War God Supreme

Chapter 3233: Bizarre monster


Mo Shifeng and others are not ordinary people, they will not be frightened naturally, seeing those stone figures launching attacks, they have summoned Chaos to Bora, and the strongest attack has erupted.

As for Li Lingtian's few people, it is even more breezy, and it seems that these stone statue puppets are not taken into consideration.

After all, their strength has surpassed the stone figure puppet too much, even if they do not defend, let the stone figure puppet play for ten days and a half months, they will not be hurt.

Not to mention, there are Mo Shifeng and others around them!

But it took half an hour for the kung fu to pass, and all the stone puppets in the hall were shattered into pieces.

The ground is full of fragments of stone statues, and almost no complete figure puppet.

"In this way, the guardian beast should not be so strong!"

Several people in Mo Linyuan saw that the stone figure puppet was so weak, and they had some doubts about what Feng Zhilin had said before.

According to common sense, the guardians in a cave house will not differ much in strength.

"Oh, I advise you to be careful. Otherwise, the guardian beast will make you look good!"

Feng Zhilin shrugged his shoulders and continued to move forward carelessly.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Huaqiang and Mo Linyuan were suddenly angry.

"Eh, I'm in the cave now. Be careful and try not to conflict."

Li Lingtian quickly stopped several people, shook his head slightly at them, and then motioned them to follow Feng Zhilin.

Sure enough, as Feng Zhilin said earlier, after the stone figure puppet, there was no longer any danger, and everyone went deeper and easier.

But as they went deeper into Dongfu, they felt that the surrounding air environment changed very quickly.

Hot for a while, cold for a while, a sharp sharp breath erupted for a while, a warm and permeable breath for a while, and the tolerance and heavyness of carrying everything!

At first, several people in Li Lingtian were still amazed, but soon, they were just rejoicing.

"Hahaha, this should be the effect of the five elements Biyexin!"

"In this cave house, there are really five elements Biye heart!"

Several people in Mo Linyuan were excited, and Li Lingtian was also very happy. If he could take the five elements Biyexin, he would be able to break through to the sixth level of the domain master!

At that time, even if the domain master is eighth-order strong, he has the power to contend with them positively, instead of this, he still needs to rely on sneak attacks!

"Go, let's speed up!"

Li Lingtian, who was excited in his heart, surpassed Feng Zhilin in a flash, and he led the way.

Seeing this scene, Feng Zhilin couldn't help but lifted the corners of his mouth slightly, his eyes suddenly showed a sinister look.

"Is it so anxious to die?"

With a sneer in his heart, Feng Zhilin shouted: "Eh, Brother Li, you slow down!"

Not long afterwards, as the speed of the changes of the five elements' breath increased, Li Lingtian and others were also getting closer to the place where the five elements Biyexin were.

At the same time, the passage in front of them suddenly began to widen.

From the very beginning, it has to be divided into several rows to pass. By now, it can already be traversed side by side, showing that this channel has been opened several times!

In front of them, a blue light flashed continuously.

"Blue light?"

Suddenly seeing that light, Li Lingtian's footsteps could not help but pause.

At this time it is clearly a hot breath. It stands to reason that it should be red light, how can it be blue light?

No, there must be something weird ahead! If something goes wrong, there must be a monster!

"Brother Li, you're almost at the heart of Wuxing Biye, how come you stopped?"

Just when Li Lingtian frowned and meditated, Feng Zhilin suddenly approached and smiled, "Go forward, you can see the five elements Bi Yexin!"


It was said that Li Lingtian immediately reacted, and there must be danger in the front. He immediately laughed and said: "Since this is the case, please ask Brother Feng to step forward and find out!"

In an instant, Feng Zhilin's complexion just became stiff, and he quickly smiled awkwardly: "Cough, the Five Elements Bi Yexin is yours, I won't grab it!"

But in Feng Zhilin's heart, he was very depressed: "Strange, this guy is just so impulsive, how come he suddenly calmed down now? Damn... It seems that he can only rely on the guardian giant to deal with him! "

At this time, the rest of the people were also rushed over.

"Why didn't you leave suddenly?"

Several people of Mo Linyuan paused and looked up forward, suddenly said: "That blue light flashes, but how do I feel, there is a chill!"

"Me too... as if we were in an ice cellar!"

Zhao Huaqiang several people nodded one after another, saying that he also felt this way.

Suddenly, Li Lingtian determined that there was a dangerous idea ahead, turned his head to look at Feng Zhilin and smiled, "Brother Feng, I don't know where this place is?"

"I am not sure as well."

Feng Zhilin raised his eyebrows and did not want to tell Li Lingtian and others. He immediately sneered and said: "This place is a little different from the last time I came. It looks like it should be the wrong way, or the institutions in Dongfu have changed. ."

"Oh, really?"

Hearing the words, Li Lingtian looked at Feng Zhilin's eyes, and suddenly it was just a joke.

If Feng Zhilin really wanted to die, Li Lingtian wouldn’t mind sending him to hell!

"of course."

Feng Zhilin shrugged his shoulders.

"Huh, why is it so dark here?"

Just when Li Lingtian wanted to get started, Mo Linyuan suddenly said, "Strange, there is fire in the front channel~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But here, there is nothing but the dark blue light, It's so dim that I can't see clearly."

With that, Mo Linyuan's right hand was raised, and a flame, a roaring flame burned, and the hot red light suddenly illuminated the entire passage.

Suddenly seeing the glare, everyone could not help but turned their heads slightly. However, on their side, they saw the place where the blue light was flashing in front of them, and a huge giant beast fell abruptly!

As for the blue light, it was emitted from the three horns on the monster's head!

"His... how come this beast is so huge!"

"What a big monster!"

"This monster is so strange that the three horns on his head are actually clustered together!"

"Horrible! Why does this beast look so strange! I have never seen a beast that looks so weird before!"

Seeing the giant beast, everyone's face changed drastically, and they couldn't help staggering back a few steps, their faces filled with surprise!

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