War God Supreme

Chapter 3099: Coping strategies


Seeing this scene, everyone stopped moving and stayed in place.

"Click! Click!"

The fire dragon shook his head, and then his figure flashed, and he rushed directly into the magma on the other side.


As the fire dragon plunged into the magma, the hot magma liquid also erupted out, splashing in the air.

At the same time, that fire dragon also completely lost track! It was like disappearing into the magma!

But Li Lingtian they knew that the fire dragon did not disappear into the magma, but was hidden, waiting for the next attack!

In an instant, everyone was panicked.

"Hiss...oh my god, what a monster is that?"


"Just in a blink of an eye, I have eaten dozens of masters! What kind of power is this monster?"

Everyone shuddered, and some people even started to shrink back.

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian was also depressed, and quickly shouted: "Don't worry, although the fire dragon is haunted, its strength is not strong. When it appears next time, I will definitely kill it!!"

Hearing Li Lingtian's words, the people were relieved, but there were still a few people who continued to retreat in shape and seemed to want to leave here.



However, as they slowly receded, the plate under their feet suddenly tilted up.

The few people didn't respond, and only had time to exclaim, they fell into the magma completely.

"Boom! Boom!!!"


At the next moment, the bodies of those people turned into a plume of smoke and emerged from the magma.


Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian's complexion suddenly became somber.

Everyone was sullen in heart, and some people also retreated.

"Now that you have chosen to come in, stop thinking about leaving early!"

Li Lingtian said: "Now that we are in the ruins, all we have to do is to work together. Only in this way can we pass through the ruins, but if you want to escape..."

"Hum, don't say that those fire dragons can't take you anymore, even me will shoot directly!"

"I Li Lingtian wants the elite, not the ants who succumb to a little difficulty, spicy chicken!"

Speaking of which, Li Lingtian's voice also roared completely.

Like a thunder, it exploded in everyone's mind.

At this time, they just reacted, and their lives were completely in Li Lingtian's hands. If they wanted to escape from here, it was a fool's dream.

Moreover, it was originally that they chose to follow Li Lingtian into the ruins, the path of their own choice, kneeling, and also have to finish!

Furthermore, although this ruin is terrible, it is not impossible to have Li Lingtian in it!

"Yes, lord, we will obey your orders!"

Everyone shouted out loud.

Wen Yan, Li Lingtian's complexion, soothed a little.

With a deep sigh, Li Lingtian stepped on the plates again and found that although these plates would sink and rise, the quality was still good. Now there are fire dragons watching around, it is better to walk together as much as possible.

After thinking about it, Li Lingtian said, "Everyone is closer, try to come together."

"Tianyu, you guys are leading in the front, I'm in the middle, in this case, something really happened, I can take care of it!"

Hearing Li Lingtian's words, all the talents were relieved.

No matter what Li Lingtian said, they were still a little worried, but if Li Lingtian walked in the middle, they would not have to worry.

After all, Li Lingtian is superb in strength, and what happened to them really can protect them.

"it is good!"

Wan Tianyu, Liu Banxian and others looked at each other and agreed, and then everyone began to change positions. Li Lingtian went directly to the middle.

There weren't many people at first, and only a dozen people died at the same time after adding the top. Now everyone is a little over a hundred people, crowded together, but it seems not crowded.

Li Lingtian quietly exhibited the field of Wanxuan Holy Fire, and wrapped everyone in it.

Wan Tianyu and Liu Banxian negotiated and decided to walk side by side. After all, their strength is not too strong. If the two are side by side, they can take care of each other. If there is a sudden emergence of Warcraft beside them, they don’t have to worry.

So, a group of 100 people went on like this.

In order to elicit the strange fire dragon, the speed of the crowd was not too fast. Li Lingtian and others also carefully sensed the fluctuations around them.

"Guru! Guru!"

Not long after, Li Lingtian's ear moved suddenly, and a slight voice also sounded in his ear.

With narrowed eyes, Li Lingtian quietly expanded the scope of Wanxuan's holy flame again by about ten feet.

Sure enough, in that way, that fire dragon appeared in the scope of Li Xuantian's Wanxuan Holy Fire.

At this time, that fire dragon was slowly swimming towards Li Lingtian and others.

Because it is all magma here, plus Li Lingtian's Wanxuan Shenghuo domain has the ability to integrate into all flames, therefore, that fire dragon did not realize the existence of Wanxuan Shenghuo domain, let alone know his whereabouts, has been discovered by Li Lingtian.

I have to say that that fire dragon is like a natural hunter, not anxious, not anxious, but slowly approaching everyone in Li Lingtian.

This time, Li Lingtian and others were all close together, and Li Lingtian suppressed his own strength. Therefore, among the fire dragon's induction, the strongest is the leading few, and there are behind The strength of the few people is quite strong, so it is to focus on the group of people in the middle!


That fire dragon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ uttered a long tongue lightly, hidden in the magma, and looked into the eyes of Li Lingtian and others, full of cloudy looks.

Sensing this, Li Lingtian frowned.

How could the dragon make such a move?

Could it be a snake? It's just that because they lived too long, they began to evolve in the direction of the dragon?

Think of it this way, Li Lingtian's face is dignified.

If it is an ordinary dragon, it is okay to say, but if it is a dragon evolved from a snake, let's not mention its strength for the time being, but its tough willpower is not easy to deal with.

"Huh... Anyway, since you dare to shoot me, then be prepared, ready to die!"

Li Lingtian's eyes narrowed and murmured, whether it was a dragon or a snake, as long as he dared to block his footsteps, he would let it, completely dead without a burial place!

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