickens. Dare to talk to us like this?"

"Boy, I will give you another chance at last. If you kneel down and kowtow for mercy, maybe we will let you go if you are in a good mood! Hahaha!"

Wen Yan, Wan Tianyu and Chen Mouliang and others looked at the eyes of those two, and they looked full of pity.

If there is no Li Lingtian, a few of them, it is really a bit dangerous to deal with that group of people, but now Li Lingtian is here, not to mention more than a dozen first- and second-order people, even if there are one hundred more, they All are not afraid!

This is the strength of Li Lingtian!


However, in the face of the provocations of those two people, Li Lingtian's face remained unchanged. There was no reaction at all, but he counted himself.

As a result, the two men's complexions suddenly became somber and the corners of their mouths twitched violently.

"So arrogant boy, are you ignoring us?"

The two clenched their fists, staring closely at Li Lingtian, eyes full of bloodthirsty expression.

"Eight... Seven... Six... Five..."

Li Lingtian still ignored them, even his eyelids were not lifted, his face looked like an ancient well without any waves.

"court death!"

"Mad, I think you are tired of it! Brothers, come on! Get me this **** guy!"

The anger erupted in the eyes of the two people, which could no longer be suppressed. Raising his hand was a figure that rushed to Li Lingtian at a rapid speed.


The power of the surging laws erupted, and the strong spiritual power, like a flame, exploded towards Li Lingtian.

Suddenly, the group of people looked at Li Lingtian's eyes with a mocking look.

They seem to have seen the scene where Li Lingtian was killed alive.

However, in the face of this turbulent offensive, Li Lingtian was unmoved. Even, even the defense was not prepared, but the last few numbers were counted lightly.


"Since you are dying yourself, then blame me mercilessly!"

Softly whispering, Li Lingtian's eyes shone coldly, that is, at this time, the group's fierce offensive had already fallen.


The explosion sounded, but the strong shock wave had not erupted yet~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ was solidified in place by Li Lingtian!

I saw that Li Lingtian's right hand was raised, and a whirlwind appeared in front of him. At the next moment, a strong God-extinguishing hurricane broke out and instantly pulled that force into the hurricane!

Soon, it was like the pressure of the Taishan Mountain, and the spirit offensive that fell with a magnificent momentum was completely absorbed into the God Hurricane. In an instant, the air was restored to the clear.

"His...how is it possible!"

Seeing this scene, the group of people suddenly stayed in place. They were originally full of confidence, thinking that Li Lingtian must die under this trick.

But now, the facts gave them a slap!

If Li Lingtian Realm is relatively low, it is really difficult to achieve this, but now, Li Lingtian Realm is higher than them, so it is easy to use God Hurricane to pull those spiritual forces into the hurricane.

In addition, Li Lingtian has mastered the means to merge spiritual power. At this time, the sensitivity to spiritual power is extremely high, and it will not let the spiritual power inside explode easily. It is precisely because of this that Li Lingtian dared to do so!

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