War God Supreme

Chapter 3222: Collect sperm blood

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"Originally, this is not enough. But our boss, he wanted to use our people as bait and set up a formation to suppress the group of people!"

"But that formation requires our blood and life as a medium. I don't want to damage the holy life of all of us because of his own personal thoughts! Therefore, I took the lead and left with the selected brothers!"

"Unfortunately... while escaping, I was still caught by a dozen people... I was the only one who escaped."

Speaking of which, Ke Yifei sighed helplessly, his face full of regret.

If they run a little faster, maybe a group of them can escape!

"It's okay, you can go back and avenge them!"

Li Lingtian asked: "How many people are there now? What are their realities?"

Knowing oneself and knowing the other can only be effective in battle. Li Lingtian understands this truth deeply, so he asks: "Also, what is the formation that your boss wants to arrange? Can you arrange it now without you?"


Ke Yifei sorted out his thoughts and replied, "At present, there are about one hundred people, and their strength is very strong, especially those leaders. Their strength has reached the top five of the domain master and the sixth order. Otherwise, our boss will not stabilize them like this."

"The rest of the people are mostly about the fourth order of the domain master, and there are also some of the third order of the domain master, but very few."

"As for the formation that our boss wants to arrange..."

Speaking of which, Ke Yifei's complexion also became dignified.

"Listening to the boss said that the formation he is planning is a very evil formation, using human blood and life as a medium. After the layout is successful, everyone in the formation can capture the essence of life!"

"Even the 7th-level master of the domain master, it is difficult to break through the formation!"

"Forming the essence of human life?"

With a frown, Li Lingtian couldn't help but get curious, he hadn't heard of it, there was such a formation!

But Liu Banxian exclaimed: "Can it be the legendary blood bitter Tianyuan formation?"

"Blood Devouring Tianyuan Formation?"

It is said that several people in Li Lingtian turned their heads to look at Liu Banxian, his eyes full of surprise, and asked aloud: "Liu Banxian, do you know this kind of formation?"


Liu Banxian said in a deep voice: "When I was practicing in my foreign experience, I once got a volume of books in an ancient cave house. There were many insidious and poisonous formations recorded in it. This bloodthirsty Tianyuan formation is on it!"

"However, this **** Tianyuan formation, although dangerous, is not too toxic. In that book, it is just the end of the ranking."

"However, even if it is so, for us, the formation is very bloody!"

"What kind of formation is that?"

Hearing Liu Banxian's words, Li Lingtian was curious. However, what made him even more curious was to take a book.

"Liu Banxian, you can still put that book on your body now?"

"No more."

Liu Banxian said with frustration: "The book was spontaneously ignited when I left Dong Mansion. I also sighed very much. If I knew that, I would be in the Mansion and put that book Finished reading!"

"Unfortunately, I only read a little. Even some of the formation information, I have almost forgotten."

"It turns out that...it's really a pity!"

Li Lingtian also shrugged his shoulders. He was also very curious about the so-called book. He wanted to see what happened, but now, which book has spontaneously burned, there is no way.

"Then do you still remember the information about the blood bitter Tianyuan formation?"

"This, I remember some."

Liu Banxian said with a smile: "Actually, it is very simple to crack this formation, Li Lingtian, your strength, even if it is hard, you can kill it!"

"However, in this way, it will inevitably hurt other brothers, so we still have to prepare more!"

"This is, everything is about the safety of the brothers!"

Li Lingtian said with a smile: "Then you all talk about, what should we do?"

"Hey, the most powerful point of the Blood Eater Tianyuan formation is that it can absorb the essence of human life, but there is one thing that it can't do."

"The blood-biting Tianyuan formation can't absorb the blood of giant beasts! So, as long as we prepare some blood of the giant beasts in advance, we don't have to be afraid of the blood-biting Tianyuan formation!"

"So it turns out!"

After hearing this, everyone suddenly realized that they all laughed out loud: "Hahaha, with the blood of giant beasts, you don’t have to be afraid of the blood-swept Tianyuan formation! Hey, adults can protect us without bothering! "

"Yes, in this way, the strength of the adults can be fully exerted!"

Li Lingtian also nodded and said: "Since the blood-biting Tianyuan formation does not have to worry about it, that's no big deal."

"By the way, Ke Yifei, your boss, is there any killer trick, has he ever fought against people of a higher level?"

"This one……"

Ke Yifei hesitated for a moment and shook his head. "I don't know about these things. I have followed him for half a year. He hasn't said many things."


It is said that Li Lingtian couldn't help but ponder in his heart, he said: "He is just the sixth-order realm of the domain master. Even if he is strong, he will not be stronger than fighting them madly. If so, don't worry about it. Just The Blood Devouring Tianyuan Grand Array still needs to be a little more careful, even if there are giant beasts and blood, you must be very careful. If the power of the Fa exceeds our expectations, then it will be troublesome!"

After everything was in my mind, after Li Lingtian was sure that there would be no other major events, he slightly raised his mouth and smiled, "Well, brothers, we should start!"

"it is good!"

"Go and hunt monsters first~www.wuxiaspot.com~ get enough blood to talk!"

With a big wave of Li Lingtian, everyone immediately moved forward again.

However, this time, when he met the monster again, Li Lingtian shot it himself.

The Heavenly Sword Mansions are like the sharpest blades, destroying and withering, and straightly cutting all the giant beasts into two!

In order not to delay the time, Li Lingtian no longer keeps his hand, like a ruthless killer all the way, passing by, the corpses of giant beasts!

Seeing this scene, let alone Ke Yifei, even Mo Shifeng and Peng Haibin, they were shocked, their mouths wide open, and they have not closed together all the way!

But in half an hour, Li Lingtian had beheaded nearly a hundred giant beasts. The collected blood was enough for each person to collect.

Not only that, but also traveled 300 miles forward, only a hundred miles away from where Ke Yifei said!

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