War God Supreme

Chapter 3092: 3 strokes


Along with Wanxuan Shenghuo Realm devouring their bodies, the wailing sound of wailing constantly sounded, stimulating everyone's soul.

Those who took refuge in Li Lingtian were glad that they had made the right choice. Otherwise, maybe they are now a dead body!

"Oh, uh!"

At this time, several figures suddenly broke through the realm of Wanxuan Shenghuo and rushed out of the sea of ​​fire.

Li Lingtian turned his head to look, his eyes narrowed slightly, and glanced a little, and found that those few people, the realm is the strong man above the mid-level fourth-order master.

"No wonder you can rush out of the field, the strength is pretty good!"

With a frown, Li Lingtian sneered and said, "Just before, are you guys provoking?"

"How about the present ending, is it your wish?"

Speaking of which, Li Lingtian's words were already full of cold murderous intentions.

A stroke of the right hand, an invisible force, suddenly spread out, imprisoning the surroundings.


Aware of this, several of the domain master's fourth-order strongmen also frowned.

"He's so good, this guy is killing!"

"Can't escape, the surroundings have been blocked by him!"

Looking at each other, they are all determined. They must work together to get a chance to live!

"Oh, let's go together."

Shrugging his shoulders, Li Lingtian said with a sneer: "As long as you can hold three strokes in my hand, I will let you leave here!"


It is said that the strong fourth-order domain masters are all excited.

In their view, although they are not Li Lingtian's opponents, but there is still a chance if they only fight against the three moves, so their faces are full of joy.

Behind Li Lingtian, everyone frowned, especially Wan Tianyu and a few of them. They had confidence in Li Lingtian’s strength, but Li Lingtian now said that within three strokes, the masters of the fourth and fourth tiers of these domains should be given to all Killing, that is a little fantasy.

However, they did not dare to remind them out, and for a moment, they could only stare at Li Lingtian nervously.

"Huh... Are you sure, as long as we can sustain your three moves, you let us go?"

The men looked at each other, then swallowed a slobber and asked nervously.

They were also afraid that Li Lingtian would be playing tricks on them.

"of course."

Hearing this, Li Lingtian raised his eyebrows and sneered, "I can swear, as long as you group of ants can hold in my hand for three seconds, I can let you leave here!"


Hearing Li Lingtian's words, the faces of those people suddenly became extremely embarrassed.

Think about it too, who would be willing to be called ants?

What's more, each of them is a genius in their respective area before they come in. For them, other talents are ants. Today, Li Lingtian is regarded as a ants, and they will naturally be angry!

"Hahaha! What's wrong, are you angry?"

Li Lingtian's mouth twitched slightly, and said with a taunt: "If you are angry, just give it a shot, let me see, how strong your strength can be!"


"Asshole! Maybe your strength is indeed very strong, but no matter how strong you are, how could it be an opponent of our group!"

"Hum, everyone will shoot together!"

The strong fourth-tier masters of the domains were all completely angry, and Chang Xiao screamed out, each exhibiting the strongest attacking means to fight Li Lingtian.


A long spear pierced the sky, and a red-red chess piece was displayed, mixed with violent power, just like Taishan's pressure, falling directly on Li Lingtian's head.

"Eh, weak, really weak!"

However, in the face of such a strong offensive by this group of people, Li Lingtian was very pale, even did not look up to see those attacks, just a random wave of his right hand.


As Li Lingtian waved his right hand, a silver-white light was shot out with it. The next moment, the invisible wave broke out, and it struck together with those forces.



The two forces collided together, and a sudden burst of strong power and volatility came.

That wave of turbulence spread out and instantly flew out the powerful masters of the fourth order of those domains!


After landing, the strong fourth-order domain masters all shook violently, and couldn't help but spit out a big mouthful of blood donation.

At the same time, the breath inside them also became languishing.


Shaking his head slightly, Li Lingtian said helplessly: "Your strength is so weak?"

"Huh, with your strength, you still want to get treasures? Ha ha, go back and practice for decades!"


Wen Yan, the faces of those people were all pale, and looked at Li Lingtian's eyes full of anger and resentment.

It can be said that if they have the opportunity to shoot Li Lingtian, they will definitely shoot decisively.

"Oh, but you won't have another chance!"

The corner of his mouth slightly lifted, and Li Lingtian walked slowly towards them.

He has experienced many things, naturally he will not carelessly, and will not let these people leave here alive. After all, the ending of putting the tiger back on the mountain is still very miserable!

Chopping grass doesn't remove roots, spring breeze blows again!


"What are you doing? Don't come over!"

Seeing Li Lingtian walking towards them, they were immediately tense and startled, and their bodies kept going backwards.

In his eyes, there was a look of horror.

"Huh... Since you have chosen to betray me, then you, don't want to live, leave here!"

A cold flash in his eyes, Li Lingtian's figure suddenly turned into a lightning, his hands waved, and the red fire suddenly turned into a long whip The speed is extremely fast, and there are a lot of broken sounds in the air!

"Boom! Pooh!"

The fiery red long whip is like a sharp steel knife, directly across the few strong masters of the fourth order!

At the next moment, the red blood suddenly erupted from those people's bodies!


In the soft sound, several rounded human heads were thrown into the sky, throwing a beautiful parabola, and then fell heavily on the ground.

Li Lingtian's figure also quietly appeared not far away.

In his right palm, a flame swayed in the wind, but the color in the flame was a blood-red scary!


Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but froze on the first floor, his face full of horror!

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