War God Supreme

Chapter 3111: Suzaku Heritage


Suddenly, the crisp sound of screaming sounded, and the next moment, the flame condensed into Suzaku, suddenly burst out with a bright, dazzling, and burning light!

Almost instantly, the burning light stabbed everyone's eyes.

Even if they are Wan Tianyu, their eyes are very painful. They quickly turned their heads and closed their eyes. This was a little soothing.

The only exception is Li Lingtian.

I don't know why, the glaring light in Li Lingtian's eyes is very soft.

Looking around, Li Lingtian was quite surprised. Why are they all stabbed in their eyes, but they have nothing to do with themselves?

Looking up, Suzaku's eyes flickered suddenly.

"Fate, congratulations on coming here."

A dull voice suddenly sounded from Li Lingtian's mind.

At the beginning, Li Lingtian thought that Zhu Yan was talking, but he turned his head and saw that Zhu Yan was already in a coma. He suddenly raised his eyebrows and became nervous.

Looking up, the Suzaku's eyes seemed to be spirited, looking at him.

Not just eyes.

With the radiance of light, the Suzaku, like a resurrection, looks like a real person.

"You... are you alive or dead?"

After hesitating, Li Lingtian asked.

"Oh, destined people, you don't need to be afraid...I'm just a soul that has been dead for tens of thousands of years..."

The old voice was quite old, and continued: "Since you can come here, you must have been the person of the Four Gods Sect, or have you got the heart of trial?"

"Four Divine Sect? Heart of Trial?"

It is said that Li Lingtian was stunned for a while, what is that?

"Interesting... don't you know the existence of the Four Gods Sect?"

That voice rang again.

"The juniors really don't know what kind of sect the Four God Sects are."

Li Lingtian shook his head slightly. In his memory, there was no such thing as the Four Gods Sect.

"Hehe... It seems that time has passed a long time!"

"The years are like swords, but the time of millions of years. The four gods, who had dominated the universe, disappeared into the river of time... sadly... lamentable!"

Speaking of which, the voice was full of vicissitudes.

Even Li Lingtian listened, there was a feeling of vicissitudes.

"Well, no matter who you are, as long as you can come here and have the key, you can accept my inheritance!"

Suddenly, the voice turned sharply, and Shen Sheng asked, "There is a fate, and I will ask you, will you accept my inheritance?"

"Accept your heritage?"

As soon as his eyes turned, Li Lingtian immediately asked, "What is your inheritance? If I accept it, what are my benefits and obligations? What if I don't accept it?"

"Oh, very good, very good!"

Wen Yan said that the voice was very pleased to say: "Nice little guy, by this time, you can still keep your heart in front of temptation, but it is a good seedling."

"Predecessors are ridiculous."

Anyway, Li Lingtian is also the king of a world, and naturally he will not be lost by such a small interest.

"Well, if you accept my inheritance, your own strength can quickly be raised to the pinnacle of the Lord of the World. Moreover, the understanding of the law of the flame's origin will go further!"

The voice continued: "Of course, if you accept my inheritance, you will naturally become my disciple, and you have to do something for me."

"whats the matter?"

It is said that Li Lingtian couldn't help but got upset, Lord of the World, but that's the benefit of breaking directly to the Lord of the World!

Moreover, it is not the ordinary lord of the world, but the pinnacle of the lord of the world!

You know, even the strongest of them is only the ninth order of the domain master. Even if it is the person behind the elimination battle, the strength is only in the early state of the world master.

It is estimated that the pinnacle of the Lord of the World can be rampant among these tens of thousands of star fields!

This will naturally make Li Lingtian's heart beat!

However, in addition to his heart, Li Lingtian did not directly promise the Suzaku, but asked aloud: "What do you need me to do for you?"

"I need what you do. It's hard to say, it's not difficult to say."

The voice sighed faintly and said, "I think, when you came in here, have you seen that mural?"

"You are talking about, the four elephants and beasts, besieging the mural of the mysterious beast?"

Li Lingtian's eyes narrowed slightly, and he couldn't help but sink in his heart. Suzaku's request would not let him suppress the mysterious beast? If this is the case, Li Lingtian is really not willing to agree.

After all, the four elephant gods and beasts all shot together, they couldn't kill the beast. How could he suppress the mysterious beast alone?

"Not bad!"

Suzaku went on to say, "What I want you to do is very simple. If you encounter the mysterious monster on your way out, kill it or suppress it!"

"In short, we can't let it continue to grow!"

"That mysterious beast has a very strong growth ability, and there is no upper limit. If it is allowed to continue to develop like this, then it is very likely that our entire universe will let it devour!"

"Because every breakthrough it draws a lot of life energy, in other words, every breakthrough it will destroy a galaxy!"

"So, if you can meet it, I ask you to use all your strength to destroy it!"

Speaking of which, Suzaku's voice also became vicissitudes.

It is said that Li Lingtian could not help but froze in place.

He knew that this was a very difficult thing. Originally, he also thought about it and refused directly.

But after hearing Suzaku's words~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Lingtian didn't know a bit, why should I refuse?

The mysterious monster is so evil, every breakthrough, it is necessary to absorb the life energy of the galaxy, if it is allowed to continue to grow, it may really be as Suzaku said, the entire universe will be swallowed by it!

Although Li Lingtian is not a good person, but when it comes to his own interests, Li Lingtian will not be willing to look at the mysterious beast to destroy the entire galaxy!

"How about it, don't know what you meant?"

"As long as you can promise me, I can give you my heritage!"

Suzaku continued to seduce Li Lingtian, and said, "Hoo... You are destined, as long as you can accept my inheritance, you can break through all the way to the top of the world's pinnacle, and only need spiritual power to achieve breakthrough. Any bottlenecks!"

"And these, all you need to do is when you encounter the mysterious monster, kill it or suppress it! Such a good thing, are you really willing to give up?"

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