War God Supreme

Chapter 3164: Panic

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"Hahaha, Li Lingtian, I admit that your strength is really strong, even if you have not lost to some ordinary domain masters of the seventh order! This time, if I don’t wear the blood coat, maybe you will really give it to you It's calculated!"

"But it is a pity that after the eighth order of the domain master, you can already reach the existence of higher planes. Some things are simply not what you can imagine!"

Wen Yan, Li Lingtian's complexion, also gloomy.

Indeed, this time, the reason why he will lose money and fail is because he does not know the existence of such things as bloodcoat, if he knows, he will never choose such a reckless hands.

"Hahaha, well, I won't talk more nonsense to you! At this time, it's time to send you on the road!"

Song Tiandao knew the truth that words were mortal. He didn't give Li Lingtian any time to react. He smiled and raised the black magic sword in his hand, and roared out: "Go to death!"

As this angry roar fell, the sharp knife gas suddenly broke out of the black magic knife and flew towards Li Lingtian at a rapid speed.


Seeing this scene, Li Wei and Zhao Tianxin couldn't help but their pupils contracted violently, their throats rolled, and they swallowed nervously, and their faces were full of frightened expressions.

Especially Li Wei, if Li Lingtian dies, what awaits him will be endless pain!

"Eh... It seems that I can only use the treasures of the world..."

With a slight sigh, Li Lingtian slowly shook his head, ready to use the world's treasure. At this moment, it is the point of life and death crisis, if you don't use the world's treasures anymore, then he will never have the opportunity to use it again!


However, just as Li Lingtian was about to summon the world's treasure, a strange wave suddenly flew in the air.


A slight sound followed.

As soon as his ears moved, Li Lingtian sensed that a surging force appeared. He couldn't help but quickly interrupted the call to the world's treasure, opened his eyes, and looked around.


Almost Li Ling Tianfu opened his eyes, and that force struck with Ling Li's Qi.

Unexpectedly, there was no explosion, no sound, just like the white snow of Yangchun. The fierce sword gas quickly melted and disappeared in front of everyone.

"Huh? What happened?"

Suddenly, Li Lingtian froze, Li Wei froze, Zhao Tianxin, Zhu Yan, and Song Tiandao were all stunned.

"Who!? Who is it, dare to stop me!"

Shaking his head violently, Song Tiandao immediately roared, and kept roaring.

But in his heart, he was dazed.

Just before that blow, he went all out, but the other party, but even the people did not show up, it was to let his knife energy dissipate so easily, it can be seen that the strength of the man in the dark is definitely stronger than him!

This made him very depressed. During this time, who the Song family recruited was causing trouble. Every time they wanted to shoot someone, they would encounter obstacles. They finally stopped, and they planned to relax for a while, but their grandson It was a tragic death, and the treasure was stolen!

Is it true that this period of time, should Song family really be out of luck?


A blue ray of light appeared abruptly not far from Li Lingtian's body, and then a person in a large robe quietly emerged from the light.

Aware of this, Li Lingtian and others all turned their eyes.

But the man was covered with robes all over. They could not see clearly at all. The only thing they could see was the unique mark on the robe, which belonged to Piaoxianglou.

"Hah, it turned out to be adults!"

Li Wei was immediately excited, and his face was full of ecstasy: "Adult, you are also expected to shoot quickly to kill the old man Song Tiandao!"

"Master of Piaoxianglou!"

Wen Yan said, Song Tiandao couldn't help but change his complexion slightly, and he stepped back a few steps involuntarily.

That Piaoxianglou, after all, is the power of a higher region, and there are countless strong people in it. Under special circumstances, Song Tiandao still does not want to conflict with the people of Piaoxianglou.


The eyeball turned rapidly, and Song Tiandao quickly shouted: "It turns out that this is the predecessor of Piaoxianglou. Thank you!"

"Also please seniors not to misunderstand, I always respect Piaoxianglou, and I will never have a second heart. This time, I just want to deal with two thieves who stole my Song family treasures. As for the Li Wei shopkeeper in your building, I am Not moving at all!"

At this time, Song Tiandao was somewhat fortunate that Li Wei hadn't hurt him. Otherwise, this time, he might be in a disaster!


Hearing Song Tiandao's words, the blue robe could not help but whisper, and then said: "You mean, your target, is Li Lingtian?"

"Not bad!"

Song Tiandao nodded. However, at the next moment, he was suddenly cold in his heart, and his back was chilling, as if he had fallen into an ice cellar. He could clearly feel that a terrible killing intention had already given him Enveloped in it!

"No, this person's goal is to protect Li Lingtian!"

In an instant, Song Tiandao responded, and when his eyes turned, Song Tiandao quickly shouted: "Senior, my goal is only Zhao Tianxin! Brother Li Lingtian was deceived by him before, thinking it was my Song family who bullied him. Being deceived by him, help him deal with our Song family! This shows how cunning that person is!"

"But our Song family has always been injustice and debt, and will never hurt Li Wei's treasurer and Li Lingtian's brother!"

Hearing Song Tiandao's words, the corner of Zhao Tianxin's mouth could not help but twitched violently, Mad, is this a special pick for soft persimmon?

Li Lingtian and Li Wei sneered. Can this kind of clutter be a master?

It seems that Song Tiandao's words worked~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The killing intentions in the air suddenly slowed down a lot.

Realizing this, Song Tiandao could not help wiping the sweat on his forehead, and he felt a sigh of relief.

"No matter who your goal is, you have to die this time!"

However, just when Song Tiandao thought he was going to be okay, the man in blue robe said unkindly: "Since I dare to be in the face of the large public and hit me in the face of Piaoxianglou, I even want to kill me People of Piaoxianglou, in any case, I will not let you live until tomorrow, otherwise, where would I put the face of Piaoxianglou?"

"not good!"

As the voice of the blue robe fell, Song Tiandao's face suddenly paled.

From that voice, he could hear the terrible killing intention to him, almost instantaneously, Song Tiandao turned quickly, his body was like an arrow from the string, and was quickly ejected!

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