War God Supreme

Chapter 3314: Lava cave

After blessing himself with a formation, Li Lingtian was lurking to the bottom.

After waiting for a while, Li Lingtian sensed that several monkeys were hiding in some trees, as if looking for something to eat.

Li Lingtian did not hesitate and followed the monkeys closely.

However, the monkeys kept jumping up and down and were looking for something to eat. Li Lingtian followed them for one or two hours without finding the entrance to the lava cave, which made Li Lingtian's mouth twitch suddenly.

Fortunately, there is no end in the world. Under Li Lingtian's unremitting perseverance, the monkeys finally walked around and took Li Lingtian to a very secret place.

After arriving at the location, a few monkeys looked around and determined that there was no one, then they shot and pushed a huge stone away.


After the boulder was pushed away, a hole suddenly appeared.

"Mad, the entrance was hidden in this kind of place!"

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian couldn't help but raised his eyebrows. According to this hidden method, I am afraid that he can only enter the lava cave by following the monkey!

Following the few jumped into the hole, Li Lingtian felt that the surrounding temperature became hot.

As soon as he entered the cave, there was only a passage. Li Lingtian hesitated for a moment and did not solve the few monkeys, but followed them all the way inward.

In Li Lingtian's opinion, he didn't know anything about this lava cave. If he scared himself away, he might go the wrong way. These monkeys are different. They have been living in lava caves. They are extremely familiar with this. If you can follow them together, you can certainly avoid many dangers.

So, Li Lingtian followed the monkeys and turned around.

Although he has been moving forward, Li Lingtian is keenly aware that he has been moving towards the bottom of the ground.

After a quarter of an hour, Li Lingtian was successfully led out of the passage by the monkeys.

The eyes were suddenly bright, and the rush was blazing.

Looking up, I saw that the surrounding area was all reddish ore, and there were many magma groups.

The magma is extremely scattered, one by one, and not far away, there is an extremely large magma, red magma, constantly erupting. The scorching breath is coming!

"His... There must be giant beasts hidden in the magma, but I don't know if it will be the fire dragon Ma Zhong said!"

With a look in his eyes, Li Lingtian no longer hides, and directly shows his body. Before the monkeys have yet to be discovered, the killing of the sword is rising!


"Kill me!"

The whispering sound erupted from Jiantianmang, and the fierce sword gas instantly cut off the bodies of those monkeys in half!

After killing the monkeys, Li Lingtian quickly collected the flame ore.

Although, Ma Zhong only said that he wanted a ton of flame ore, but Li Lingtian and he are now friends. With the vow of the general warlord, it is estimated that Li Lingtian will let him strengthen a few more treasures.

Therefore, Li Lingtian does not mind collecting more flame ore!

Walking around the magma, Li Lingtian couldn't help being careful.

But Li Lingtian had just stooped to collect a few pieces of flaming ore, and the magma burst out with a "bang", a magma column surged, and at the next moment, a lizard-like giant with a pair of wings appeared, In the eyes of Li Lingtian.

"This is the Fire Dragon?"

With a slight twitch in the corner of his mouth, Li Lingtian couldn't help but be surprised. He originally thought that it would be the Eastern Dragon, but he did not expect that in this magma, it would actually be the Western Flying Dragon!

In this way, Li Lingtian had no psychological burden, Qianyan Shengyi appeared, countless wind blades, and quickly attacked that fire dragon.


The fire dragon was not afraid, and his mouth was a big flame, spitting out towards Li Lingtian.

But would Li Lingtian be afraid of it?

With a wave of his hand, the field of Wanxuan Shenghuo broke out, and he directly breathed a flame and cracked it.

How can the flames controlled by the fire dragon be comparable to Li Lingtian's Wanxuan Holy Fire Field? Li Lingtian could not be hurt at all.

In other words, these fire dragons were perfectly restrained by Li Lingtian!

It was only a few breathing hours, and that fire dragon was picked up by Li Lingtian, but unfortunately, Li Lingtian did not get the so-called dragon inner gall!

After hesitating for a moment, Li Lingtian didn't think much, just continued to rush towards the next magma.

When he wanted to come, the dragon's inner pill, just like the giant python gallbladder, was not available for every fire dragon.

However, Li Lingtian killed more than 30 fire dragons in a row, and still did not get a snake gall!

Flaming ore, but collected a full ton!

In between, fire monkeys popped up from time to time, and without exception, they were all solved by Li Lingtian.

And Li Lingtian also understood,

After collecting some flaming ores, Li Lingtian looked at it secretly. When there should be two tons, he turned his eyes to the magma in the middle.

"Huh... Since none of the fire dragons in front appeared Nedan... then Nedan, it should have been yours..."

With narrowed eyes, Li Lingtian walked slowly towards the largest magma.


Sure enough, Li Lingtian was not close to the magma, the magma just blasted, and an extremely thick pillar of fire exploded.

"Roar! Roar~~~"

After the pillar of fire dissipated, the deafening roaring sound suddenly echoed in this space, and Li Lingtian's head was shocked!

"His... so strong momentum!"

Frowning slightly~www.wuxiaspot.com~Li Lingtian's face also became dignified.

Looking intently, Li Lingtian could vaguely see that a giant dragon several times larger than the previous fire dragon suddenly appeared in the air.

The wings fluttered, and above the tip of the wing, a fiery red light circulated, which looked like a flame burning.

Not only that, the whole body of the fire dragon was surrounded by crimson flames, which looked extremely scary.

In its body, surging momentum is constantly coming out.

"The realm of the seventh order of the domain master..."

Li Lingtian couldn't help but be surprised. The monster he encountered before was only the sixth-order realm of the domain master. Now he suddenly broke through to the seventh-order realm of the domain master. He really was a little bit uncomfortable!

However, even if it is the seventh order of the domain master, then how?

As soon as his thoughts moved, Wan Xuan's holy fire field immediately wrapped Li Lingtian himself, and the fire dragon brought Li Lingtian a little oppression, so Li Lingtian did not dare to care.

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