War God Supreme

Chapter 3198: Killing the sword

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"Kill the sky sword mans, give me!"

As this voice fell, countless sword qi roared and gathered towards Li Lingtian!

It's just a moment of effort. Behind Li Lingtian, a light and shadow sword body that is completely condensed by sword gas is clearly displayed in front of everyone!

The cold sword spirit continually erupted from behind Li Lingtian.

At this time, the people who had killed the red eyes also reacted, looking at the sword shadow, their faces full of horror!

"Killing the sword, cut it!"

Li Lingtian didn't hesitate at all, waved his big hand, the sky-killing mansman behind him suddenly rose into the sky, and then looked like a huge sickle, the blade of the blade was like a wind, and quickly cut through the sky!


A clear voice sounded, and everyone only felt a sudden pain in their abdomen and waist. At the next moment, their body was divided into two parts by a sharp sword light!

What's more, their bodies are already torn apart!


The crimson blood mist continually erupted from the corpses of everyone, and for a moment, the air was filled with blood red mist.


Sword qi quickly spread out, and another blood red mist appeared out of thin air, these are the blood of people!


"The devil, he is an absolute devil!"

"Run! If you don't run, you will die here!"

At this time, I saw that the sky was full of corpses and blood mist. Those people finally woke up, terrified in their hearts, and ran away quickly.

However, how can their speed be comparable to the speed of Jianqi diffusion?

Except for the people in the outermost periphery, all people within ten miles of Jianqi were chased by Jianqi and their bodies were split directly!

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian couldn't help but shook his head slightly and said softly, "If I knew this, why did I have to..."

With a soft sigh, Li Lingtian withdrew the Eighty-nine Destruction Sword Array and watched as the Celestial Sword Mansions slowly disappeared.

It must be said that after killing the sword for a long time, the strength has been greatly improved, unless it is used together with the God of Destruction suit, and has the blessing of God of Destruction, otherwise, even the suit of God of Destruction Aggressiveness is no match for killing the sword.

With the killing of Jiantianmang completely, there is no one living within a hundred miles of Li Lingtian.

The ground was covered with corpses, and the broken limbs were floating on the blood, and the sound of "gurgling" continued to sound.


Just as Li Lingtian was about to turn around, a ray of light suddenly bloomed and appeared not far from Li Lingtian. In the light, there was a dark shadow.

"Huh? That seems to be the wave power of space!"

Sensing that there was a fluctuation in space, Li Lingtian could not help but raised his eyebrows, and then his body moved sideways, instantly appearing in front of the ray of light.

As the light dissipated, the shadow in it also appeared completely.

It was a space jade symbol, but this space jade symbol was different from what Li Lingtian had previously obtained from several people in the Dragon Battle Galaxy.

This space jade symbol turned out to be a blood red color, and it looked very enchanting!

And in the middle of the space jade symbol, a character is also depicted!

"This should be the space jade on the third floor!"

"Huh...Here, most of the people I saw were the first- and second-order people of the domain master. Liu Banxian and Yali killed them, and they all broke through to the fifth-order domain master.

"Well, since this is the case, then I won't go to the second floor, just go to the third floor!"

"Mad, if there are a group of lunatics inside, then I'm going to stay away from them!"

Rao is Li Lingtian's strength, but when he remembered the scene just before, he couldn't help but shivered in his heart.

Only then he was able to kill them because the difference in strength between them was too great, but after reaching the fifth floor, most of the encounters were domain master fourth order, and domain master fifth order masters. If he is besieged by so many people, then he can only escape!

If you do not escape, it is a dead end!

Unless, he uses the world's treasures, but if he dares to use the world's treasures here, I am afraid that after going out, it will be a dead end!

At this point, Li Lingtian was hard with his right hand, ready to crush the blood-red space jade.

However, Li Lingtian just squeezed it down, but felt that the space jade in his right hand was suddenly heated up, and it was so hot that he was scared to let go of his hand.

As soon as the hand was released, the temperature above the space Yufu quickly dropped.


With a frown, Li Lingtian quickly reacted, and couldn't help but laugh with a helpless smile: "It seems that this space jade symbol can only go up layer by layer!"

"Huh, this space jade was killed by enough people and summoned with blood. According to the previous ones, there is another way to get it from the monster."

"It seems that with enough killing, you can also get the space jade, but it is not necessarily where it is sent! As for the space jade obtained by hunting monsters, it leads to the upper level. !"

"In this case, you have to hunt the monster!"

After thinking about it, Li Lingtian couldn't help but smile bitterly, he also wanted to find Wan Tianyu faster, but now it seems that he still has to kill them layer by layer!

"Hope, don't encounter so many lunatics next!"

With a sigh, Li Lingtian's figure turned, and he was able to find a direction and quickly flew out!

I have to say that within the Jade Dragon Holy City, it is still quite large.

After a full day of flying, Li Lingtian still did not find the trail of the behemoth.

Wherever I went ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is either a broken palace or a splendid building.

As for the people they met on the road, they had a conspiracy against Li Lingtian at the beginning. However, when they felt the **** murderousness in Li Lingtian's body and the rich **** breath on their body, they all understood it. Li Lingtian would never be A good stubble!

Some people recognized Li Lingtian, and even warned everyone not to provoke Li Lingtian.

In this way, Li Lingtian was unimpeded all the way, but for Li Lingtian, it was a lot less fun.

"Eh, it's so boring!"

"But... why haven't there be monsters yet?"

"Isn't it... are the monsters all around?"

Li Lingtian looked up at the sky and saw that the night was coming, frowning slightly, so he decided to rest for the night.

After all, this Jade Dragon Holy City has many crises. Although he is powerful, he can't guarantee whether he will meet the rest of the danger, so be careful.

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