War God Supreme

Chapter 3322: It's coming!

"That mysterious beast, wrapped in cold air, can be used to freeze others with a single wave! If you are not an adult, if you take the oath of God of War, I really dare not take you here!"

Ma Zhong sighed and said, "If there is the oath of God of War, even if we can't deal with it, we can leave here."

It is said that Li Lingtian could not help but twitched the corner of his mouth, no wonder, no wonder Ma Zhong so intensified such a pervert that the oath of God of War was strengthened, and also deliberately injected energy to allow him to use 30 seconds more. It turned out that Ma Zhong did all this , All for preparing now!

At this time, Li Lingtian also understood that these people, don't look at each other honestly, honestly, but their hearts are winding around!

Yang Zhichao pitted him even once. This Ma Zhong, the thing that moved him before, has now proved that Ma Zhong is leaving a way for himself!

"It seems that these old guys are all elites! I will not be able to continue this way in the future!"

Li Lingtian sank in his heart, but said: "Is it necessary to be so negative?"

"If you are with me, don't worry, dealing with a giant beast, you haven't got it right?"

With a frown, Li Lingtian took a deep breath and threw away the Jiaolong Neidan and Blood Drop Ore in his hand!


The flame erupted and instantly burned the snowflakes in front of you!

In front of them, Li Lingtian suddenly became clear.

"Throw out Jiaolong Neidan and Blood Drop Ore. I will start the field and let's rush over! This is too slow!"

With a soft drink, Li Lingtian waved his hands and exploded the field of Wanxuan Holy Fire.


At this time, Ma Zhong also put all his hopes on Li Lingtian's body. Without any hesitation, he just listened to Li Lingtian's words and threw away Jiaolong Neidan and Blood Drop Ore in his hands!


The flames exploded, and the snowflakes that had just been prepared to cover were burned again!

At the same time, Li Lingtian mentioned Ma Zhong in his right hand and exerted force under his feet. His body looked like a flash of lightning and rushed forward quickly!


The field of Wanxuan Holy Fire quietly permeated out.


But in the blink of an eye, Li Lingtian took Ma Zhong and crossed a hundred miles away, before coming to the mist.

Closer, Li Lingtian and two people were surprised to find that the so-called white mist was all cold!

The cold here has completely condensed into substance and turned into mist!



Beyond the field of Wanxuan Holy Fire, subtle sounds constantly erupted.

Li Lingtian couldn't help but change his complexion, he could clearly feel that the power in his body was being consumed at an extremely fast rate.


"Killing the sword!"

Li Lingtian didn't dare to hesitate anymore, his right hand was raised, and the sky was full of sword spirit, and then he rushed crazy towards his back!


A lightsaber phantom completely formed by the condensing of sword qi suddenly appeared behind Li Lingtian.


That sword spirit was really too dignified. Rao was Ma Zhong's outstanding strength, and he couldn't help but took a few steps backwards, pulling a certain distance from Li Lingtian.

At this time, Ma Zhong finally realized how strong Li Lingtian was!

You know, Li Lingtian did not regard Ma Zhong as an enemy. Those sword qi, for him, has already converged a lot!

But even so, those sword qi made him so uncomfortable and unbearable that he could only distance himself from Li Lingtian.

This shows how powerful the sword power is!

Ma Zhong dare to be sure that if Li Lingtian regards him as an enemy, he is very likely that even Li Lingtian's sword cannot be stopped!

"Killing the sword!"

"Cut me!"

Li Lingtian's right hand fell sharply, and in an instant, the sword's awn was rising into the sky.

"call out!"


It seems that a thunder and lightning flashed, and the sharp sword gas instantly crossed the layer of mist!

"Click! Click!"


In the crisp sound, a layer of white fog suddenly appeared a subtle crack.

Those cracks, like the cracks in the glass, spread and spread out.

At the next moment, that layer of white mist shattered!

"It's now!"

With a sip, Li Lingtian grabbed Ma Zhong and twisted his figure, then quickly rushed through the cracks in the white fog and rushed into the white fog!


As soon as the two of them rushed into the white mist, the surrounding sound of "Bush! Bash!" disappeared instantly. Not only that, Li Lingtian also clearly sensed that his energy consumption slowed down.


"what happened?"

Suddenly, Li Lingtian hesitated. Originally, Li Lingtian was ready, planning to make a quick decision and quickly kill the mysterious beast, and left here.

After all, it is just outside of the white fog, so the consumption of the Wanxuan Holy Fire field is so large, if it reaches the white fog, will the consumption be greater?

But Li Lingtian didn't expect that when he got inside, he realized that the coldness was no longer attacking him!

Li Lingtian could not help looking at Ma Zhong with surprise.

Ma Zhong was very nervous, and quickly shouted: "Master, be careful, that mysterious beast will appear soon!"

This caused Li Lingtian to frown, but from Ma Zhong's reaction, Ma Zhong was not surprised and surprised that the cold was no longer cold, that is to say, Ma Zhong knew this situation.

Slowly dispersing the field of Wan Xuan's holy fire for a while, Li Lingtian looked around, and suddenly found that the snowflakes were still dancing, covering their sight, and looking far away, vaguely.

But the coldness has weakened a lot.

Even, when Li Lingtian completely disperses the flames in the field of Wanxuan Holy Fire, the cold will no longer invade them.

Although it is said that it will still bring them chill and a cold wind, but that kind of evil cold is gone!

Looking up, but not far away, there is a blurry shadow, almost a hundred feet high!

With a slight frown, Li Lingtian wanted to move forward~www.wuxiaspot.com~ However, Ma Zhong suddenly reached out and stopped Li Lingtian.

"what happened?"

Li Lingtian turned to look at Ma Zhong, but he saw Ma Zhong's face full of horror!


With a move in his heart, Li Lingtian quickly turned his head, but he suddenly saw a gentle snowflake, and suddenly violently rose.

A storm suddenly broke out not far away.


The wind and snow in the sky, they were all caught in the storm, and at a very fast speed, they rolled towards the two!

Suddenly, the strong wind roared, and the cold wind, like a blade, slapped towards the two!

"It's coming!"

Ma Zhong looked pale and screamed!

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