War God Supreme

Chapter 3283: Shot

"No, did it happen in three other directions?"

With a cold look, Li Lingtian suddenly turned around and stared into the distance, his eyes full of dignity.

As the saying goes, it's hard to be alone. If the other three walls are lost, let alone Li Lingtian's strength, he can't support it.

Unless, tens of thousands of reinforcements can suddenly appear in this place, and the strength is not bad, it must be about domain master sixth order and domain master seventh order.


The eyeball turned, Li Lingtian took the opportunity to decisively, quickly screamed: "Bian let, you quickly go to the other three directions to see what happened!"


Bianrang turned his head and glanced at the ghostly cavalry under the city wall, which was almost wiped out. He nodded, turned around, and planned to fly away.

However, at this time, many figures suddenly appeared in the inner city.

"No need to go..."

A dull voice also sounded quietly.


Hearing the words, Li Lingtian immediately burst out drinking, and then his figure floated up, flew above the city wall stairs, staring downstairs.

But in his heart, there was a quiet movement, the voice, so familiar!

Looking down, tens of thousands of figures appeared in front of him.

Those people, all wearing a cloak, looked extremely weird.

But Li Lingtian had seen the leader.

"It's you!"

Seeing the man, Li Lingtian frowned, and exclaimed.

That person was the last time he gave him his dagger and herbs for a promised weirdo.

"Yes, it's me."

The man looked up at Li Lingtian, with an unspeakable smile, and exclaimed: "I have to say, you are really powerful. The remaining three walls have been lost. Only you, thinking of using thunder to deal with them, Hold the city wall!"

"I put the bet on you before, and it was really right!"

"What the **** are you?"

Li Lingtian stared at the man, raised his eyes, glanced, and suddenly took a breath in his heart. Behind the man, the strength of nearly ten thousand people was all about the seventh order of the domain master!

This kind of strength simply surpasses them too much!

If they want to deal with Li Lingtian, I am afraid that everyone on the scene, only Li Lingtian and Yali can kill. They can escape with the inherent power of the law of time and space. Others have no possibility of escape!

"We are the people of the hidden city..."

The man said, coughing suddenly and suddenly, his face pale.

After a moment, the talent sighed and said, "You don't have to worry about the situation of the other three walls. I have sent people to deal with those ghost wolf cavalry."

"Previously, thank you for your help! The next few waves of attacks are all ghosts and grievances. It is not something you can deal with. Let us hand it over."

"Thank you!"

Speaking of which, the man bowed to Li Lingtian again and saluted. Among the words, there are more sincere words.

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian could not help but froze in place, what was the situation?

At the beginning, Li Lingtian thought that this group of people wanted to take action against them, but after contact, it was discovered that this group of people did not seem to have other ideas for them.



Suddenly, a long whistle sounded, and the surging sound waves suddenly spread out.

"A strong sound wave!"

Even Li Lingtian suddenly changed his face when he suddenly felt this sound wave.

He can sense that the owner of the sound wave will be at least the strongest seventh-order peak of the domain master!

Even, it may be the eighth-order master of the domain master.

Although Li Lingtian is not afraid, it is not so easy to kill an eighth-level master of the domain master. What's more, this time the opponent is most likely a ghost. In that case, many of his methods will not work. It is difficult to deal with the ghost of the eighth order of the domain master.

Turning his head, he saw the extreme point of his gaze, a huge ghost wolf, carrying a general wearing a battle armor, galloping towards this.

The armor on the general's body was not decaying like those of the previous ones. Instead, it was shining and shining.

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian gasped suddenly.

The eighth-order realm of the domain master, coupled with the ghost, can defeat it with his current strength?

"Hahaha, Brother Li doesn't have to worry."

It seemed that Li Lingtian's worries could be seen. The man grinned and said softly, "This thief, just give it to me."

After all, when the man's sleeve robe was thrown, his body was like a breeze, and he flew away.

His speed is extremely fast, but in an instant, he went out of the city wall.


"Roar roar!"

At this time, under the city walls, there were still some ghost wolf cavalry who were not killed. When they saw the man, they roared.

The man's right hand waved casually, and at the next moment, a strange invisible shock wave erupted suddenly.


Like fireworks, the remaining ghost wolf cavalry burst and turned into fly ash.


Seeing this scene, all the people on the city wall were stunned. Even Li Lingtian twitched sharply at the corner of his mouth. He did not expect that the strength of the man was so powerful!

In the surprised eyes of everyone, the man quietly came to the giant ghost wolf and stood face-to-face with the general in brilliant armor.

At the same time, the other three walls, just before the ghost wolf cavalry was about to rush into the inner city, countless figures rushed out of the inner city quietly.

"what's the situation?"

Wan Tianyu and others, seeing those people rush out suddenly, were all stunned.



Just when they were stunned~www.wuxiaspot.com~The group of ghost wolf cavalry had already been rushed and killed with those figures, carrying out the most fierce fighting.

"Are these people all reinforcements?"

Wan Tianyu, they were all stunned, but they looked at each other and still decided, regardless of this, go back to Li Lingtian, it is the point!

Not only Wan Tianyu, but also the people in the other two directions made this decision and rushed to the east wall.

They all have a firm confidence in their hearts. As long as Li Lingtian is present, then this time, there will be no danger!

After all, it was Li Lingtian who rescued them from danger several times. They already believed Li Lingtian.

When Wan Tianyu returned to the East City Wall, Li Lingtian also saw them. Seeing Wan Tianyu and others were safe, Li Lingtian was relieved, and then turned around to look outside the city wall.

Outside the city, two surging forces crashed together!

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