War God Supreme

Chapter 3332: Extreme Ice


The offensive was fierce, and the overwhelming general fell.


However, at this moment, the guardian of the goddess of ice and snow suddenly shouted, and at the next moment, a blue light barrier suddenly appeared around the guardian of the goddess of snow and ice, blocking all those attacks.


Almost instantly, those offensives fell on the blue light barrier!


The blue light barrier suddenly oscillated.

The ice elf waved his hands, his wings flickered behind him, and at the next moment, a silver-white light flashed suddenly.

The egg, almost instantly wrapped in silvery white light, was hidden in the space.


Suddenly, a deafening roar sounded, and that huge palm, violently!


Under that strong attack, the blue light barrier shattered!

The scorching flame, accompanied by a black palm, suddenly held the guardian of the goddess of ice and snow in his palm.


Suddenly, the next moment, the face of the guardian of the ice goddess suddenly appeared a look of pain!

Seeing this scene, the snow elf ignored the pale look on his face and flickered directly into the body of the guardian of the ice goddess!

"Boom! Boom!"


With the entry of the Snow Elf, an extremely powerful force suddenly broke out in the Guardian of the Snow Goddess, but in an instant, the surging shock wave was to crash all the black dragons and monsters around. Go out!

Not only that, even the huge black palm, the flame on it suddenly dimmed.


It seemed that he was extremely seriously injured, and the huge palm could not help releasing his hand.


Two swords waved, the guardian of the goddess of ice and snow looked dignified on the face, and slammed hard, and a sword was cut on the huge palm!


The fierce battle was on the verge. After the guardian of the ice goddess was integrated into the elf, her strength became extremely powerful.

Especially the ice gun, every time you attack, you can pierce the huge palm with a wound!

If it weren't for the huge palm, you can recover your injury by devouring the endless giant beasts on the ground, it has already been killed by the guardian of the ice goddess!


During this period, the ice and snow fell wildly, and countless icicles broke out.

However, the number of monsters on the ground is not reduced. If some are killed, more monsters will fall from the sky.

This battle has lasted as many as three hours!

The number of those monsters is increasing. The black dragon hovering in the air, surrounded the guardian of the ice goddess!

Seeing this scene, the guardian of the ice goddess finally feels tricky!


The light flickered, and at the next moment, the snow elf appeared slowly from the body of the guardian of the ice goddess.

With the separation of the two bodies, the guardian of the ice goddess also weakened.

The snow elf's face was full of dignity.

Chang Xiao, the guardian of the ice goddess, made a noise and did not know what to say.


Suddenly, a purple-black flame burst in the air, and a huge black palm suddenly appeared.

At this moment, in the air, there are already two huge pairs of palms floating in the air.

The blazing flames were burning, and around them, snowflakes couldn't get close to them.


Suddenly, the snow elf flew into the air, eyes closed slightly.

Countless chills suddenly burst out of his body and burst out!


Seeing this scene, the guardian of the goddess of ice and snow suddenly had a surprised look on his face. He sang out loud and wanted to intercept the elf's movements.

However, before she shot, her body was completely blocked by the cold air!

It's just that the ice layer on her is extremely weak!

"Click! Click!"

Almost instantaneously, the icy coldness instantly sealed the entire space to ice!

Including those two huge palms, they were covered with a very thick layer of frost, not to mention those black dragons and beasts, which turned into ice sculptures and appeared on the ground.


The cold spurted the bones and instantly dispelled the dark clouds in the sky.


An angry roar sounded, and the next moment, a hot flame erupted, the light flashed on those two huge palms, but it was an instant, that is, the frost was evaporated and turned into air.

Then, the two huge palms seemed to understand that they were not opponents of the ice goddess, and quickly left the place, breaking open the space and disappearing into this space.

The guardian of the goddess of ice and snow screamed loudly, his face full of sadness.

Looking at the frozen black dragons and beasts, there was no happy look on her face, but it was extremely painful.

In the mournful wailing, Li Lingtian's heart was also unconsciously sad.

"His... crying so miserable!"

"In this way, the little guy I got earlier was the egg hatched."

"With just one egg, such a big battle can be involved, showing her potential!"

"In the battle of Fang Cai, the elf is freezing everything in an instant, and if she waits for her to grow up, she must have this kind of strength!"

Squinting his eyes, Li Lingtian was immediately excited. After all, the potential of the little guy is too powerful!

However, apart from the excitement, Li Lingtian was also quite worried. Just an egg can trigger such a big battle. If he is allowed to take it out, will there be greater danger waiting for him?

Amidst the wailing howl, Li Lingtian also pondered, and it was quite difficult to train the little guy safe and sound!


Just as Li Lingtian was meditating, a flash of light flashed, he only felt his body sink, and the glory in front of him, he could not help closing his eyes.

When Li Lingtian opened his eyes again~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he also sank under his feet and stepped on a piece of land.

Looking around, the surrounding area is a plain, and the ground is covered with green grass.

At a glance, not far away, a large white bag appeared every few miles, which looked quite weird.


Another light flashed, and Ma Zhong's body suddenly fell from the air.


Suddenly, Ma Zhong wailed, and the ground suddenly fell.


Suddenly seeing this, Li Lingtian was suddenly surprised.

what's the situation?

Isn't Ma Zhong a ghost? How did it suddenly materialize?

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