War God Supreme

Chapter 3377: Duan Mulin shot

I don’t know if the testers are too weak or the test levels in the Jade Dragon Holy City are too difficult.

In the seventeenth floor, the number of people has been very small. It takes almost a long time before anyone enters. Moreover, the speed of the people in the seventeenth floor through trial is also very slow.

In the past two months, the fastest person has reached the sixth level!

This made Li Lingtian wonder. Was the trial so difficult?

Another month passed, and finally there were nearly a hundred people who came to the seventeenth floor, and more than thirty people seemed to come together, decided to cooperate, and passed the eighth crown trial together, and came to the end Before the test!


Taking a deep breath, Li Lingtian awakened Wan Tianyu and others. Several people adjusted their status and rushed towards the deepest point.

The deepest guardian is the puppet of the ninth-rank peak of the ten domain masters.

If Wan Tianyu did not take Sheng Yuan Dan, they would still feel a headache.

But at this time, Wan Tianyu was not afraid of them. Even, Mo Shifeng shot alone, and he completely destroyed these ten puppets in a wave of hands!


After the destruction of the ten puppets, a silver-white light suddenly flashed out, and in an instant, the six people of Li Lingtian were enveloped.

At the next moment, the light dissipated, and the figures of Li Lingtian's six people completely disappeared into this mysterious space.


Suddenly, ten puppets emerged and guarded here.

It's just that their strength has been reduced from the peak of the domain master's ninth order to the later stage of the domain master's ninth order!

Obviously, the difficulty of the trial here will gradually decrease.

Otherwise, in the realm of the ninth peak of the domain master, few testers can pass this level of trial.

And when Li Lingtian left here, the people on the 17th floor finally passed the ninth level test and came to this space!

As soon as they came here, they were also surprised by the peculiarity of space, but soon, they just felt the breath of the guardian and did not stay there, but rushed past.

In their view, passing the trial is far more important than practicing there!

If Li Lingtian knew it, he would definitely be depressed. He wished he could practice more in that space for a while!

After being shrouded in silver light, Li Lingtian worried that those high-ranking people of the Holy Alliance would take action on them, and his heart moved. They called out the field of Wanxuan Holy Fire and protected all six of them.

I don't know how long after that, Li Lingtian felt the surrounding air became fresher.

Quickly opened his eyes, dispersed to the field of Wanxuan Shenghuo, Li Lingtian's eyes, it was green mountains and clear water.


The sound of crisp water flow sounded, and in a short time, Li Lingtian's tense mentality relaxed.


With a sigh of relief, all of Wan Tianyu was excited and shouted: "Ha ha ha, finally came out of that broken place!"

"Yes! After so long, this trial has finally been completed!"

"Oh, what about those from the top of the Holy Alliance? Why didn't you see them?"

After a few people were excited, they suddenly realized that they did not find the high-ranking people of the Holy Alliance.

"Ha ha……"

At this time, a laughter suddenly sounded: "Congratulations to the six of you who passed the trial, and, also, the first batch of people who passed the trial!"

Suddenly hearing the voice, Li Lingtian raised his eyebrows and looked in the direction of the voice, only to see a group of ten people sitting quietly on the high platform.

Around them, many guards also stood.

The strength of those guards is impressively the eighth order of the domain master, and even the ninth order of the domain master!

As for the dozens of people sitting at that end, all are the realm of the half-step world master.

All of a sudden, Wan Tianyu was nervous.

Although they have also broken through to the master of the half-step world, they do not know much about this state. If they fight with these old fritters, they are definitely not opponents.

However, Li Lingtian's eyes were staring at an old man.

In Li Lingtian's induction, the old man's breath is like an abyss, unfathomable!

"Master, this is definitely a master of the world!"

Li Lingtian's heart was awkward. Sure enough, it was absolutely impossible for the senior leaders of the League to send only a few half-step world masters to come down. There must be a master of the world master level.

When Li Lingtian looked at the old man, the old man also looked at Li Lingtian.

That old man is Duan Mulin! Duan Muqi's grandpa!

When the enemies met, they were extremely jealous. Almost instantly, the murderous intention in Duan Mulin's heart was surging and could not be suppressed.

What a keen sense of Li Lingtian's mental strength was, in the blink of an eye, he realized Duan Mulin's killing intent on him, and immediately took a few steps back, staring closely at Duan Mulin.

He is also very weird in his heart. Why did this old guy suddenly kill?


At this time, several other senior leaders of the Holy Alliance also discovered Duan Mulin's killing intention, and immediately whispered: "Elder Duanmu! You pay attention!"

"The trial is about to end, what do you want to do?"

Hearing the words, Duan Mulin's eyes were red, and suddenly he got up, and the unscrupulous killing in his body broke out.

"What am I going to do?"

Suddenly, Duan Mulin growled: "I want to avenge my grandchildren!"

"Li Lingtian! Your big dog gall, dare to kill my grandson!"

The growler, Duan Mulin is like a demon, with his black hair dancing wildly, like a crazy demon.

Suddenly, those surging momentum, that is, the forced Wan Tianyu and others all took a few steps back, and their faces were all panicked.

Originally, after the breakthrough, they thought their strength was considered strong, but now ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ in front of Duan Mulin, they realized that their strength, in front of Duan Mulin, was like a ant general!

Weak, it is too weak!


Li Lingtian took a step forward and blocked most of the terrible killing intentions. He raised his eyebrows and suddenly surprised: "Are you the grandfather of Duan Muqi?"


Wen Yan, several people in Wan Tianyu also exclaimed, and immediately their faces were bleak.

Finished, they actually killed the grandson of a strong man in the world, so Duan Mulin would never let them go!

Even if the rest of the elders helped them, they survived from a strong world master.

After all, the gap between the Lord of the World and the Lord of the Half-Step World is like a skyrocketing!

For a time, Wan Tianyu was desperate in his heart!

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