War God Supreme

Chapter 3345: go away

"Not bad."

The ghosts said, "Only by following him will you be able to hear the news of the general in the first time. Then, we can meet again!"

In fact, there is another reason why those ghosts are not said.

Li Lingtian has the Ice and Snow Goddess on his body. Although it is said that he was only in his childhood, Ma Zhong and him can absorb the breath of the Ice and Snow Goddess at all times, which is of great help in transforming it into a human body.

It is precisely because of this that the ghosts are so instigating Ma Zhong to follow Li Lingtian.


Ma Zhong couldn't help but look at Li Lingtian embarrassedly. Only then did he reject Li Lingtian, and now let him say something to follow him, which is indeed a little embarrassing.

"Hahaha, Brother Ma Zhong, I just lack a person on this side, so why don't you go with me!"

When Li Lingtian's eyes rolled, he laughed out loud.

"it is good!"

Ma Zhong's face was delighted, and he was immediately excited.

"This brother..."

The ghosts seemed to be ashamed, turning their heads to look at Li Lingtian and whispering, "Although you have already obtained the oath of war, this is not the oath of war in full condition."

"I know, a scabbard is missing!"

Li Lingtian said with a grin: "Do you know where the scabbard is?"

"The scabbard is inside this hall!"

The ghosts raised their heads suddenly and waved their hands together. At the next moment, a golden light flashed in the air.


The golden light gleamed, and at the next moment, a scabbard fell suddenly into the air, and suspended directly in front of Li Lingtian.


Almost instantaneously, a chilling sword qi was rippling from the scabbard and radiating out.

"Good sword spirit!"

Feeling the pureness and sternness of the sword spirit, even Li Lingtian couldn't help but praise.

Lifting his hand to take off the scabbard, Li Lingtian held it in his hand, and felt that his body was full of power.

"so amazing!"

"Huh, it seems that the oath of God of War really recognizes you! The scabbard of the oath of God of War, in your hands, there is no rejection!"

Seeing the scabbard in Li Lingtian's hands was like a toy, and those ghosts were also amazed.

Although they are curious, they do not know why Li Lingtian can get the War God's Oath, but they can be recognized by the War God's Oath, which means that they can believe Li Lingtian.

Because in their hearts, people recognized by the God of War oath will never do, sorry for their things!


The ghosts sighed and said, "Brother Li, you should go back now..."

"The big war just happened here has completely messed up the breath here."

"If you stay here again, this hall is really ruined!"

Speaking of which, Ma Zhong's expression suddenly changed and he quickly said in a panic: "Ah? Then we will leave here immediately!"

"Oh, brothers, how are we going to leave here?"


Li Lingtian was also puzzled and said: "Here, it seems to be completely closed, and then go inside, it is the tomb!"

"Of course it's space teleportation!"

The ghosts said with a deep voice: "We have lived here for thousands of years, and we are still familiar with the power of the law here. It is easy to send the two of you to the fourth floor."


Li Lingtian suddenly asked, "Is this the fifth floor of the Yulong Holy City?"

"Not bad..."

The ghosts said in unison: "The fifth floor of the Jade Dragon Holy City is all the general's tomb!"

"It can be said that when you come in, unless you are lucky enough, otherwise you will have a dead end!"

"This time, when you came here, there was a group of masters in front of us, and we appeared behind, so there was no crisis..."

"But if you come here again next time... you will definitely be in crisis!"

"Huh? Why?"

Ma Zhong suddenly surprised, looked at them nervously, and quickly asked: "If you can't succeed, sending us away will consume you too much power?"

"This is just one point."

The ghosts smiled helplessly and said: "The most important thing is that the people of the previous few world-levels, their power is too powerful, and they destroyed most of the power of the hall at once... plus seven later The patron saint used many forces to create a space teleportation array, and teleport them to the small world again."

"Now the power in this hall is not enough to show us our body..."

"His, is there any great danger for you?"

Ma Zhong is still very concerned about these brothers.


The ghosts shook their heads and said, "We are already dead. There will be no more trouble."

"However, I am worried about you!"

"There are two places on the fourth floor, which can be sent to the fifth and sixth floors. You must remember that you can't transfer to the fifth floor."

"If we are not here, you will be struggling within this fifth floor."


As soon as Li Lingtian's eyes rolled, he immediately asked, "Do you know, what is the difference between the two teleportation methods?"

"The teleportation formation to the sixth floor requires you to activate. The teleportation formation to the fifth floor does not need to be activated. Step in and you can teleport."

The ghosts said, but their bodies suddenly became illusory, making Ma Zhong suddenly exclaim.

Obviously, what they say is true. At this time, their power is no longer enough to support them to appear here.

"Eh, it seems there is not much time..."

The ghosts sighed and said quickly: "Can't say more, remember, don't come to the fifth floor! I will send you to the fourth floor now!"

As the ghosts' voices fell, they were all eyes closed slightly, and their hands were waving ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The next moment, the invisible spatial fluctuations exploded, forming an aperture in an instant, which both Li Lingtian and Ma Zhong gave to Wrapped in it.


"Pass me!"



The power of time and space erupted. At the next moment, the silver-white light, like a giant beast, suddenly opened his blood basin and swallowed Li Lingtian and Ma Zhong directly into his mouth.

As the light dissipated, the figure of Li Lingtian completely disappeared in front of everyone.


Those ghosts all sighed with relief.

"Finally give them to..."

However, they just talked about this, their body, just like a light smoke, directly spread out and disappeared into the air!

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