War God Supreme

Chapter 3276:

"damn it!"

"These seem to be the wolf of the law..."

Bian Ranghu came to Li Lingtian, his face full of tension, Shen Sheng said: "Adult, if this is really the wolf of the law, their leader is very likely to realize some special powers, you Try to be careful!"

"Wolf of the Law?"

It is said that Li Lingtian was also stunned. As the name suggests, these giant wolves can mobilize the power of the law, so they will be called the wolf of the law!

"Not bad."

Bianrang Shensheng said: "The wolf of the law, who has realized the power of a law, is in the fourth order of the domain master, and has realized the two kinds, the fifth order of the domain master, the seventh order of the three domain masters, and the nine of the four domain masters. Order... Huh, the more power of the law they comprehend, the stronger the power becomes. Therefore, if you encounter a wolf who understands the law of two kinds of power, or even three kinds of power, then you need to be careful A little bit."

"They have a special power, that is, they can fuse the power of the law together. Huh, I met a wolf of laws who understood the two powers of the law. At first, I could suppress it and fight it, but later it Suddenly, an attack that combined two forces of law broke out. I almost didn't die. It was really terrible!"

Speaking of which, Bian Rang was also terrified, and his face was pale.

It can be seen that he is really scared, but Li Lingtian can understand that that kind of fusion power is also really desperate!

"It turns out that these giant wolves also understand the ability to fuse the law..."

Squinting his eyes, Li Lingtian was immediately interested in the wolf of these laws, but he really wanted to see, what is the strength of the leader of this group of wolf!

The battle continued, but under the full obstruction of the flames of destruction and the purple electricity of destruction, the wolf of the law still did not cross the dividing line of fifty feet, and turned into corpses and accumulated on the ground.

The wolf pack of wolves is also like moths fighting the fire, continually fighting up.

After half an hour, a loud roaring sound suddenly echoed through the sky.



The tremor shook, Li Lingtian quickly looked at him, but he saw that not far away, a two-headed giant wolf with a height of five feet was running wildly!

The giant wolf had two heads. On the two heads, a pair of eyes were crimson, and a pair of eyes were purple and blue!

"Wolf of the Law of Two Systems!"

Bianrang saw the giant wolf and quickly shouted, "Master, be careful. The strength of this rule of wolf is around the fifth level of the domain master, but its fusion trick is very powerful. Do not give it. opportunity!"

It is said that Li Lingtian also moved his heart and said: "The wolf of these laws can actually integrate multiple distinct laws of strength, either its own body is abnormal, or their inner dan is special!"

"Huh... But it's a beast tide now. I can't waste too much power. What if there is danger behind?"

Squinting his eyes, Li Lingtian decided that he could not waste time and power, or directly solve the wolf of this rule!

At the end of his thoughts, Li Lingtian stood up and raised his right hand, extinguishing purple electricity suddenly appeared in his hands.

"call out!"

Destroying Purple Power threw out, and the sky thundered and fell suddenly.


The poor wolf with the two-headed rule hadn't had time to shoot yet, but was directly smashed into pieces by the sky of thunder!


Sure enough, as Li Lingtian had previously guessed, after the wolf of the double-headed law died, a Neidan, which was also shining in light, suddenly floated in the air.

"Poop! Poop!"


The wolves of countless laws also burst into nothingness.

For a while, the vast open space became empty again.


Everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Such high-intensity resistance is also very exhausting for them. Although they were not injured, they all chose to meditate and meditate to restore their own strength.

Li Lingtian grabbed that inner pill in his own hands, and looked at it carefully, and found that there were two colors of crimson and purple-blue flashing, and the two colors intersect correspondingly, constantly changing.

The power contained therein is also constantly changing.

Sometimes hot, sometimes violent.

"Sure enough, there is a problem with the inner dan inside them!"

This time, Li Lingtian did not directly absorb this inner pill, but observed it carefully.

After observing it for a moment, Li Lingtian discovered that the two forces in Naidan, although constantly changing, have the same totality.

In other words, the reason why these two forces can merge together is only because of the balance.

"It seems that what I thought was correct before, as long as I can find a balance point, no matter how many kinds of law powers can be combined!"

"The Wolf of the Law has the existence of the power of the five laws... as long as I persevere, I can do this in the future!"

At this point in his thoughts, Li Lingtian is increasingly determined to his own way.

It is just the fusion of the three laws of power that threatens the power of the eighth-order power of the domain master. If there are four, five, or even six?

Think about it, it's amazing!

"It seems that I will balance the power of the laws in my body in the future!"

Li Lingtian couldn't help but sigh. Since this time, the laws of fire, thunder and wind are more powerful in his body. As for other laws, apart from the law of space and time, they are not as good as those three laws. Say?

As for the laws of wind, fire, thunder and time and space, Li Lingtian did not know how to integrate them together.

If it is really possible to integrate the four together ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ then Li Lingtian is confident, even if he is a strong ninth-order domain master, he can't bear it safely!

"Huh, we need to absorb more power from other laws in the future."

At this point, Li Lingtian turned around and flew to Yali to kill, and threw this Nedan to Yali to kill.

"Yali kill, you can absorb this inner dan. Hurry and absorb it."

"Well, God, I will absorb it immediately!"

Yali's killing Li Lingtian can be said to be obedient. After seizing that inner pill, he did not hesitate or ask questions, that is, he flew to find an empty place and began to absorb the power of the inner pill.

In response, Li Lingtian could not help but nodded slightly.

"grown ups……"

Bian Rang was suspicious and said: "Looking at this situation, the next time the white fog dissipates, the behemoth that reappears, the strength must be the peak of the fourth order of the domain master, and even the existence of the fifth order of the domain master. Those leaders will also be very powerful. Strong, the top priority should be to increase your strength! Why should you..."

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