War God Supreme

Chapter 3155: Song Tiandao is here

After returning to Piaoxianglou, Li Lingtian directly took Zhao Tianxin upstairs and introduced it to Liu Banxian and Yali killing others.

Zhao Tianxin himself is a strong fourth-order master of the domain, and his realm is much stronger than that of Liu Banxian. Therefore, Liu Banxian and Yali dare not take Zhao Tianxin seriously. Zhao Tianxin was still panicking at first, thinking that Li Lingtian's men would have many strong men.

After all, Li Lingtian's spiritual pet has reached the seventh level of the domain master, so his men should not be much worse.

But now, Zhao Tianxin has noticed that Li Lingtian's men are not strong, and the worry in his heart is not too great.

He understood that Li Lingtian also needed him, so as long as he did nothing wrong, Li Lingtian would not move him.

Not only won't move him, but also protect him!

In this way, Zhao Tianxin's attitude towards Liu Banxian and Yali killing the two was not that friendly.

Suddenly, Li Lingtian's eyes narrowed slightly.

Zhao Tianxin did not think wrong. If Liu Banxian and Yali killed and Li Lingtian were unfamiliar, Li Lingtian would definitely not have other ideas, but now, he already thinks that Zhao Tianxin is extremely bad.

If it were not for the use of Zhao Tianxin, Li Lingtian would not be able to bear it, and would choose to do it directly and kill him.

"Okay, since you already know each other, Zhao Tianxin, then you go down first. If the room is the innermost one, I will give it to you!"

Li Lingtian did not show his displeasure, just let Zhao Tianxin leave first.



However, at this time, there was a thunderous sound in the ears of everyone.

At the next moment, the roaring voice echoed continuously throughout the area.

"Li Wei, you come out to me!"

Hearing this shout, everyone could not help but be surprised.

Li Wei, that is the shopkeeper of Piaoxianglou! In this stormy holy city, in addition to those super-powerful masters, how many people dare to yell at Li Wei like this?

Who is that person outside? Could it be that those super powers are really strong?

Not only was Li Lingtian curious, almost everyone who lived in Piaoxiang Tower went downstairs curiously, or opened the window and looked out.

"No, this voice seems to be the voice of Song Tiandao!"

However, when he heard the voice, Zhao Tianxin hesitated for a moment, then exclaimed: "He must come to me to settle the account?"

With that said, Zhao Tianxin turned his eyes to Li Lingtian, his eyes full of longing.

Obviously, Zhao Tianxin wanted Li Lingtian to protect him.

Song Tiandao, as the strongest of the Song family, is the strength of the eighth order of the domain master. In his impression, only Li Lingtian can have the strength to compete with Song Tiandao.

"do not worry."

Sensing Song Tiandao's vision, Li Lingtian said lightly: "I won't let you die. Watch with peace of mind."

It is said that Zhao Tianxin suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. However, he did not dare to go back after this happened, but just followed Li Lingtian.

Li Lingtian, they did not choose to go directly, but looked at the window, in case, Song Tiandao came here, not to find Zhao Tianxin?

If they hurried down, wouldn't it cause trouble?

"Huh? This person seems to be the ancestor of the Song family in the Holy City of the Storm, Song Tiandao?!"

It was at this time that someone recognized Song Tiandao, and in an instant, they all exclaimed.

"No, Song Tiandao, the ancestor of the Song family, is also associated with Piaoxianglou. Why are you coming to Piaoxianglou today?"

"Could it be, the Holy City of Storms, what is going to happen?"

"I think it's the same too. Look, Song Tiandao's face is so ugly, it must have happened!"

"Surely, will the Song family fight with Piaoxianglou?"

All of a sudden, everyone guessed.

After all, Song Tiandao and Li Wei, both of whom are in the stormy holy city, appear together at this time, it is hard not to let them daydream.


"Li Wei, give you five breathing time. If you don't come out again, blame me for tearing down your broken building!"

Seemingly impatient, Song Tiandao's voice was already full of anger.

This time, he can be described as full of anger, even in the face of Li Wei, he is also this fierce look.

"Hum, so bold! I want to see who has such a big tone, but dare to shoot me at Piaoxianglou!"

As Song Tiandao's voice fell, Li Wei's figure appeared quietly at the door.

Li Wei's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at Song Tiandao, his heart was very surprised.

In his impression, between the Song family and their Piaoxianglou, it has always been that the well water does not violate the river water, but today, why did Song Tiandao come here so angry?

It is impossible, what happened in the storm holy city?

"Very good, Li Wei, you are finally out!"

When Song Tiandao saw Li Wei coming out, he immediately shouted, "I don't talk nonsense to you any more. You lived in this sweet-scented building, and a few people lived there. Those few people robbed me of the Song family. Kill the people of my Song family! Today I will go in and arrest them. I don’t know if you Li Wei, do you agree?”

In the last sentence, Song Tiandao could be said to be decisive, and looked at Li Wei's eyes with a firm look.


Li Wei couldn't help but raised his eyebrows and secretly said: "No, how can Song Tiandao, the old man, know that Li Lingtian killed Song Haiming? We clearly cleared all traces!"

"His... is this old guy's strength so horrible?"

Li Wei didn't know that Song Tiandao was talking about Zhao Tianxin, but thought Li Lingtian was discovered by Song Tiandao, and he suddenly felt astonished.

His strength is not as good as that of Song Tiandao, so he dare not fight hard with Song Tiandao, but Li Lingtian needs to take care of his name, and he dare not let Song Tiandao go in.

The eyeball turned~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Wei's right hand pressed hard and quietly smashed a jade rune around his waist.

After doing this, Li Wei said with a smile: "Brother Song, let down! Who is so bold, and dare to take action against your Song family! I think that person is really tired!"

"Well, stop talking nonsense! I'll ask you if you let me in, or won't you let me in!"

Song Tiandao took a step forward suddenly, the body's momentum exploded.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The strong momentum made everyone onlookers feel chilled and could not help but take a breath.

At this time, they finally experienced for themselves how terrible Song Tiandao's strength is!

"Hahaha, Brother Song is so irritable that it is impossible to really dismantle my Piaoxiang Tower?"

Li Wei took a step forward without a trace, smiling, but resisted that momentum.

(End of this chapter)

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