War God Supreme

Chapter 3351: God of War


All kinds of attacks, like meteors, pour down, just like the top of the mountain, pressing against Li Lingtian!

"Master, be careful!"

Seeing this scene, Mo Shifeng, Lin Han and others suddenly exclaimed, and they were very nervous.

At this time, they put all their hopes on Li Lingtian's body, naturally they did not want to see Li Lingtian injured!

However, at this time, Li Lingtian moved!

Faced with such a violent offensive, Li Lingtian's face remained unchanged, and he did not retreat, but rushed forward suddenly, facing up to those forces.


"The ants, today, I will let you see, what is the real strength!"

In the roaring voice, Li Lingtian raised his hands, and the next moment, the oath of God of War suddenly appeared in his hands.


The breath of the God of War's oath burst out like a sea like an abyss.

That strong momentum has made Duanmuzhen and others look drastically changed!

"This kind of momentum...is the world's treasure!"

Duanmu Zhen suddenly thought of a possibility. His face was pale for a short time, and there was no trace of blood.

Indeed, a master of the domain master level, it is impossible to deal with thousands of domain master 7th-order strongmen at the same time, even if the domain master 9th-order peak strongman, wearing a full set of Chaos Arcana can not do it.

But if the world treasure is in the hands of that person, it will be different!

Even with that person's full power, to urge the world treasures can only urge a few breathing times, but those few breathing times are enough to exert the power of the world treasures, and easily destroy them!

"No, this **** has the world's greatest treasure in his hands! Hurry and run!"

When the pupil shrank suddenly, Duanmuzhen reacted, bursting out and wanted everyone to escape.

Even if one of them can leave here, in this way, they can pass on the news that Li Lingtian has the treasure of the world.

Otherwise, the rest of the people do not know that Li Lingtian has the world's treasures in their hands, and will definitely underestimate the enemy. When the time comes, Li Lingtian will suddenly come out to kill them, and will definitely cause them great trouble, even defeating them and destroying them this time. The purpose is not impossible!

After all, they came this time, and there is no strong master of the world, but many masters of the eighth order of the domain leader. Even the man who is the finale and sitting in the town is only the ninth order of the domain master.

Therefore, they must pass on this news. Otherwise, Li Lingtian will bring them a very embarrassing memory!


The strong momentum of the world treasure, like a peerless beast, immediately shocked Duanmuzhen and others.


"Run away!"

After hearing Duanmuzhen's shouts, everyone dared not rush up again, and quickly withdrew their offensive and chose to escape!

Seeing this scene, Li Lingtian couldn’t help but lifted the corner of his mouth slightly. If this group of guys really killed him, maybe he could kill them all, but the strong lethality when that force exploded, he must also hurt him. Yourself.

Now, this group of guys actually chose to withdraw their hands, so he no longer has to worry!

Just the strength of the God of War oath will never hurt him!

"Drink, cut me!"

Li Lingtian did not dare to give them a chance to run away, and took a deep breath, but flew the oath of God of War.


Suddenly, a stern to the extreme, with a golden gleam of sword gas, burst out of the sword body of the God of War's oath and quickly plundered out.


Sword qi crossed the space, and suddenly brought bursts of sonic booms. With a thunderous speed, he quickly skimmed through the space and passed the dragon battle galaxy and others who were fleeing quickly!



With the sound of soft sounds again and again, the bodies of those people suddenly stiffened in place, the expression in their eyes gradually dimmed.

Even Duanmuzhen was no exception. He hadn't had time to fly out of Baizhangyuan, but was penetrated by sword gas.

For a moment, the whole world was silent, silent.

After Ling Lingtian finished wielding this sword, he did not hesitate at all, that is, he withdrew the oath of God of War, his hands were held behind his waist, his face looked indifferent, and he looked forward.

Seeing this scene, Mo Shifeng and others were all stunned, and they were very surprised. They were very surprised. Why did Li Lingtian stop using his sword? Is it possible that he has no strength?

But if this is the case, why did Duan Muzhen and others give up running, and each one, like Li Lingtian, is fixed in the air?


The breeze blows.



Almost instantly, Duanmuzhen's body burst like a balloon.

Crimson blood, like rain, poured down.


Suddenly seeing this scene, everyone could not help but take a breath, his face full of fear.

They did not expect that in the very moment that it was just before, Li Lingtian actually beheaded thousands of domain masters of the seventh order!

This kind of strength is really frightening!

Originally, Mo Shifeng and they only regarded Li Lingtian as the leader and a strong man, but now, in their view, what Li Lingtian has done is completely beyond the scope of humanity!

"God... this kind of strength... could it be that the gods are coming?"

"Horrible! In a flash, kill thousands of domain master seventh-order strongmen!"

"God is born!"

"Master Li! Master Li!"

After being shocked, the crowd cheered quickly.

Shouting shouting, a brand new title quietly sounded.

"No, this is the God of War!"

"God of War Li Lingtian!"

"God of War! God of War! God of War!"

Like the tide, the name of the God of War is one after another, loud.

Hearing the words, Li Lingtian couldn't help but the corners of his mouth slightly lifted up, he suddenly remembered what the guy Morris said to him.

Yes, in this world, after all, there is a God. It's just that those gods are those who are stronger than them!

For example, now ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ these guys have already regarded him as the **** of war!

"Now, I am using the world's treasure..."

Squinting his eyes, Li Lingtian murmured to himself: "I don't know when, when I don't use the world's treasure, I can dominate all living beings like a god..."

This feeling of being worshipped is really wonderful!

So much so that Li Lingtian was not lost in it.

After being silent for a moment, Li Lingtian shuddered, but he woke up and looked down. The crowd was still cheering, the sound of joy one after another.

"All quiet!"

Taking a deep breath, Li Lingtian Changxiao made a noise, and in an instant, the entire space was quiet.

Although Li Lingtian did not want to interrupt their celebration, he had to interrupt. This war is not over yet. It is too early to cheer now!

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