War God Supreme

Chapter 3056: stimulate

Li Lingtian just shook his shoulders, that was, the pressure was released from the shock.

Suddenly, Wan Tianyu's pressure was alleviated a lot, and his face looked soothed.

Realizing this, the visitor could not help but be surprised.

In his opinion, Li Lingtian and others, the strongest is only the fourth order of the domain master, and the rest are the first and second order domain masters. They are extremely weak, even if they resist together, they should not be able to resist his momentum. That's right.

But why, Li Lingtian easily suppressed that prestige?

"This is a master!"

The man stared at Li Lingtian and looked carefully. At this time, he also saw it. This looks like Li Lingtian, who is only the fourth order of the domain master, may give him a surprise!


The man waved his right hand, and in an instant, everyone stopped. Nearly a hundred masters who had reached the first order of the domain master stood in front of Li Lingtian and eight people.

At this time, even without the coercion, the seven people of Wan Tianyu couldn't help getting nervous.

Li Lingtian alone, with a grim complexion and calmness, seemed like an ancient well without any waves.

Aware of this, the leader also understood that Li Lingtian was the master of this pedestrian.

"Not bad."

The corners of his mouth slightly lifted, and the leading man could not help but sneer and said: "A lord ant of the fourth order in the face of the area, facing me, facing so many of my brothers, can still be so calm. Yes, really good!"

"I'm so admired, but I appreciate you a little bit!"

After hearing this, Li Lingtian could not help but raised his eyebrows, and said softly, "You are Shen Duobao? Do you still have a younger brother named Shen Zhuihun?"

Suddenly hearing Li Lingtian's words, Wan Tianyu's seven people couldn't help but startled a little.

They just remembered that Shen Zuihun died in the hands of Li Lingtian, that is to say, they and Shen Duobai were enemies of life and death, and there was no room for adjustment.

"Not bad."

Shen Duobai laughed and said, "Why, you have heard of my name, right. Hahaha, boy, I think you are pretty pleasing, or you will follow me!"

"If you follow me, you will definitely be able to stand out in this elimination battle with your strength!"

Shen Duobai thought Li Lingtian had heard his prestige, wanted to surrender, and smiled brilliantly.

However, Li Lingtian sneered. Shen Sheng said: "Follow you? Sorry, I think you may be dreaming!"


Hearing that Li Lingtian had rejected himself, Shen Duobai could not help but raised his eyebrows, then sneered and said, "It seems that you still don't understand my means!"

"Well, since you don't want to confuse me, please leave here. This ruin is not something that you, the people, can touch."

"If you want to get the ruins, you have to obey me! Otherwise, you will die!"

Speaking of which, Shen Doupo's tone became somber.

In their realm, killing is already a very common thing.

What they follow is that those who follow me are prosperous and those who oppose us die!


Li Lingtian shrugged his shoulders and said casually: "Your younger brother is called Shen Zhuishun, isn't he?"

"Not bad."

Wen Yan, looking at Li Lingtian's complexion again, Shen Duobai's heart sank suddenly, he suddenly had a bad hunch.

A day ago, his feelings about Shen Zhuihun's spirit were weakened a lot, and now it is even more vague, almost impossible to sense, so Shen Duo's heart suddenly became tense.

"Oh, your younger brother is dead, and you still have something to look for here."

Li Lingtian said slightly with sarcasm: "It really is brotherly affectionate!"


Hearing Li Lingtian’s words, Shen Doushao’s face suddenly became somber, and Shen Sheng said, “My brother is actually dead? How did you know?”

"Say, when did he die? Who killed him?"

Speaking of which, Shen Zuopo's complexion has been completely cruel.

"The man who killed him is right in front of you!"

Seeing that Shen Duobai was approaching a state of mania, Li Lingtian could not help but slightly raised his mouth. If he was a master of the fifth-order master in the normal state, he really had to pay attention to it, but he was only facing a maniac state master Fifth-order master, then there is not much pressure.

Although it is said that under the state of madness, Shen's power will become stronger, but its own strength is stronger than Li Lingtian, so Li Lingtian will not confront Shen Shenbiao. In this way, he will enter a mad state. After that, Shen Duobai will only use brute force, and will not be Li Lingtian's opponent.

"not enough!"

As soon as his eyes turned, Li Lingtian continued with a smile: "Gee, when your younger brother begged for mercy, that was really a pity!"

"Especially when he was killed in the end, the survival in his eyes really broke my heart, but it is a pity that he died in the end... eh..."

In the end, Li Lingtian couldn't help but sigh, just like a saint.


"You dare to attack my younger brother! Find death! Give me death!"

Hearing the words, Shen Duobai couldn't bear it anymore. With a loud roar, he threw himself at Li Lingtian.


In Shen Duo's hands, the blood-red light flashed like a thunder, and suddenly hit Li Lingtian.

"Come well!"


However, in the face of such means of seizing the soul, Li Lingtian was not at all afraid, and his thoughts moved, Qianyan Saint Wing and God Extermination Armor appeared at the same time, and the wind blade feather clothing was also quickly displayed.

"Do it!"

Not only that, when Shen Duobai started, those who followed Shen Duopai also started to do it.

Suddenly, the black crowd rushed up.

Seven people such as Wan Tianyu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ suddenly felt terrified, and looked up, but they saw that Li Lingtian was already exposing a strong hurricane and wind blade, and collided with Shen Duobai.

"What should I do? So many masters? How should we deal with it?"

Wan Tianyu several people could not help but hesitated, although their strength is not bad, but the realm, after all, it is too bad!



Looking up, the group of people was already rushing up. Wan Tianyu could not help but clenched their teeth. As they were preparing to fight, they suddenly heard a loud roar.



At the next moment, a giant snake with a huge figure and a flying look appeared out of nowhere.

The giant snake, with its nine-color flashing, opened its blood basin and opened its mouth to bite toward the group of people!

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