War God Supreme

Chapter 3316: Blood Drop Ore

However, although the flaming ores no longer seem to have flames circling on the surface, the flame power contained in the flaming ores is much stronger and hotter than before. Not only that, the power contained in it is even more violent!

"His... Could it be that some of these flaming ores have mutated?"

Frowning a brow, Li Lingtian's mouth slightly raised, and he soon made up his mind!

As soon as his thoughts moved, Li Lingtian collected all these flaming ores, and then he found a hole and rushed out.


Just out of the hole, Li Lingtian was not ready to leave, but some fire monkeys came over.

They were all angry when they saw Li Lingtian coming out of the lava cave, and the flames on the tail were all raised up, and they all attacked Li Lingtian.

"Drink, kill the sword!"

Li Lingtian's thoughts moved, and thousands of sword qi suddenly gathered into a sword light, and suddenly killed all the fire monkeys around!

After solving these fire monkeys, Li Lingtian hurried in the original direction at a very fast speed.

On this road, most of the giant beasts have been cleaned up when he came, so the road was extremely smooth, but it was only two hours, and he rushed back to the swamp.

According to the memory, Li Lingtian was not close to Ma Zhong, but he heard a sound of hammering.

Frowning slightly, Li Lingtian quickly surrounded him, but saw Ma Zhongzheng waving his hammer and knocking on the bodies of some swamp giant pythons.

Under the hammering of Ma Zhong's heavy hammer, the bodies of those pythons turned into mud, some of them contained Nedan, but they were hammered into essences and merged with the mud. .

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian couldn't help but be surprised. What is this Ma Zhong doing?

Li Lingtian didn't go out directly when his eyes rolled, but he stayed aside and looked carefully.

After Ma Zhong hammered the bodies of all the pythons into meat, Ma Zhong took a deep breath, and then gathered up the meat and threw them all into the copper furnace in front of him.


With a soft drink, Ma Zhong waved his hands, and the next moment, below the copper furnace, there was a hot flame.

"Beep Beep Beep!"


The flames were burning, burning the meat in the copper furnace.


A weird smell came out of the copper furnace.

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian couldn't help but became suspicious. What is Ma Zhong doing?

But it was only a quarter of an hour. Ma Zhong waved his right hand to disperse the flame, and then the lid of the copper furnace lifted up automatically, and a dandan flew out of the copper furnace suddenly.

"Want to run?"

Ma Zhong took a sip and grabbed Naidan in his right hand.

"Hahaha, Snake Neidan, Jiaolong Neidan, um, so this refined weapon can have a trace of dragon power!"

"Eh, if he can get the dragon's inner pill, and then cooperate with the snake and the dragon's inner pill, the dragon's power can be fully excited and attached to the weapon!"

Ma Zhonghu suddenly sighed: "However, the strength of the fire dragon must be not weak, and I don't know if he can get it."

It is said that Li Lingtian couldn't help but move his heart. At this time, he finally understood what Ma Zhong was doing before!

It turned out that all that Ma Zhong did was to strengthen the oath of God of War for him!

"His... It seems that these people are really loyal to the so-called general!"

"I just borrowed the name of the man, Ma Zhong, so attentive to do things for me..."

"I don't know, who is that general? Who can be loved by so many people, and even let them die without regret!"

Thinking of Yang Zhichao's respect for the so-called general, Li Lingtian not only took a breath of air, but was quite curious.

He had a great interest in the general, but if possible, he would not mind knowing the general.

But it is a pity that the general has already died.


Withdrawing the thoughts in his heart, Li Lingtian coughed lightly, flashed out quickly, and walked towards Ma Zhong.

"Sir, you are back!"

Ma Zhong turned his head and saw that Li Lingtian was back. He was very happy and said quickly: "Master, you are back just right. I have been the inner dandan condensed into a thousand-year-old python, plus the Jiaolong inner dan I got before, to cooperate with you The thirty dragon dragon inner pill obtained can completely restore the power of the God of War oath to the peak state without the scabbard!"


Li Lingtian coughed softly and said softly: "Jiaolong Neidan I didn't get it."


Hearing the words, Ma Zhong exclaimed suddenly. In his impression, Li Lingtian was stronger than him. How could Li Lingtian not get the Jiaolong Neidan he could get?

Just when Ma Zhong was surprised, Li Lingtian grinned again: "However, I got one for Fire Dragon's Neidan!"

The corner of his mouth slightly lifted, and Li Lingtian's heart moved, and he summoned the Fire Dragon Nedan.


As soon as the fire dragon Nedanfu appeared, the surrounding temperature became hot.

Ma Zhong took a step forward and directly grabbed Fire Dragon Nedan into his hand. After careful examination, he exclaimed: "This is Fire Dragon Nedan!"

"Hahaha, Python Nedan, Jiaolong Neidan, Fire Dragon Neidan! The combination of these three Nedans can inspire the power of the Divine Dragon!"

Ma Zhong laughed, his face extremely excited.

In this regard, Li Lingtian couldn't help but be surprised. What happened to the collection of these three inner dans? Is Ma Zhong so happy?

"Right~www.wuxiaspot.com~Ma Zhong."

Li Lingtian said suddenly: "When I killed the fire dragon earlier, the blood of the fire dragon was scattered on the flame ore, and then the flame ore changed abruptly. I don't know whether it is good or bad. You can show me!"

With that said, Li Lingtian took out a flaming ore after the change and handed it to Ma Zhong.

When he first heard Li Lingtian, Ma Zhong was also stunned. After receiving the flame ore, Ma Zhong looked closely and immediately frowned.

"His...the power contained in these ores is so strong!"

Taking a breath, Ma Zhong just stared and observed.

Seeing Ma Zhong so curious, Li Lingtian was also surprised. Was the variation of the flame ore good or bad?

"Oh my God!"

Just when Li Lingtian was curious, Ma Zhong suddenly exclaimed: "Ha ha ha! This turned out to be blood dripping ore!"

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