War God Supreme

Chapter 3100: The power of time and space, burst

Li Lingtian's eyes narrowed, and the body was killing intently, whether it was a dragon or a snake, but if he dared to stop Li Lingtian's pace, Li Lingtian would let it completely die without a burial place!



It seems that he can't wait any longer. The fire snake jumped up again and brought up a pillar of magma fire. With a "sizzle", it opened a **** mouth and bite towards Li Lingtian and others.

Suddenly seeing this fire snake appear again, everyone was horrified, all turned their eyes to Li Lingtian.


The fire snake looked at the horrified look in everyone's eyes, and his eyes were full of excitement. He could not help but flick his tail, speeding up, and quickly rushed to Li Lingtian and others.

However, it did not see that Li Lingtian among the crowd slightly raised his mouth.

"It's now!"

Just before that fire snake was about to be culled next to everyone, Li Lingtian jumped suddenly and waved his hands. At the next moment, the field of Wanxuan Holy Fire suddenly retracted.


The hot flame erupted, and the field of Wanxuan Holy Fire was like a hoop, directly binding the body of the fire snake.


At the same time, Li Lingtian raised his hands high, extinguished the flames of the gods, and immediately ignited the raging flames, which turned into two long flames, and madly beat the fire snake.



Suddenly, the fire snake roared violently, his body twitching continually, which shows how intense the injury it was!

Seeing this scene, everyone was relieved. Fortunately, Li Lingtian did not let them down!

With Li Lingtian's strength, these monsters can indeed be killed!

"Come to die!"

The cold light flashed in Li Lingtian's eyes, and naturally would not leave the fire snake alive, his body spinning, urged the God of Destruction God Book, the fire whip formed by the flame of God of Destruction, and it suddenly burned.

"Ahhhhhh!!! Houhouhou!!!"

Suddenly, that fire snake struggled violently.

Although it is also a fire attribute, the strength of the Flame of Extinction and Ten Thousand Sacred Fire are much stronger than it, so it will still feel severe pain.

It's just that the Flame of Extinction and the Holy Fire of Ten Thousand Hundreds can make it feel pain and restrain it, but it cannot kill it completely!

After all, the magma flame in its body is extremely resistant to flames!

Li Lingtian saw this fire snake constantly struggling, but was unable to eliminate it, and frowned.

"It seems that in this ruins of Suzaku, these things are too resistant to fire, and to kill them, you must rely on other means!"

Just when Li Lingtian hesitated, the magma on the side suddenly surged.


At the next moment, three magma fire pillars rose into the sky, bringing up magma fragments.

Not only that, the three magma fire pillars all turned into fire snakes after hovering in the sky, hovering and roaring, and suddenly killed Li Lingtian and others.


"How could this be!"

"My God, how come three monsters?"

"It's just a monster, it's hard enough, now there are three monsters, is this playing with us?"

For a while, everyone was a bit desperate.

Even Li Lingtian's face became dignified.


The fire snakes resembled volcanoes about to erupt, and contained violent forces in their bodies, rushing towards Li Lingtian.

At the same time, the fire snake imprisoned by Li Lingtian also struggled, screaming his tongue and constantly struggling.

Suddenly, Li Lingtian almost missed the fire snake.

"Sinister, since you want to die like that, then I will send you to **** now!"

Li Lingtian was furious, and his thoughts moved, and all the flames were taken back.

Wan Xuan's holy fire and the flame of extinction dissipated, and that fire snake also broke free from the shackles, and was immediately excited, his tail flicked and lashed at Li Lingtian.

Not only that, the other three fire snakes also rushed in front of Li Lingtian, spreading their teeth and claws, extremely cruel.

Seeing this scene, the crowd surrounded the audience could not help but was horrified, with a worried expression on his face.

If Li Lingtian loses like this, it is difficult for them to escape to ascension. Therefore, they put all their hopes on Li Lingtian.

"court death!"

However, in the face of that fierce offensive, Li Lingtian was indifferent to his face, and it seemed that he did not take this offensive at all.

"Now me!"

Li Lingtian's eyes narrowed slightly, and suddenly his right hand waved. The next moment, an invisible wave suddenly spread and spread out from his palm.

"Space blocked!"

Li Lingtian sipped, and the invisible fluctuations, like a prison, directly imprisoned the bodies of the four fire snakes.

"Roar roar!"

The four fire snakes did not know that they were imprisoned and rushed forward.

However, at this time, a strange scene appeared!

In the eyes of everyone, the four fire snakes rushed forward, but their bodies have always been stuck in a space!

"Huh? What's the situation?"

"What's going on? Why did the monsters all stay in place?"

"It is impossible, is this the power of space?"

Everyone was amazed. They all turned their eyes to Li Lingtian's body. His eyes were full of surprises.

They made no mistake, this is the use of the power of space!

Although the four fire snakes are still twisting their bodies forward, Li Lingtian has completely divided the space between them.

In this way, no matter how fast the four fire snakes are, as long as the space is not cleared, they will never come to Li Lingtian~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian couldn’t help but also slightly raised the corner of his mouth, Very good, it seems that the power of space is indeed powerful.

This is also the first time Li Lingtian has used the power of time and space, and the effect is unexpectedly good!

Taking a breath, Li Lingtian once again used the power of time and space, slammed his right hand, and sipped softly: "Space, broken!"

"Click! Click!"

With the sound of Li Lingtian's words falling, the space in front of everyone was like a smooth glass mirror surface, and it broke straight, showing a crack after another!


At the next moment, a clear voice suddenly sounded, and the whole space crashed!


There are no exceptions to the bodies of the four fire snakes. In the crumbling space, they became a void, and like those space fragments, disappeared in front of everyone!

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