War God Supreme

Chapter 3370: 4 Shenzong's alchemy method

"Beep Beep Beep!"

The flames are burning, and from a distance, these flames are like a red hearth!

"this is……"

Wan Tianyu and others were all surprised when they saw this red furnace made entirely of flames. They were also the first to see such a wonderful red furnace!

"The way of heaven and earth is very strange, isn't it just to condense the flame into the alchemy furnace? What's so amazing?"

Li Lingtian glanced at a few people and said, "Okay, I'm going to start refining Sheng Yuan Dan. Don't talk!"

After all, Li Lingtian waved his right hand. Instantly, many herbs, such as Hanning grass, flame flower, fairy spirit grass, etc., were thrown out by Li Lingtian and suspended into the air.

"Throw the medicinal materials you collected, and throw them out to me!"

Li Lingtian suddenly snorted, and Wan Tianyu several people quickly threw away the herbs he had collected.

With a big wave of Li Lingtian's hand, all the medicinal materials were suspended in mid-air.

Taking a deep breath, Li Lingtian's hands flicked up. Suddenly, one-tenth of each medicinal material was clearly picked out, and immediately a huge attraction came out, instantly pulling them to the flame pill The middle of the furnace.


The flames ignited, and in just an instant, all the medicinal materials were swallowed into it.


Those medicinal materials were quickly melted in the hot heat.

Especially the flame flower, almost at the moment of encountering the flame, burned itself, and then released more hot heat to burn the rest of the medicinal materials.

This is really the first step of alchemy, purifying medicinal materials and refining the spiritual power contained in medicinal materials!

Li Lingtian's eyes narrowed slightly, seeming to be asleep, but his hands were shaking constantly, controlling the flames in the air.

The flames rolled and refined the medicinal materials.

Seeing this scene, Wan Tianyu and several people were all surprised.

This is the first time they have seen that there are people who do not need alchemy furnace for alchemy!

This kind of technology is simply amazing!

"Made, since I met an adult, I realized that I used to sit and watch the sky!"

"Huh, my luck is really good! If I didn't meet an adult, I'm afraid I'm dead now!"

Mo Shifeng lamented.

"Hahaha, me too!"

Wan Tianyu also laughed out loud, if he hadn't met Li Lingtian, I'm afraid he would not have progressed so fast.

All of a sudden, Mo Shifeng was quite emotional.

Just when several people felt emotionally, Li Lingtian also finished the first batch of medicinal materials.

The liquid of ten colors circulates in the air, shining with crystal light.

In that, it contains extremely strong energy.

"Drink, press me!"

Li Lingtian's eyes closed, his hands suddenly folded, and he quickly changed.

With the rhythm of Li Lingtian's hands and fingers, the flow of spiritual power was also merged together, and the hot flame exploded, and the red flames quickly swallowed the flow of spiritual power into it.

For a while, Wan Tianyu and several people could no longer see the spiritual flow, only to watch a flame burning in that flame!

"Don't talk anymore, look carefully at Master Alchemy!"


It was the first time for Wan Tianyu to see this kind of alchemy method. He was curious in his heart, and all of them were carefully observed. They were fascinated by each one!

And just in the eyes of several people, those flames are further refining the essence of the spiritual power flow!

Numerous turbid gases continuously emerged from the fireball, and were immediately baked into the air by the hot high temperature!

After about a quarter of an hour, the flames suddenly dispersed, and the spiritual flow suddenly turned into a thick light ball that three people embraced.

"Drink, congeal!"

With the sound of soft drink falling, the flames changed again, even condensing into the shape of an iron hammer, and Li Lingtian's right hand was raised immediately, holding it in a virtual hand, and the iron hammer was rippling.


At the next moment, the hammer fell and hit the light ball fiercely.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

A clear voice sounded, and the light ball was suddenly crushed. Immediately, the flame hammer continued to fall, hitting it from different angles.

With the smashing of the flame hammer, the light sphere gradually shrank and became staring.

This is the third step of alchemy, refining the medicinal power!

In fact, this method of alchemy is the method Li Lingtian learned from the inheritance of the four elephants and beasts.

Li Lingtian knows that the inheritance of the four elephants and beasts is unpredictable. Since this method of alchemy can be retained in the inheritance, it must be very excellent. Therefore, this time, Li Lingtian adopted this method.

At the beginning, Li Lingtian was also a little worried, but with the passage of time, Li Lingtian was full of confidence in this alchemy method!

He could feel that after this method of extraction, nearly 90% of the essence in the medicinal materials were all extracted. Unlike the previous alchemy technique, only up to 70% of the essence can be extracted.

Moreover, under this method of refining, the remaining 10% of the medicinal essence is not wasted, but is condensed into a special substance, which diffuses in the air and prevents the rest of the medicinal essence from flowing out.

This made Li Lingtian amazed. The Four Gods Sect is worthy of the former top sect, just an alchemy technique, which is much more powerful than the alchemy technique now prevailing in the universe.

Taking a deep breath, Li Lingtian calmed his mind and controlled the flame hammer, constantly striking the light ball condensed by the mass of medicinal essence!

Under the hammer of the flame hammer, the ball of light quickly shrank to the size of a fist.


At this time, among the light spheres, the radiating light was dazzling and dazzling.


The Flame Hammer smashed again, but it made a sound of gold and iron thunder.

Li Lingtian raised his eyebrows slightly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Opened his eyes and looked up, only to see that fist-sized light ball, can no longer continue to refine!

All the essence has been coagulated together, and the dross has already been eliminated.

"Hoo... cut me!"

As soon as his thoughts moved, Li Lingtian's right index finger and **** merged and swiped sharply, and suddenly, dozens of sharp swords whizzed up.


It was only an instant that those sword qi cut the light ball completely.


After being split, the light **** turned into dozens of round beads and fell from the sky.


The hot flame erupted, and the red flame instantly swallowed those split medicinal essences!

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