War God Supreme

Chapter 3197: Bloody killing

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"Brothers, here again! Kill me!"

Almost Li Lingtian just appeared, and the group of people just howled and looked at Li Lingtian's eyes, full of bloodthirsty killing intent!

They are already killing their eyes!

In their hearts, there was nothing but killing!


The killing continued, and the red blood spewed out constantly, falling to the ground.

Li Lingtian had just teleported, and he saw this scene, and the whole person could not help but froze in place.

"What's the situation? Why is it so chaotic?"

Frowning slightly, Li Lingtian looked around, and the corner of his mouth suddenly twitched violently.

Looking around, almost everyone is fighting!

They are completely mad, and they don’t even care about the area, as long as they are not someone they know, they will die!

"I wipe, are they all crazy?"

Li Lingtian was confused. What the **** happened, how did he fight? Is it impossible to be fooled by someone in the upper realm?

Li Lingtian would never think of it anyway. This is the problem that arises when they misunderstand themselves and do not understand the true trial rules of the Jade Dragon Holy City.

Of course, this scene is also the person responsible for the assessment, and is willing to see it, because only those who stand out from the real killing have the potential to become a strong!


"Come to die!"

Just when Li Lingtian was stunned, suddenly a man jumped up, the spear in his hand was like a poisonous snake, and he spurted back towards Li Lingtian.

"court death!"

Realizing this, Li Lingtian's complexion suddenly became somber.

Turning around and looking back, Li Lingtian raised his right hand, and the flame of extinction suddenly turned into a whip of flame, and suddenly whipped out.


The long whip melted by the flames of God of Extinction lashed on the lance. The hot high temperature slammed the lance into a liquid, and then the long whip passed and directly hit the man.


The man's strength was only about the first order of the domain master, and he couldn't resist it at all. His body was steamed into gas by the scorching heat and digested in the air!

"court death!"

Li Lingtian snorted coldly, however, before he left, the crowd underneath broke out.

"Brothers, that man is very strong, and he is not our Tian Xingxing, kill him first!"


"Good! This man is very strong, kill him first, let's divide the victory!"

Although the group of people had already killed their red eyes, they still had reason. After they sensed Li Lingtian's surging momentum, they were all frightened. They simply did nothing, and wanted to mobilize the group to fight against Li Lingtian together.

Most of them are first-level and second-level domain masters, even if they are third-level domain masters, they are very poor!

Therefore, I felt that the fifth-order realm of Li Ling Tianyu was panic.

But even if they want to break their heads, they will not think that Li Lingtian's strength is simply not comparable to the fifth order of the domain master!

Although it can be said that a certain number of them can cause qualitative changes, at the same time it can attack Li Lingtian, but only those tens of hundreds. If their strength can reach the third order of the domain master, the fourth order of the domain master, maybe there is still the power of a battle.

But the first and second order of the domain master is still too weak for Li Lingtian! Even if the number is large, it cannot pose a sufficient threat to it!

"Give you ten breathing time, get away here!"

Li Lingtian's face was gloomy and his voice was extremely cold: "I don't want to kill, nor do you force me to do it!"

"Joke! You've all been here, don't you want to start?"

"Brothers, don't be fooled by him! Get started!"


However, the group of people had already killed their red eyes, how could they believe what Li Lingtian said, and they all rushed up and killed Li Lingtian!


Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian's mouth twitched slightly, and his heart was angry.

"Since it's your own death, then blame me for it!"

As the voice fell, Li Lingtian waved his hands, his right index finger and **** merged, and swiped sharply.


At the next moment, the sky was full of sword spirit, and suddenly appeared behind Li Lingtian.

"Eight-Nine Destroying Sword Formation!"

"Killing the sword!"

Li Lingtian did not show any weakness, since the group of people went to death themselves, then he simply sent them a ride!



Suddenly, the sky was full of sword spirit, and it suddenly appeared, neatly arranged in the air!



Everyone did not care at all, still leaping high and flying towards Li Lingtian.

"Huh...please wait, no more!"

With the last word falling, Li Lingtian's sword flicked, and suddenly, countless sword energies rose up and shot down!

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

The sky was full of sword spirit, and it suddenly inspired!

In an instant, the sky and the earth seemed to shine together, the dazzling light burst out suddenly, and the roaring shock wave suddenly burst out in the air of the roar of sword gas!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Everybody's body is also penetrated by the mighty sword spirit, and it becomes fragmented in a flash!

"Poop! Poop!"

As Jian Qi continued to shuttle, the body of the group of people was constantly penetrated by Jian Qi.

However, the group of people, like moths that threw fire, knew they were going to die, or rushed forward without any return.

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian couldn't help but frowned, these people were so intrepid and fearless to death, even if he was, he couldn't bear it.

But he couldn't step back, because he knew that if he was soft-hearted at the moment, these guys would not be kind to him.

So, Li Lingtian was only able to gritt his teeth, and urged all the eight and nine to destroy the sword array.

In an instant, within thousands of miles, the sword rose with great vigour, erupted, and directly penetrated everyone.

This time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Lingtian is also angry, no longer cares about their identity, no matter who it is, directly stimulates the sword gas, the cold sword gas, and instantly tears their body into nothingness!

However, there are too many testers coming here! Even if the outbreak is so intense, it can only kill some people.

After half an hour, there are still thousands of people, constantly besieging Li Lingtian.

At this time, some of them were already contaminated with blood, or were cut by sword gas, and the wounds were scarred, but even so, they still rushed up fearlessly!

"It's his, it's just like a ghost!"

With a frown, Li Lingtian gritted his teeth, and decided to use the killing sword!


"Kill the sky sword mans, give me!"

As this voice fell, countless sword qi roared and gathered towards Li Lingtian!

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