War God Supreme

Chapter 3294: World treasure

It is said that Li Lingtian couldn't help but his pupils contracted violently. He really didn't guess wrong. The God of War's oath is the treasure of the world!


The eyes rolled, but Li Lingtian frowned slightly, and was surprised again.

"No, if it is the treasure of the world, the power should be stronger than this?"

Li Lingtian is also the person who has the world's greatest treasure, and naturally understands the power of the world's greatest treasure. Therefore, he still feels something is wrong.

"Oh, I can't hide you."

Seeing that Li Lingtian was aware of the anomaly, Yang Zhichao immediately smiled bitterly and said, "The full version of the God of War's oath is naturally the treasure of the world, but now the God of War's oath has only a sword body and no scabbard, so it is only a half-step world treasure. Also Can't reach the true world treasure level!"

"And the scabbard?"

Hearing this, Li Lingtian was also surprised, and then nodded slightly.

If the scabbard and the sword body could be combined, the power would definitely be much stronger than it is now.

"Brother Li, now that you have accepted the inheritance of the general, there is one thing, I also want to please you... I don't know, can you do it?"

Suddenly, Yang Zhichao looked nervous and looked at Li Lingtian seriously.

"whats the matter?"

As the so-called soft-mouthed and short-handed, Li Lingtian just got a powerful treasure of half-step world treasure from Yang Zhichao. Now he is naturally embarrassed to directly reject Yang Zhichao’s request. Although he knows clearly, Yang Zhichao’s request is definitely not that easy. Things to do!

However, people have given you even the half-step world treasure, can you resist it?

As soon as his eyes rolled, Li Lingtian said with a sigh: "You have also seen that I am now seriously injured and very weak. I may have to cultivate for some time. There is something that needs my help, although you can say, if I can do it , I will definitely do it for you!"

"That thing, you can definitely do it. Ha ha..."

Hearing the words, Yang Zhichao immediately smiled and said, "You also heard before that our general is currently on the fifth floor. I hope you can kill all those small children, don't let them awaken the general and disturb the general. The general's sleep!"

Hearing Yang Zhichao’s words, Li Lingtian suddenly looked bitter. Although he also wanted to fight against the people from the Dragon Battle Galaxy, his strength has not been greatly improved yet. He wants to use their current strength to deal with them. , Still too weak.

Among Li Lingtian's ideas, at the very least, they also have to wait until the seventh floor and the eighth floor before they can start the final duel.

"Of course, it is good to do this!"

Seemingly aware of Li Lingtian's unfavorable relationship, Yang Zhichao quickly said: "Within the fifth floor, there is the scabbard of the God of War's oath. If you agree, I will tell you where is the scabbard of the God of War's oath... …"

"Then I promise!"

After hearing this, Li Lingtian raised his eyebrows and agreed very decisively.

Yes, their strength is indeed a little weaker than those of the Dragon Wars galaxy, but Li Lingtian believes that if he can get the scabbard of the God of War, it will be completely worthwhile to fight against that group of people. .

After all, the power of the world's greatest treasure is really too powerful!

What's more, in addition to the oath of God of War, Li Lingtian has the rest of the world's treasures in his hands!

"Hahaha! Be refreshed!"

Yang Zhichao laughed loudly, then looked at Li Lingtian, and said softly: "Brother Li, the important mission of protecting the general will be given to you."

"Now the oath of God of War has been given to you, our mission has been completed, and we should leave..."

"The scabbard of Oath of War is enshrined in the tomb within the fifth floor. By then, with the sword body of Oath of War, you can naturally feel its existence..."

With that said, Yang Zhichao's body just became illusory.

"Wait a minute!"

Li Lingtian's face changed, and he quickly asked: "You haven't told me, how do you leave here?"

"Cough...the oath of God of War has already recognized you as the master. As long as you move your heart, you can let this small world completely collapse and dissipate. By then, you can naturally go out!"

Yang Zhichao smiled slightly and said softly: "Here, it is already near the fourth floor area. After you go out, as long as you go forward, you can find the teleportation circle to the fourth floor. As for the guardian monster, to you There is no threat."

"Brother Li, we will leave the matter to our general!"

After all, Yang Zhichao's body was completely emptied into nothingness!

Not only Yang Zhichao, but his men also became unreal.

It was just a few breathing hours, and all his men disappeared.

When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help being silent.


Li Lingtian shook his head slightly, sighed, and then looked at Liu Banxian. Wan Tianyu and others.

"Brother Ling Tian, ​​are you alright?"

"Master Palace Master, are you okay?"

"Brother Li, how are you?"

Yali killed several people and hurried up, surrounded Li Lingtian with a worried look on her face.

As for Mo Shifeng, there are also marginalists, Lin Han and others, all of them rushed over.

"I'm okay, it's just out of force."

Li Lingtian groaned, and said, "A few of you, as well as Bian Rang, Lin Han, hurry to rectify the team for me. After I rested and recovered my strength, I went directly to the fourth floor area. !"


Where did everyone dare to defy Li Lingtian, they immediately went to rectify their respective teams.

Looking at the extremely orderly rectification of everyone~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Li Lingtian lightly breathed a sigh of relief. This was his eyes narrowed, his thoughts moved, and the oath of the God of War was put away. Got up.

This time, because the strength of the Nine-Headed Hell Dragon is too strong, coupled with the impact of the previous strange ghosts and giant tide, the team of nearly 100,000 people now survives, but only about 60,000!

That is to say, at least 40,000 people died this time!

This made everyone breathe a sigh of relief, his face full of dignity.

This is still supported by Yang Zhichao. Without them, I am afraid their casualties will be even more severe!

"God bless you, I hope there will be no such disaster..."

Liu Banxian and others looked at each other, and such thoughts appeared in their hearts.

After half an hour, Li Lingtian's body was surging, and he had recovered. The momentum was majestic. The whole person was like a sharp blade with a sheath, very sharp!

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