War God Supreme

Chapter 3379: Breeze and moon

"Do you really think you can stop me?"

Speaking of which, Duan Mulin's tone suddenly became eerie.

It is said that the three people of Wan Kun all looked awkward.

Indeed, with their strength, they could not stop Duan Mulin before they could break through Duan Mulin's attack, because Duan Mulin did not guard against them.

"Duan Mulin, you have to remember that this is not a Dragon Battle Galaxy!?"

"I don't believe it, the senior leaders of the Holy Alliance will really be messed up by you!"

It has to be said that Wan Kun is still extremely clever, and his eyes turned to other few senior elders of the Holy League.


Duan Mulin gave a soft sigh, and suddenly his right hand waved. At the next moment, a purple ray suddenly rushed up, but in an instant, the high-level people of the Holy Alliance were shrouded in light.


The senior leaders of the Holy Alliance had not responded, but their faces changed slightly. At the next moment, their bodies were imprisoned in place, unable to move, and they could only widen their eyes and stared at Duan Mulin.

Don't say it's moving, even the words can't be said.

It can be seen that this time, Duan Mulin was so determined that Li Lingtian and others should be moved!


Realizing this, Li Lingtian, Wan Kun and others all took a breath.

It seems that you can only fight with death!

"A group of small debris, dare to kill my grandchildren of Duan Mulin, you are looking for your own way!"

The angry Duan Mulin did not want to drag it on any longer. He understood that now that there are few people, it really doesn't matter if Li Lingtian was killed. Others would dare not expose it.

But if most people are out of the trial, Duan Mulin will not be able to start even if he is stronger.

After all, there are too many people participating in the trial. He cannot threaten everyone, nor can he kill all of them. Therefore, he cannot do extraordinary things.

Everyone in Li Lingtian also understands this, so they are also thinking about whether they can drag it on until others pass the trial.

Wan Tianyu also regretted it. As long as he knew it, he should not urge Li Lingtian and should wait for the rest. They passed the trial together!

But there is no regret medicine in the world!

"Come to die!"

Duan Mulin folded his hands together and snapped a sudden, and the clouds changed between the sky and the sky.


The thunder was roaring, the electric light was fierce, and the surging momentum was like a mountain, pressing on Li Lingtian and others.

All of a sudden, not to mention Li Lingtian, even the three Wan Kun, all with dignified faces, shivered.

The strong of the world's master level is really too strong!


However, just as Li Lingtian and others were about to despair, a loud laughter full of sarcasm sounded abruptly.

"Interesting, a strong man of the world's master level is actually bullying some children here!"

"The people of the Duanmu family are really shameless as always!"

As the voice fell, the voice was also startling.


Suddenly, a thunder burst and the dark clouds in the air were suddenly split, and this area was restored to clarity again.


"Which **** dare to stop me from doing something good?"

Duan Mulin was furious, only to be interrupted by Wan Kun, and now he was interrupted again. He could not be more angry.

But after calming down, Duan Mulin frowned slightly and became nervous.

This time, he can be said to have tried his best, but Lai Ren is still able to break through his attacks, showing that the strength of Lai Ren is definitely not under him!

"Hahaha! Duan Mulin, you open your dog's eyes and see, who is the old man!"

That loud laughter sounded, and at the same time, a space crack suddenly appeared in the air.

At the next moment, three figures appeared quietly in the air.

The two old men stood on the left and right, with a dignified look on their faces, giving a strong sense of prestige.

Behind them, there is a woman with a graceful figure, wearing a mask on her face, who can't see her face clearly.

Not only that, she seemed to be covered with a veil, and she could not sense her specific strength at all.

"The two of you are immortal!"

As soon as Duan Mulin saw the two old men, his face suddenly became somber, and he shouted, "Breeze and Mingyue, you are always the same as the Duanmu family. I haven't violated the river. Why did you stop me today?"

The Qingfeng and Mingyue elders are all masters of the world's first-order peak realm. Together, they are close to the world's third-order realm, and behind them, there is also a mysterious organization. Therefore, Duan Mulin also They dare not be overbearing towards these two.


Qingfeng and Mingyue sneered, and immediately ridiculed: "Indeed, we used to be well-watered and not guilty of river water. We just don't see anyone here bullying!"

"How many years have you lived, you actually participated in the struggle between the juniors. If you say it, are you afraid of losing face?"

Hearing the words, Duan Mulin couldn't help but his face was frozen, Shen Sheng shouted: "Two, I respect you, but you are over!"

"These **** killed my Duanmu family, why can't I shoot them?"

"Don't think you have him behind you, I won't dare to shoot you!"

"Hahaha, Duan Mulin, if you want to do it, you can do it, we don't have time to tangle with you here!"

Qingfeng and Mingyue were not timid. Suddenly, Duan Mulin frowned, and her heart was tense.

As soon as the eyes turned, Duan Mulin turned her eyes to the woman.

After a brief induction, Duan Mulin felt more hesitant in his heart. He could sense that the woman was definitely a strong man and his strength was not weaker than him.

Coupled with the words of Qingfeng and Mingyue, he is not an opponent at all!

Suddenly, Duan Mulin hesitated.

Seeing this scene, several people in Li Lingtian suddenly breathed a sigh of relief~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Soon, Wan Kun and the three of them were horrified, why suddenly there was the power of the three world masters coming Help, they don't know!

Is it possible that those people came to save Li Lingtian?

Suddenly, Wan Kun moved his heart and turned to look at Li Lingtian. As soon as the thought rose, he could no longer suppress it.

Even if Wan Kun saw Li Lingtian's face full of surprises, his heart was still very firm.

In his view, only Li Lingtian can have such potential, which has alarmed several world-class strongmen!

"Damn, I knew a long time ago and I brought a few more people!"

After clenching his teeth, Duan Mulin knew that he had no chance of winning and was ready to give up.

However, at this time, there was a series of crisp sounds in the air.

Li Lingtian and others all changed their looks.

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