War God Supreme

Chapter 3245: 9 Youxue streamer

As the Nine Nether Blood Streamer waved, the atmosphere in the air suddenly became depressed and gloomy.


The blood-red breath appeared quietly, and in an instant, it turned into a blood mist, which enveloped everyone.

Including Yue Buzhong and others, they were all shrouded in blood mist.


Those blood mists were filled, but a lot of weird sounds were emitted from it.

All of a sudden, everyone felt hair in their hearts, and there was a cold behind them, as if falling into an ice cellar, it was astonishing.

"Poop! Poop!"

The field of Wanxuan Holy Fire broke out, and those flames were burning, and the hot flames collided with those blood mists.

As soon as the two came into contact, those blood mists burned into nothingness.

But every time it turns into nothingness, it has a very corrosive atmosphere and diffuses out!

Moreover, after those breaths diffused out, they did not dissipate directly, but slowly gathered together and began to drift away towards Li Lingtian!

"No, the blood mist is poisonous!"

Soon, Li Lingtian responded. Immediately with a wave of his right hand, a violent wind blew with it, quickly blowing those breaths out.

But soon, those breaths came to Li Lingtian again.

This made everyone suddenly panicked and surprised.

"Hahaha, boy, your vision is very poisonous, and you can see it so quickly!"

Yue Buzhong's face was fierce, and he sneered and said, "However, even then, it's useless!"

"Your flame, no matter how strong, can't affect these poisonous gases!"

"This kind of toxin, even if it is contaminated by the eighth-order master of the domain master, will be numb and sore. If you continue to use spiritual power, you will even go back in strength! Hey, I don’t believe it, it can’t cure you! "

Speaking of which, Yue Buzhong couldn't help but laughed.

Suddenly, Mo Shifeng and others felt despair.

Then they turned their heads and looked at Li Lingtian, but they saw Li Lingtian's expression dignified, and they couldn't help but sink suddenly: "It's impossible, even Master Li, can't help?"

Suddenly, their hearts are even more desperate.

Li Lingtian frowned, thinking carefully.

Since that kind of poisonous gas cannot be burned by flames, how should it be?

Blow them away with palm wind?

That's difficult, and Yue Buzhong won't let him do it!


That won’t work either. The original power of the Thunder Law only restrains the Yin-Evil objects. Although that kind of breath contains strong toxicity, it’s not a Yin-Evil objects, and they cannot be defeated!

The more I thought about it, the more the expression on Li Lingtian's face became more dignified.

At the same time, the **** mist was continuously evaporated, and those poisonous breaths also gathered into a large poisonous cloud, and they approached Li Lingtian quickly!

Mo Shifeng and others could not help but retreat slowly, pulling away the distance from Li Lingtian.


Just when those poison clouds were about to approach Li Lingtian, Li Lingtian's eyes lit up suddenly, and then there was a long roar, and his figure flew in rotation.

"Ice Palm!"

The extremely cold breath burst out of Li Lingtian's palm.

"Kaka Kaka!"

In the crisp sound, a white mist spread out in the palm of Li Lingtian's palm.

With that white mist coming into contact with the poisonous cloud, in a short time, the clear voice continued to sound. Those poisonous clouds were instantly covered with a layer of light blue ice!

"How can it be!"

Suddenly, Yue Buzhong's face became stiff, and the smile on his face came to an abrupt end!

"Hey, yes!"

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian's eyes suddenly burst into laughter, and then he palmed his right hand and clapped again.


The white ice mist quickly spread out.

"Click! Click!"

With the spread of white mist, those ice layers also spread out at a very fast rate.

The clear sound is endless!

But it was a dozen breathing kung fu. Those poisonous clouds were all frozen into a huge ice block by the breath of ice!

Not only that, as the poison clouds were all frozen, those breaths of ice, after a pause, rushed towards the blood sea mist!

"not good!"

Feeling the coldness of extreme coldness, Yue Buzhong was terrified and quickly retreated.

And seeing Yue Buzhong retreating, all of his men also followed out of the **** mist.



It was almost the moment when Yue Buzhong and others just exited the range of **** mist, and the crisp voice sounded continuously.

At the next moment, those blood seas turned into a huge ice cube!

That's right, flames can't cause damage to these breaths, but ice can freeze everything!

Aware of this scene, Li Lingtian couldn't help but slightly raised the corner of his mouth.

Very good, he did not bet wrong!

In fact, at that time, Li Lingtian was not sure, the cold breath can certainly suppress the poison gas, but the poison gas is already approaching him, he can only gamble!

Fortunately, he bet on the right, not only on the right, but also Yue Buzhong, to completely suppress!

Mo Shifeng and others also took a long sigh of relief.

"Admiral mighty!"

"Hahaha, the lord is really powerful, even the master of the seventh order of the domain master is not your opponent!"

At this time, the crowd began to pat off again.

But Li Lingtian knew that he had not defeated Yue Buzhong and could not take it lightly. He immediately raised his right hand and stopped the cheers.

I looked up and looked forward, but the place was full of frost.

Li Lingtian took a deep breath and swiped the sword with his right hand.


The celestial swordmands suddenly condensed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Just like the blade of the sky, quickly cut through the space and cut on the ice!


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

As the sharp sword gas crossed, the next moment, the huge piece of ice collapsed, and countless pieces of ice flew out.

The poisonous gas and blood mist quietly dissipated and disappeared into the air.

As the ice shattered, there was no obstacle between Li Lingtian and Yue Buzhong. The two looked at each other, and in an instant, the body of Yue Buzhong twitched violently.

Not only that, his eyes were full of horror.

"How is it possible... how is it possible!"

When Yue Buzhong was frightened and his mouth murmured, the Nine Nether Blood Streamer in his hand was also a "snapping" sound, and it shattered into dozens of pieces of cloth, fluttering in the air with the wind and falling away.

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