War God Supreme

Chapter 3210: Virtual array

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The cold light bloomed in Li Lingtian's eyes: "No, how do you feel this is a cycle?"

"Stop! Mo Shifeng!"

At this point, Li Lingtian shouted Mo Shifeng.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Mo Shifeng's happy fight was suddenly shouted by Li Lingtian, and he was also confused.

"Sir, what happened?"

"Don't you notice something is wrong?"

Li Lingtian spoke lightly.

"Something wrong?"

Upon hearing this, Mo Shifeng blinked, and Shen Sheng asked, "No! Isn't this normal?"

"If you think about it again, what was the monster that we encountered for the first time after we entered this passage? Behind?"

Li Lingtian's mouth twitched slightly, but said softly: "Think carefully."

"The first giant beast we encountered was a huge crocodile, then, a fiery horse, and then..."

Mo Shifeng recalled carefully.

"So now, haven't you noticed yet?"

Li Lingtian raised a brow.

"What did you notice?"

Blinking his eyes, Mo Shifeng remembered suddenly. Two days ago, it seemed that he had encountered the giant crocodile again, and after that, the monster he encountered and the monster he met five days ago, That's exactly the same!


Wanting to understand this, Mo Shifeng suddenly changed his face and blurted out: "Adult, do you mean, have we been here in circles these days?"

"Moreover, the beasts we meet are the same in terms of strength and order!"

"Yes! We are in a state of illusion!"

Li Lingtian nodded and said, "Huh, what a terrible illusion. At the beginning, I didn't notice it. I waited until now to realize it... It seems that I was a little negligent in front."


Speaking of which, Li Lingtian couldn't help but sigh.

Thinking of him as the master of the hall, it should be reasonable to say that he used illusion to trap others, but today, he was trapped by the illusion in the Jade Dragon Holy City. This is too embarrassing to say it!

"This is actually an illusion?"

Shaking his head violently, Mo Shifeng suddenly pinched his arm suddenly, and felt a tingling sensation on his skin, and could not help wailing: "Oh, oh! It hurts!"


Upon seeing this, Li Lingtian couldn't help but twitched violently in the corner of his mouth, and felt helpless in his heart. He reached out and patted Mo Shifeng's head, then Shen Sheng said: "Some illusions, but they are very real. This illusion is not Luring your spirits to indulge them, but to stimulate you and keep your spirits under high-intensity security, and then use some things to lure you to make some wrong decisions!"

"Mad, I originally thought that this illusion has been lost, but I didn't expect to see it in this Jade Dragon Holy City! Hey, blame me, even here!"

Speaking of which, Li Lingtian sighed in heart, quite helpless.

This enters the illusion, and half of a month's time will be wasted without saying anything!

What will happen if Liu Banxian and Wan Tianyu encounter any danger in these half months? Especially when Yali killed him, he agreed to Yazhan and wanted to take care of Yali's killing!

If Yali kills what is three long and two short, how can he tell Ya war?

"Actually... there will be such a weird illusion!"

Mo Shifeng also realized suddenly, sighed and said: "The world is big, there is nothing strange! This time, I am also a good insight!"

"So, lord, like this formation, how can we get rid of it?"

"It's very simple. As long as you can do it without being lured by the outside world, just make the wrong decision!"

Li Lingtian said in a deep voice: "Just before, we must have missed some paths!"

"Okay, let's go on?"

"Not bad!"

Li Lingtian nodded, so that Mo Shifeng continued to open the way ahead, but this time, the two were extremely careful and cautious. Every few steps, they must carefully observe and look around to make sure there is no other way. Will continue to move forward.

However, even under such observation, the two still did not find any clues.

Five days later, this time, they met that crocodile again.

"Damn, we are here again!"

Mo Shifeng frowned, quite angry in his heart. Under this anger, he showed no mercy and directly beat the body of the giant crocodile.


The giant crocodile's body slammed against the wall, making the entire passage tremble.

"Eh... how can this illusion be so realistic! There are no other flaws at all!"

Mo Shifeng was depressed.

Li Lingtian also frowned, his heart full of doubts.


Looking at the giant crocodile's body slowly dissipating in the air, Li Lingtian's heart suddenly moved: "No, these stone walls, even if they are blessing the formation, it is impossible for this kind of attack to leave even a trace!"

"Could it be that this is not a fantasy! It's a strange space!"

"This space is very likely to be round. All the stone walls are exactly the same! And the two of us are just in circles, so we will feel the same way and the same monsters we met!"

"If so, where is the exit?"

"Is it the surrounding stone wall?"

As soon as Li Lingtian's eyes turned, his thoughts suddenly flew, and in an instant, he thought of many possibilities.

"Wait a minute... I seem to think of a formation, just like this!"

Suddenly, Li Lingtian shuddered, as if struck by lightning, he froze in place.

He suddenly thought that there is a formation method, that is, a small world can be fabricated and trapped in it.

Everything in that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is in an infinite loop. After a long time, it can make people fall into a crazy state!

It is also very simple to crack that formation, because that formation has no precautions at all. As long as you can understand that all these things are made up, you can go out.

"Oh, it turned out to be a virtual array formation!"

After thinking it over carefully, Li Lingtian could not help but slightly raised the corners of his mouth, he could already be sure that this formation was the legendary virtual formation formation.

"Empty ground formation? What kind of formation is that?"

Brow furrowed, Mo Shifeng suddenly asked in surprise.

"This is a long story, let's go out and talk."

Li Lingtian said nothing but turned around and walked directly to the stone wall, shaking his head constantly.

Seeing this scene, Mo Shifeng couldn't help but stay in place, didn't he say he wanted to crack this formation? Why should we walk in front of Shibi?

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